I made like 4 different decks to test and after 20 games i lost all 20. Can someone help me make a deck?
currently im playing zoo warlock and it works fine 5 wins 0 losses in unraked mode just bought the bot so..
Can you show me the cards ur using? im using zoo deck and lost 5more in a row. I cant even beat easy AI
currently 79-59 in casual with rogue. This is the only deck I've tried so far. After watching the bot for a couple hours, it's apparent your minions will not trade with opposing, non-taunt minions. You will attack opposing non-taunt minions only when the attacker will kill the opposing minion while not dying. With this knowledge and learning the priorities I loaded the deck with situationally high priority minions (Ironbeak Owl, The Black Knight, Big Game Hunter x2...) and individually efficient minions (like Chillwind Yeti & Ragnaros).
2x Leper Gnome 2x Voodoo Doctor 2x Young Priestess 2x Amani Berserker 1x Ironbeak Owl 2x Loot Hoarder 1x Millhouse Manastorm 2x Big Game Hunter 2x Earthen Ring Farseer 1x King Mukla 1x Mind Control Tech 2x Chillwind Yeti 2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta 2x Fen Creeper 1x Spiteful Smith 1x Stampeding Kodo 1x Cairne Bloodhoof 1x Sunwalker 1x The Black Knight 1x Ragnaros the Firelord from level 38 to 54 in ~4 days
LOL... literally JUST noticed the deck is entirely neutral. I'm running the same deck -1 Spiteful Smith, +1 Jaraxxus with Warlock now and achieving similar results.
http://puu.sh/8kdRO.png A cheap and effective zoo deck. I'm using a modified version of this deck which Is better for ladder. 2-10 with this deck, but winrate doesn't say much as there is an MMR for casual too. Update: Been getting 50%(20-20) Today after the MMR dropped a bit.
Just got this with my hunter deck 15-1 the one because the connection. fast Hold of the field in begin en mid game end finishing it fast with low attack monsters. 2x Timber Wolf 2x Leper Gnome 2x Arcane Shot 2x Abusive Sergeant 2x Unleash the Hounds 1x Snake Trap 1x Scavenging Hyena 2x Bluegill Warrior 2x Starving Buzzard 2x Explosive Trap 2x Ironbeak Owl 2x Misdirection 2x Eaglehorn Bow 2x Kill Command 2x Arcane Golem 2x Wolfrider
I just ran the default rogue deck in non ranked for 30 games and went 15/15. It actually went 9/1 for the first 10.