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  • [Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by sychotix, Apr 4, 2014.

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    1. kyriakos

      kyriakos New Member

      Apr 22, 2014
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      SVN Clan of the Moon Cave has been tweaked and works correctly in my testing.
    2. HitmanReborn

      HitmanReborn New Member

      Apr 22, 2014
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      It seems that the bot never wants complete the watch tower bounty in act 1. It will find the tower and enter it, then it just tp's to town and start the bounty over again, it will just keep on repeating this cycle until the gold inactivity timer goes off. I've started using act 1 two days ago and I've been updating profile to the latest SVN every few hours or so, and this issues is recurring throughout each update.

      Edit: I've ran the profile with the BETA .394 w/.27, .403 w/.28,
      RELEASE .357 w/.27, and .359 w/.27. The Issue was recurring with all these DB versions
      Last edited: May 1, 2014
    3. vogel81

      vogel81 Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      Exception when terminating bot thread. System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 00000000, Size: 344
      at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
      at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Service.BnetParty.CreateGame(Act act, GameDifficulty difficulty, Int32 quest, Int32 questStep, Boolean resumeFromSave, Boolean isPrivate)
      at Zeta.Bot.Logic.BrainBehavior.œ(Object )
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Sequence..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
      at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Zeta.Bot.BotMain.()

      Waiting 11.3 seconds before next game...
    4. Fujiyama

      Fujiyama Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      This have happened several times.
    5. neko66

      neko66 New Member

      Apr 14, 2014
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      There is still bug in Kill Diablo quest.
    6. xzjv

      xzjv Community Developer

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Act 3 Bounties
      Loaded profile Event_DeathChill
      Using Waypoint. Number:32
      Using Waypoint. Number:32
      [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      [Trinity] Successfully navigated to priority scene a3_Battlefield_Sub120_IceCavesEntrance_A 188349 center <2976.25, 775, 0.1090608> Distance 13
      [Trinity] Found Object 176003!
      [MoveToMapMarker] DestinationWorlId matched, finished
      [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176076!
      Loaded profile Act 3 - Loader
      Act 3 Bounties
      Loaded profile Event_DeathChill
      [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176076!
      Loaded profile Act 3 - Loader
      Act 3 Bounties
      Loaded profile Event_DeathChill
      [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176076!
      Loaded profile Act 3 - Loader
      Act 3 Bounties
      Loaded profile Event_DeathChill
      [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      [Trinity] Found Alternate Object 176076!
      Loaded profile Act 3 - Loader

      --- stuck looping on this
    7. alias1

      alias1 New Member

      Sep 16, 2013
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      Hi guys,

      In Act 4, my bot does not return to town to talk to Tyrael after killing Diablo or completing a bounty in Silver Spire lvl 2 until it re-explores the whole Silver Spire lvl 2 and finally after several minutes, town-portal back.

      I tried fresh re-install and does not appear to work.

      Does anyone have similar issue? If no, I will try to locate the log where the bug occurred.

    8. r3plic4tor

      r3plic4tor New Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      Act 4 is broken atm with newest DB and trinity.. Try db 357 and .24
    9. Dev E Jay

      Dev E Jay New Member

      Apr 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      A1 Cathedral Level 2 Bounty - The Cursed Chamber of Bone.
      bot is just wondering around ignoring quest.

      db .359
      quest tools 1.5.50
      trinity 1.8.24
    10. Coolio

      Coolio New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      I have no clue what could be wrong here . . .
      I'm using a barb with this profile with latest EZ Update and Trinity and DB Beta
      1. My barb uses WOTB on goblins even if i've set it not to use WOTB on gobs.
      2. On some gobs it damages them for 50-70% of their max hp then it ignores them letting them run away even if i've set it to KAMIKAZEE on gobs
      3. It doesn't use CURSED SHRINES it just walk around them without clicking them (but not always) even if i've set USE SHRINES
      4. In a lot of areas it just walks allover the map even if the bounty is finnished and it never leaves the area just walk all way back and forth on the whole map.
      5. After a bounty ends why does it port to base to go to the next bounty instead of going straight from the previous bounty by pressing M ?
    11. MaxDps

      MaxDps New Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Same here !
    12. xzjv

      xzjv Community Developer

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Events that aren't the primary objective are blacklisted because trinity wait for event completely hosed us off and broke the profiles. We may unblacklist them so it does events it finds along the way at some point, once it all gets fixed.

      Because the waypoint tag is not safe, if it gets interrupted while trying to use it, it may start the profile without having arrived yet, then you'll waste even more time than 5 seconds to go to town.
      Last edited: May 1, 2014
    13. Zoulette

      Zoulette New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      Act 1 - Kill the Butcher

      Each time the bot get this bounty, then goes to Halls of Agony (level 3), it finds the long way previous the Butcher gate, to finaly turn back. It explores the whole map before comes back and pass trough the gate. That's a waste of time, maybe it could be enhanced.
    14. vikt0r

      vikt0r New Member

      Dec 7, 2013
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      Act 1

      >> Please Report to Community Bounty Thread
      >> that 'path_kill_weeping_hollow' failed.
    15. neko66

      neko66 New Member

      Apr 14, 2014
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      Same issue
    16. kyriakos

      kyriakos New Member

      Apr 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Any chance you can elaborate? A log would be useful to see what step things are breaking down for you on. Please ensure you're on latest DemonBuddy, Trinity, and SVN 256.
    17. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Hello there, is there a reason why we need to use DB BETA? as i've been running these profiles on the released versions of DB ( Non-beta) and they work flawlessly on my end, havent had a single issue yet ( atleast on act 4! )

      Was just wondering, if it was worth getting DB Beta? or?
    18. Coolio

      Coolio New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 00000320, Size: 4
      at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
      at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.FastAttribGroupsEntry.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute)
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute)
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](ActorAttributeType attributeType)
      at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_Level()
      at Zeta.Bot.GameStats.(Object , EventArgs )
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
      at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
      at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
      at Zeta.Bot.Pulsator.(Delegate , Object[] )

      I always get this error in red when i start the profile
    19. superconnard

      superconnard New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Little bug in Kazra cave level 2. Bot don't reach the level 2 and keep continuing to tp and walk around the map, reach the cave and tp etc...

      14:53:51.510 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f6746123-fb9f-4796-8756-c68123efefd6
      14:53:51.527 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:53:51.698 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      14:53:51.755 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      14:53:56.231 INFO Logger [Trinity] Found exitNameHash -1187439574!
      14:53:56.418 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 25f8ce22-b1b4-4306-9779-33f51cb682c5
      14:53:59.000 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:53:59.000 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
      14:53:59.001 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      14:53:59.001 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      14:53:59.138 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Clear the Clan of the Moon Cave (344547)
      14:53:59.138 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      14:53:59.138 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      14:53:59.139 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:53:59.178 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:31
      14:53:59.178 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 12969dfb-6e1a-47a5-b783-319b949dc5c6
      14:53:59.284 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=444089
      14:53:59.284 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] da596258-b9e1-4d3a-94e3-16ecc470bf73
      14:54:01.829 INFO Logger [Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
      14:54:07.123 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:54:09.442 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7c4971ba-9847-4088-a8b7-d5303d9416d0
      14:54:10.488 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 42d0bd7d-d673-4f33-a55c-55f901a01db7
      14:54:10.595 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:13
      14:54:14.352 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:54:14.354 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] cd530475-f490-43b0-9caa-08c74da9c1d9
      14:54:18.054 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:54:18.055 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 01664aac-c7d2-4057-a341-115664fd0cff
      14:54:42.112 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:54:42.322 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:54:42.322 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 4d5ffe25-3f2c-45e4-be8c-61e1ea979616
      14:54:42.343 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:54:42.522 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d8fc46f8-49f2-40c7-bcde-ce4f6c6952c0
      14:54:42.742 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:54:42.743 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 28a269b8-a791-473b-8a7e-fa61e8e88c2a
      14:54:57.626 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:54:57.808 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 037d3859-e5c1-417d-940d-6e2b1881ca6c
      14:54:58.033 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:54:58.034 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2ffd044c-a2d8-49de-8e76-a9395cb69fc8
      14:55:11.972 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:55:12.139 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9a89d013-3b20-4b6b-a7e1-80c628ea5dd2
      14:55:12.324 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      14:55:12.325 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:12.513 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      14:55:12.565 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      14:55:12.565 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:12.566 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:12.566 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b1f41707-f704-4844-af2e-cc0260e81c40
      14:55:12.580 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:12.754 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      14:55:12.807 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      14:55:13.973 INFO Logger [Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="71150"
      14:55:13.974 DEBUG Logger [Trinity] (destination=<2230, 4062.5, 0>, which is 17,4102 distance away)
      14:55:13.974 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Generated Unstuck position x="2190" y="4086" z="0" distance=45,0 rayCast=5 navObsticle=0
      14:55:22.071 INFO Logger [Trinity] Found exitNameHash -1187439574!
      14:55:22.254 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 35e17695-bf7f-4c51-baa5-a35a45fc0b35
      14:55:24.682 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:24.683 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
      14:55:24.683 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      14:55:24.683 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      14:55:24.825 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Clear the Clan of the Moon Cave (344547)
      14:55:24.825 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      14:55:24.825 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      14:55:24.826 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:24.879 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:31
      14:55:24.880 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7c17c979-9b54-4360-9813-8ffa7e30fab1
      14:55:24.965 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=444089
      14:55:24.966 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2df35b87-fc43-4c5a-98df-b38f4874bb0d
      14:55:27.516 INFO Logger [Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
      14:55:35.167 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:35.303 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 835a9745-b661-4044-84f3-9bd9b4266302
      14:55:36.387 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f3d01d69-83e6-46d4-bda0-18a433842088
      14:55:36.520 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:13
      14:55:39.619 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:55:39.620 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 590e297e-ea69-4a46-bc5b-a785fd509520
      14:55:43.169 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:55:43.170 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3995a0a4-bebb-41c4-95d9-5bf0cc8162e6
      14:56:03.316 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      14:56:07.694 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:56:07.825 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:56:07.826 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2730515c-56c6-49f6-93c5-f0ddbf8b3da2
      14:56:07.826 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:56:07.958 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 80272704-83f8-47f3-80f0-94cfad3b2d6d
      14:56:08.094 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:56:08.094 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c9734628-8eb2-4cea-8b92-bed2a7c37d03
      14:56:22.567 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:56:22.689 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6620dc70-b14b-4a9e-909d-caa9e806d1a0
      14:56:22.824 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] Initialized
      14:56:22.824 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 895c5118-9147-46f8-a02e-7eda6f4f225c
      14:56:36.818 INFO Logger [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination!
      14:56:36.941 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7b2076c8-7f86-45da-a280-45e24b796c84
      14:56:37.076 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      14:56:37.076 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:37.252 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      14:56:37.305 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      14:56:37.306 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:37.306 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:37.307 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c355bfbb-c419-4b2c-839d-b4d39f6f3d8b
      14:56:37.324 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:37.498 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      14:56:37.555 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      14:56:46.466 INFO Logger [Trinity] Found exitNameHash -1187439574!
      14:56:47.159 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:47.159 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
      14:56:47.159 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      14:56:47.159 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      14:56:47.293 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Clear the Clan of the Moon Cave (344547)
      14:56:47.294 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      14:56:47.294 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      14:56:47.294 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      14:56:47.295 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:31
      14:56:47.295 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c315230f-9d6d-4b4a-b943-6cc051ef269c
      14:56:48.640 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=444089
      14:56:48.641 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f1a002fd-38ad-48c9-a1f3-6c8c84296b53
      14:57:04.658 INFO Logger [Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
      15:07:10.232 DEBUG MainWindow Start/Stop Button Clicked!
      15:07:10.234 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot.
      15:07:10.235 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 02:34:12.8279552
      15:07:10.235 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
      15:07:10.298 INFO BotMain Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
      15:07:10.354 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()
      15:07:10.356 DEBUG BotMain TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      15:07:10.357 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      15:07:10.357 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 19a057f1-8d2b-48f5-a4a9-68a0e51b5212
      15:07:10.358 DEBUG BotMain OnStop event
      15:07:10.358 DEBUG BotMain OnStop Event Invoking
      15:07:10.360 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      15:07:10.360 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      15:07:19.252 DEBUG BotMain Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
      15:07:19.255 DEBUG MainWindow Forcing all open windows to close.
    20. superconnard

      superconnard New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      same thing with bountie "kill the gardien" (act I) he explore the hall of agony 2 and when he find the passage just tp and restart to explore > tp etc. He don't reach the cave to kill gardian.

      15:43:41.208 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      15:43:41.339 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
      15:43:41.340 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      15:43:41.342 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      15:43:41.356 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:41.357 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:41.435 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 25992809-9b5b-448d-a432-d2d0b89853a9
      15:43:41.492 INFO Logger [Trinity] Starting up Generic Cache Manage thread
      15:43:41.494 INFO Logger [Trinity] Starting up Generic Blacklist Manager thread
      15:43:41.653 INFO LogMessageTag [BountyProfiles] Ensure that you delete BountyProfile's Plugin and update Trinity *VIA SVN* before reporting errors!
      15:43:41.788 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d654fca8-037c-40fb-a041-19b8808eed46
      15:43:41.935 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Act 1
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] New profile found - updating TargetBlacklists
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 105361 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 79421 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 62215 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 177439 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 144149 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 92387 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 104545 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 109209 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5723 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 156058 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 90419 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 102711 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 58568 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5717 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5740 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 158944 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 167311 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 89579 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 170913 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5898 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5900 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 116752 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 206461 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 365097 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 364601 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.053 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 86385 to Trinity Blacklist
      15:43:42.070 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:31
      15:43:42.071 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ea0c94d5-e8e7-4a55-a1db-21a1ab9f072a
      15:43:42.407 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d395f907-be8f-4f4e-9075-49fa09907e14
      15:43:42.562 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Kill Warden (347030)
      15:43:42.680 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] New profile found - updating TargetBlacklists
      15:43:42.724 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6327b00d-d8aa-4d05-bf7f-0e3c58d8ed5e
      15:43:43.869 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 625cd855-f143-4dc9-9665-c26919366bc7
      15:43:44.105 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:16
      15:43:46.949 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:46.950 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 802aed02-984c-40e3-b1f2-46a90b348eac
      15:43:50.455 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      15:43:50.457 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:50.477 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:43:50.493 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:43:50.494 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:50.494 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:50.519 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2298f676-d2f5-464a-8f27-1bb254a8d119
      15:43:50.536 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:43:50.548 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:43:50.554 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:44:13.277 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:44:13.279 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:44:35.451 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      15:44:47.684 INFO Logger [Trinity] Goblin #1 in sight. Distance=76
      15:45:03.581 DEBUG Logger [Trinity] Using Potion
      15:45:10.090 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      15:45:33.597 INFO Logger [Trinity] Unable to navigate to target! Blacklisting a1dun_Leor_Jail_Door_Breakable_A SNO=95481 RAGuid=-887095200 dist=11 canFullyPath=False
      15:46:07.783 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      15:46:35.008 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:46:35.012 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:46:53.569 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:46:53.572 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:47:07.958 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:47:07.959 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:47:30.453 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:47:30.454 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:48:16.676 INFO Logger [Trinity] Saving Config file
      15:48:28.042 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:48:28.047 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:48:35.130 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:48:35.132 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:48:39.338 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:48:39.339 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:48:41.001 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:48:41.002 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:48:47.578 INFO Logger [Trinity] Unable to navigate to target! Blacklisting a1dun_Leor_Jail_Door_Breakable_A SNO=95481 RAGuid=-729546612 dist=10 canFullyPath=False
      15:49:03.153 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:49:03.154 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:49:57.695 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:49:57.696 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:50:19.161 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:50:19.163 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:50:31.225 INFO Logger [Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58982"
      15:50:31.226 DEBUG Logger [Trinity] (destination=<1052.5, 770, -25>, which is 26,21189 distance away)
      15:50:31.229 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Generated Unstuck position x="1121" y="770" z="-25" distance=45,0 rayCast=32 navObsticle=0
      15:50:32.731 ERROR PerformanceLogger [Trinity][Performance] Execution of Navigator.MoveTo took 1511.78ms.
      15:50:32.732 INFO Logger [Trinity] Navigator UnstuckAttempt dest=x="1074" y="719" z="0" (DungeonNode x="1074" y="719" z="0" Distance: 57 Direction: W) duration=1513 distance=51
      15:51:02.484 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:51:02.486 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:53:17.382 INFO Logger [Trinity] Found exitNameHash 1241437688!
      15:53:17.511 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 92d97ea7-1cb4-4015-acf3-c7ecfdfb72aa
      15:53:19.294 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:19.295 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
      15:53:19.295 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      15:53:19.295 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      15:53:19.436 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Kill Warden (347030)
      15:53:19.436 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      15:53:19.437 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      15:53:19.437 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:19.457 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=434419
      15:53:19.459 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 37a8d110-2c78-4e20-af43-98c3356a2ba4
      15:53:21.964 INFO Logger [Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
      15:53:27.201 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:29.407 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 01f03acd-ecb5-41e2-807e-2913e0885d5a
      15:53:30.945 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2d97279e-216b-4ea9-9747-aca149c8f94f
      15:53:31.797 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:16
      15:53:34.478 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:34.479 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 5ac5f928-1856-4ccd-86f4-75fcf67d1fb5
      15:53:38.029 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      15:53:38.030 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:38.062 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:53:38.074 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:53:38.074 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:38.075 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:38.075 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 557a330e-23a3-4b81-b75f-b1347e727460
      15:53:38.090 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:53:38.115 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:53:38.126 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:53:47.838 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      15:55:26.233 INFO Logger [Trinity] Successfully navigated to priority scene a1dun_Leor_W_Exit_Boss_01 80422 center <845, 1322.5, -25> Distance 6
      15:55:26.259 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:55:26.260 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:55:38.921 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Error refreshing IsBountyObjective
      15:56:03.623 INFO Logger [Trinity] Found exitNameHash 1241437688!
      15:56:03.756 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 318fcb2f-3180-4fba-9524-6ed5823b7234
      15:56:05.273 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:05.274 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
      15:56:05.274 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      15:56:05.274 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      15:56:05.410 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Kill Warden (347030)
      15:56:05.411 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      15:56:05.411 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      15:56:05.412 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:05.432 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=434419
      15:56:05.433 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d4c84afb-099c-46f8-9115-1eb7dda5e411
      15:56:07.976 INFO Logger [Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
      15:56:09.479 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:21.463 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:21.579 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ddbc559a-7773-4dd8-9267-34a216e9ac76
      15:56:22.588 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3fa4618d-308f-4871-8ba7-2467cfccd5d8
      15:56:22.706 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:16
      15:56:25.641 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:25.642 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 988ed98e-9cc7-44f0-b105-400f3c1b777b
      15:56:29.276 INFO Logger [Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
      15:56:29.276 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:29.302 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:56:29.313 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:56:29.314 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:29.315 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:29.315 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9c5120a3-5168-4e20-9f66-e7162a7f6411
      15:56:29.327 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      15:56:29.353 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      15:56:29.363 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
      15:57:12.799 DEBUG MainWindow Start/Stop Button Clicked!
      15:57:12.801 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot.
      15:57:12.802 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 00:13:32.3412480
      15:57:12.802 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
      15:57:12.926 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()
      15:57:12.926 DEBUG BotMain TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      15:57:12.927 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      15:57:12.927 INFO BotMain Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
      15:57:12.927 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 768bcab2-bbe5-496b-813c-8a71c0644056
      15:57:12.928 DEBUG BotMain OnStop event
      15:57:12.928 DEBUG BotMain OnStop Event Invoking
      15:57:12.937 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      15:57:12.938 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
      15:59:11.906 DEBUG BotMain Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
      15:59:11.908 DEBUG MainWindow Forcing all open windows to close.
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