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  • [Grinding] Stable Alliance 1-60

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Liferose, Oct 29, 2010.

    1. Cowtongue

      Cowtongue Guest

      Nice profile, only thing is the grinding spot for 42-45 is really poor the xp is super low there's just way too much traveling and running time and not much grinding
    2. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      I said I would like constructive criticism and since this is just pointing out flaw let me point out your flaw.

      1) I am aware that it is not perfect, it's named "stable" because its stable, not speedy.

      2) Get bigger bags and get your very own banking character! (I recommend making a death knight)

      I have solved your life's problems with this profile. Try mixed mode because just grinding is sketchy.
    3. Cowtongue

      Cowtongue Guest

      I have the biggest bags you can get in the game.

      You couldn't pay me enough to make a dk even as a bank toon

      I was just pointing out that you could find better spots to grind and it wouldn't make it any less stable, etc. just go to the coast line and grind on those turtles, they respawn fast and would raise the xp

      and finally, was just trying to help people want to level fast and getting only 24Kxp/hr when you need over 80K for the next level over 3hours of grinding from 43-44 is pretty slow.
    4. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      I understand but I never said it was the best and you posting it isn't doesn't help anything. I have said countless times before it is not the most efficient but it is stable so you can either find a way to help or don't saying anything but its pretty useless to just say its not as fast as you would like. End of Discussion
    5. Cowtongue

      Cowtongue Guest

      by supplying feedback is helping and also giving advice on another spot to add for grinding for those level is also helping, but it's ok if all you know how to do is copy and paste from other profiles into a new file and rename it we can understand you don't know how to make a new grinding spot.
    6. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Making grinding spots is extremely easy, but right now I am about to hit level 60 and i'm going to be starting on my 60-70 profile. This one is going to be re-tested with a mage and I am going to be updating as I go along with it. Telling someone an area needs improvement even though ive already said it is useless excess information. Get out of my thread for the last time.. if you think you can do better make your own freaking profile but you have nothing to back up on. I had been working on some questing profiles but it seems very pointless because Cataclysm is right on our doorstep.

      Not responding to any more of your posts, might as well save your energy
    7. Cowtongue

      Cowtongue Guest

      actually I use to make profiles all the time for glider with my friend Guadah but not all of us are 10 years old and can sit on a video game 24/7 we have real life to focus on.
    8. drewgrubba

      drewgrubba New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      not very good imo

      Spends a lot of time dead as it will find a mob pretty far away, then run to it and drag a few more mobs, die, then stand on top of the body and rez.. dying again from mobs near it.
    9. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Profile works fine for me and others I ran the entire thing so your character must be having an issue killing things. I want a log and a location.

      EDIT: and it has the exact same hotspots and stuff as the davelisters one.. I have no idea how it could possibly work better for you. Mine has updated information in trainers, avoidmobs, vendors, and some other stuff which logically doesn't make sense.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
    10. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      The profiles are working really well for me. I'll go to bed at night running this on my shaman and wake up and be between 4-7 levels higher than I was when I went to bed. Currently my shaman is level 42. I tried it in mixed mode but the PvP portion causes me to lose out on exp. I've tried strictly grinding and mixed mode. On my realm I get more exp with just grinding. The PvP exp rewards are horrible. I don't know if that's realm by realm, or game wide though. I'm alliance and we rarely win a BG on my realm, which is probably why the exp sucks. Anyway, this is probably one of the better grinding profiles I've been running. Good job. I just started the second one, 43-60, and I'm hoping that the updated one you posted now has the vendors and repair shops in it. I remember when I first got these two profiles that you said only the 1-42 had shops and vendors listed in it.
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I've found something in the second installment of your two guides, the 43-60 guide, but it's not a bug or anything to attach a log about. I don't know if it's something that can be edited in the code or in some embedded options because I don't know how profiles are made, but I noticed that in your 1-42 profile I used my mounts just fine, however, in the 43-60 profile in Tanaris I won't use my mount at all. I've checked all the settings in the CC and Grind bot and they're set correctly. I'm leveling a shaman, so it gets ghost wolf. That's disabled in the ShamWoW CC, I have the mount option selected in Grind bot, and I also tried it with both the 'Ground mount farming' option turned on and off. Any ideas if this is a CC, profile, or HB issue?

      I'm loving the profiles so far though.
    12. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      That seems to be a Honorbuddy issue. I used mounts fine yesterday but I have just started on a new 60-70 profile and it still seems fine :(.
    13. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Alrighty. :) Thanks for that. I'll just set ghost wolf to work instead of mounts then. 30% is better than 0%.

      Edit: I think I may have fixed the issue with mounting. I exited WoW, cleared the cache folder, restarted WoW and HB, and all seems to be working correctly now. I'm gonna run it and see if it continues to work.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
    14. DaveLovesHonda

      DaveLovesHonda New Member

      Jan 20, 2010
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      Working great on a Lvl 44 Hunter, after 8 hours shes lvl 47.5 and still going strong will leave it overnight as well to get a good Report :)
    15. NightfallSS

      NightfallSS New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      My bot hit level 12 and is still trying to train in Goldshire, when does it go/how do i make it switch areas?
    16. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I love this profile! In fact both your 1-42 and the 43-60 profiles. I am on my 4th toon with them and they are simply click and forget. As has been said, upgrade your bags, set a banking alt and let it rip. some areas have a bit of slow xp but the fact that I dont have to babysit these profiles all day more than make up for a little lost xp. I would love to see trainer paths for the 43-60 profile eventually but I just combine the odd trip to the trainer with my AH trips every 5 to 7 levels to upgrade gear so no big. : )

      Like the above poster, my realm sucks for XP from PvP play, though if I am around the system to monitor I will every so often switch to mixed mode or Instance buddy just to get some acheives on the toon. Got Warsong Perfection last night and a few new dungeon completion acheives. :) I am also enjoying your 60-70 grinding profile. Have one toon to 65 so far. Excellent work all around. Not sure if you have a 70 to 80 profile out yet but I will be looking for one soon. Keep up the great work!
    17. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Thank you :D. I am currently frustrated that we have no complete questing or complete grinding areas for the 68-80 bracket. I may as well make one this weekend who knows.
    18. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I will def be first in line to download the 68-80 path if you do make one. Questing profiles have never worked well for me (have had to babysit far to much, easier to just play) and a nice large grinding path is just much simpler for straight forward leveling. You do excellent work. Please consider adding a paypal donate button to your work. I for one would be happy to donate towards one click profiles that take you from 1 to 80. Thanks again for all the hard work. : )
    19. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Haha I don't know what I would even spend donations on! I also long for a 1-80 profile but with then navmesh system it is impossible right now. Once they get boats and flightpaths to work "they said they will eventually", then it will be available!
    20. Jovetic

      Jovetic New Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      This profile is great, even got a friend to buy Honorbuddy after watchign it run. One thing so far is that I'm having the same issue as Zeldrak above, the Ghouls in the GY are kicking my ass! Every time he spawns there he gets killed. I can navigate around this, just letting you know for future reference.

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