Trinity .21 has some issue and is not stable. Use Trinity .20 Just Tested with DB .388 and Trinity .20 and works flawless for me
It might be that I am to stupid to handle this script.... but! Why is it restarting that profile on difficulty 'normal' when I first started it with Torment I? Please help.
I just noticed that level 2 of the rift seems to be a different map now. It looks like half the size of what it used to be. I think blizzard nerfed the mob and chest density for lvl 2 just recently. Anyone else notice this lately? I seem to be getting a lot of errors, but so far the bot manages to get the bounties done before exiting. Will update if I come across any bot impeding errors.
bro ThuGyY can teach me how to extend the town portal timer? sometimes my bot tp back to town leaving 1 or 2 monsters to there at level 2. thank you
have you manually started it on torment#1 and bot made new game on normal? then go to db -> settings -> bot -> gmae difficulty -> torment 1
Is there any way i can make it NOT open cursed chests? Getting 3 Mallet Lords on HC Torments can turn out to be a disaster..
Ya the 3 Mallet always giving me very hard time to kill the so it is better not open the cursed chest.
I'm using profile B (Hellrift - ignoreDvessel) But it seems to ignore cursed chests also, thank you in advance for any help : )
Keeps remaking games "no bounties left to do". My fucking ass nothing left to do, wish this bot would work once a fucking month, so tired of this shit.
someone pls teach me how to make my bot not to open the cursed chest. i had tried o.3 and 0.4 both profiles also will open it. Thank you
is it possible to open the cursed chest after the bounty has been done? at the moment it does open the CC when there are too many mobs to handle.
Considering the fact that 99% of the communities bots work just fine... probably in your settings/you didn't properly update.
Updates Code: [B]Hell RIft v3.0[/B] a. Updated the profiles to work with Trinity v1.8.23 and QuestTools v1.5.45 b. Added a profile for Hardcore (Ignores Cursed chest and Demonic Vessels)
Having an issue if the curse chest is finished after the run and the bot opens it. It will just TP before picking up any items and restart game. Any fix?