双子海精华可以试下这个[LegCraftFarm] Essence of Twin Seas http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...ain-set-soep-aughild-set-iwd-asheara-set.html
EoTS + SoEP: The bot will look for both event and boss triggers. As soon as the found one is done, the bot will leave the game. It is very unlikely that both event and boss will appear in one game. 船长+奥基德+艾席拉 [LegCraftFarm] Essence of Twin Seas: The bot kills Dune Thresher which drops EoTS and won't visit (ignore) the scene where the event trigger for SoEP apears. 船长only [LegCraftFarm] Shard of Entsteig Plate: The bot goes for SoEP event trigger only and ignores the dead end where Dune Thresher may spawn. 奥基德only Trinity Addon: Simply copy and paste the folder "Plugins" to your DB root folder, AND restart DB. The files in "Plugins" have been re-written, so there is no overwrite issue now. 必须使用的Trinity额外组件 没有艾席拉only可能是因为下水道刷紫蛇的几率实在太低,只能作为附加产物,想刷艾席拉还是去找绿洲那个必刷蛇吧。 另外,所有材料profile的汇总贴 传送门:http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...legendary-crafting-material-profile-list.html
请上传日志文件 http://www.thebuddyforum.com/20013-25991-32508-21512-35752-35770-21306/honorbuddy/107618-a.html