I'm still working on it, but the next Honorbuddy update will break Leaves... duo api changes. So I can either fix it before they release so that 600+ users can play.. or fix Stars for the < 100 users atm. Then again i'll probably fix the current issues on stars today/tonight/tomorrow. @Tmonaco, please post a log.
Does this not have an option for Heart of the Wild or am I just not seeing it anywhere. I notice it isnt using it.
Not implemented, and won't implement it. Not viable to automate, but if you activate it it knows to dps etc if u target an enemy mob.
Obviously not as useless as you and your lack of feedback. I bet you could code a better balance-druid routine yourself the way you speak, go ahead and show us Im eager to see your work.
Don't use Honorbuddy BETA for now, it will break Leaves Mushroom casting. So be cautious updating, if u want to use Leaves.
3 Minutes and 21 seconds. - Have been looking into it already, spoke to Main and he analysed the dumps... 1 bug related to HB security the other to TimeCachedValue<T>.
I used to raid as a resto druid, was a topped ranked one too. Nowadays I love just using leaves because im lazy, its a great CR an I highly recommend it. Just one thing I noticed is the bots intelligence when dropping efflorescence isn't that great, at least for me. I always drops it on the tank however when it does this the tank is usually pulling and nobody ends up in that efflorescence. The constant healing of stacked units is the difference between middle of the pack and smashing guys with 50 ilvl more than you. I find with this routine I must place the effloressence myself in order to dominate. Unless im doing something wrong (Entirely possible) can someone help me with the CRs placement of this spell? Like it doesnt drop again when people move out of it
I know you've been hard at work, good job! Any ETA on the update? Also, will it include PVP fixes or is that down the road still?
It will, but hsving issues testing. Read write memory errors everywherr snd i got 3k latency since my new router... changed so much.. stuff is all broken.
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but all of the replies in here are about the paid version right? Cuz I can't seem to find a Link to any SVN reffering to the Community edition, so basicaly I'm stuck with version 1.0? Sorry if this is a noobish question
Well, by "stuck" I mean that the community version is stuck at version 1.0. It doesnt get any updates via SVN right? Or am I missing something.