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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Carbonated, May 8, 2014.

    1. Carbonated

      Carbonated Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      Alright so I got the 3 day trial wanted to see how things worked out. I used recommended decks tried my own and just...the bot does some damn stupid things. Like dropping 3 minions to kill an enemy minion instead of just dropping one with a high attack. There is only ONE type of deck that works well and that's a rush deck with no targeting abilities and lots of card replenishment.

      There is just one thing I would need to see in the bot before I bought a sub and that is user set priorities. Some cards that are set as low priority just astound me and makes me wonder who set up the list. This would lead to much much better deck customization as we could set priorities specific to our decks. This feature is needed especially since not all decks are equal and card priorities will shift depending on what you have built into your deck.

      Really that's it other than that I'm fairly impressed at the bot and meh it does my quests so I don't have to think about them. All in all a good bot but not quite worth the cost until we can set our own priorities.
    2. Deathshiver

      Deathshiver Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      At some point I believe they've specified they are going to expose some of the API where it made sense so that people could customize logic and priorities (as with any of the other buddy bots), but the beta is still at a position where the core needs a decent amount of work. It's probably something to look forward to down the road.

      Something to keep in mind with the cost is that it only gets (arguably) smarter with each update.
    3. fiberoptic76

      fiberoptic76 Member

      Mar 12, 2010
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      I have tried the 3 day trial to. And I do agree on most things said by Carbonated, rush decks work the best. I also realize it is sill work in progress. The Buddy community is a really active one as know it from longtime a honor buddy customer,
      I also know the community and devs. deliver good work and will keep making this a better bot, So I decided to buy the lifetime today.

      We have to realize and have a honest conception of the limitations of a card BoT like this. It will never think three steps ahead, it will just do calculations and deal with your hand on that approach. So guys keep up the good work, I like the bot,
      I did 3 days on my hunter, had a 50% win rate and got to lvl 40 with 300 gold. This is really acceptable for me, and i'm looking forward to the challenge of posting decks here with a better win rate then that!

      Fiber Out!
    4. Deathshiver

      Deathshiver Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      On this point I would disagree. Humans make decisions in this game based solely on information they know about the game. There are a series of facts that the game presents to you (the enemy has a legendary, I have frost nova, my deck has a polymorph that I haven't drawn yet and have x chance of drawing) and logic which connects those facts into decisions (freezing this enemy will give me time to draw polymorph instead of sacrificing all of my minions to kill it). 100% of this information can potentially be available to the bot depending on how well it is coded to take advantage of said information (this is often the difference between high level and simple combat routines in honorbuddy).

      My main point is that conclusions you come to as a human are technically based on the same information the bot has, so it's not unreasonable for the bot to come to a similar or better conclusion (as we often make mistakes).
      Last edited: May 8, 2014
    5. jeremynative

      jeremynative New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      yeah the bots pretty dumb. but i noticed there are updates every day. at least theres hope its getting better
    6. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you're right, but keep in mind, it is still beta. This means, as you can see yourself from the changelog, currently there are still basic bugs and behaviour issues, that need to be fixed. If we have a stable core, and with stable i mean no endless trying to play cards or stuff like that, then, afterwards we are able to improve logic and analysis.

      Beside that, once the API is available, we will see a good improvement as more people (community devs) are going to develop routines. As far as i know we currently only have Apoc and Hankerspace working on it and their main focus is fixing bugs/problems. As i said, once this is done, we will see huge improvements in logic.

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