I am getting this Error almost every time i come to this web site. Sometimes it will load the first time, then ill click on a link and i get this error. and it will be that way for a few minutes!
i never get that on 2 different isp and ips comcast and mediacom cable and im looking at these forums all different hours..
they use a program that stops people from spamming the webpage. It only dissconnects you when you refresh page to soon or sometimes it just gets stupid lol
Not so much on the new forums, but the old ones it was horrible. I use Telus and Shaw (Canada companies)
Quite ironic but when I clicked the link to open this thread it happened. But yes, it happens to me I'm online all hours of the day and night. And as I'm in a different country I'm usually visiting the site when it is least used but the message still appears for me.
I get it, fixes it self though. But it does seem to be slow at times... I do believe we've been under DDOS for awhile now though
Most know that someone is trying to knock out site offline with an attack called a DDOS. The attack started in November and it shows no sign of stopping any time soon. The current rate of the DDOS is about 1000 Gigs of data every day. The site itself uses less than 1% of that. We are getting it under control but there will be times when the sheer volume of traffic makes the forum hard to reach.