Doesn't appear to be a ban wave; my account is still active. However, that being said - if you bot, you should always be careful. Most of the people I see that have gotten banned appear to be using public farming profiles - and I'd be willing to bet that most of them were reported by other players. If warden were involved - I should definitely have been banned by now (botting 16ish hours a day). As stated above, I think that the majority of botters being banned are from other players reporting their bottish behavior (getting stuck in the same areas; walking into things constantly; moving in directions players can't - going straight down like riding an elevator; moving like you're riding your flying mount down a set of stairs etc.) Bottom line - use common sense; it'll go a long way.
Thanks! Relatively new to this community, but botted for ages using glider (before Blizz sued them to force a shutdown).
My philosophy is to do whatever you want with botting and if you get banned then buy another account.
11/11 banned funny thing is 4 of them got 72 hours at first and after half an hour an email came with permaban. First 72h was for hacks, perma was for abuse of economy.
20/20 banned, 5 of them had 72h ban and two days later permaban. perma was for abuse of economy. strange thing. now i have to buy 20 new accounts
i realy think we got a ban wave..... i use bot on an account 4 days ago for the last time....and for 4 day my account was off it got banned!!!!! i was offline for 4 days and before it i just using hb 4-6 hour per day randomly! also 5/5 of my accounts got banned today and yesterday....1/1 of my friend acc too!3/3 of other friend also!
@globulki & @coolcrumbs - were you botting from the same computer or same network? I'm thinking IP ban. I'm not saying it's not possible that there isn't a ban wave, I'm just saying that IF there is one, I should have been caught for sure doing 16ish+ hours daily.
As of now, all 18 of my accounts are still good. I only use the bot on 6 at a time, so... I am knocking on wood.
lol. to the guys saying its a ban wave, I know you are referring to a higher than usual ban rate, which in any case is still unlikely.. but you are going to get insulted because the term "ban wave" is referred to the detection of the bot leading to a mass ban on the community and millions of tears, thus a lot of misunderstanding, and we all know that forumers hate misunderstandings.. So please be more careful when you choose your words!
Its not widespread banwave, but focused banwave towards the forumuser sozi, instead! Now seriously, when will people start acting bit more mature!
they ban my accounts for ever!and do not answer my tickets and cancel them!!! it is the first time of these accounts to get ban but the do not wanna excuse me and accept my appeal... i dont know what to do
If my ip is flagged does it mean that they sometimes check on me if im botting or does it mean that when 1 from 10 accounts got banned the other 9 got banned aswell though they were not caught by gm or some kind automated software they ve got