can you make the frost cr do this for burst cos my frost mage has beetter gear and with your cr im not close to it i do about 400k tops
View attachment 4572 2014-04-25 21.29.txt Heres my log file. FrameLock enabled. Bot set to all way down to 11 TPS....had it up t 30. Just dont under stand why its lagging unless it just when I jump or moving ...and it doent handle that well? Hopefully i can can some insight. Thank you for your time. M111
Hey there, Trying arcane with 573 ilvl and %85 mastery. It only does 200k dps with all cds Couldnt find a way to increase it
200K umms there is something drastic wrong going on there. There was a op posted a how for arcane mages a while back I suggest you go have a look at that if you must play arcane come to think of it might be stickied on the main page if not read back in the forums as it was only about four weeks ago it was posted. I suggest playing frost out right as this routine rocks at frost. Good Luck on fixing your issue
Searching every single tip but couldnt make it running. I will check again for more information. Personally doing 300k without cds on single target as arcane. It must rock as 350k at least for a rotation bot i suppose.
Really it depends a lot of people get confused because they do not understand the talents/glyphs they are using. A common mistake I see are people thinking the test dummy's in vale will provide a accurate dps amount. they wont because for one thing there are 4 dummy's stacked and if your using frost bomb or multi dotting with living bomb/nether tempest and using glyph of splitting ice you will be doing a lot more dps because of well aoe plus more critting giving you icicles ect... the raiding dummy in stormwind that is away from the rest and disable aoe is a far better gauge but also remember you got only your own buffs. I seen a funny video posted a few posts back of some guy doing big numbers in shrine target dummys for the love of god dont follow that post as there are so many mistakes in that video it make me cry it's even up on youtube. Best advice I can give you is to know the correct talents/glyphs for each fight and take time to set the routine correctly and make a few profiles that you can quick load. also for arcane you can select stuff to be used on cool down then hot key your cool down so you can enable it and disable it to enable you the best possible opening sequence as this will set up your total damage for the entire fight because of the way damage meters work if you get a shit start your damage will look weaker through out the fight.
i find my 561 ilevel mage i cant get over 200k dps in arcane and frost can someone plz show me the way you set you frost or arcane up plz
Trying only single target with single dummy. Doesnt matter whatever i tried with the program. I can do 300k with same glyphs and everything. Its just the program cant get good dps as arcane
After owning Demonic and the BGFarmer I finally caved and ended up getting this as well. Waiting for my confirmation now - I'm eager Millz
On the very first post just above the portal download link there are 2 guides one for pvp and pve I suggest you have a read
Well sure it does. You just have to keep an eye on your trinket proccs, along with situational using of CDs for each boss.
Read up a bit on how to best optimize CD's if you're going to try use them manually: Arcane Mage PvE Guide
Is there a way to stop it from giving everyone in my bg slow fall constantly. It will dismount if i run past a team member that doesnt have it. I have looked all over the place and unchecked anything that had anything to do with auto buffs and slowfall and it still does this.
You have auto slowfall enabled So here ( you see it's set to Alt+Numpad0. You need to press whatever hotkey you've assigned that to
I have it assigned to none. Would that make a difference? Next time i log my mage i will give it a try to see. Thanks
May be a bug where setting it to none causes it to fire constantly - all i can say is i do not have this issue, and i have it bound to a key.