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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey Gasp --
      I've never used the "free" version, so I'm not sure how it's set up or works. But, I do know in the premium version (you have to send a PM to Millz for more info on the premium version) you have to cast the first spell to initiate combat. There is a check-box in the premium version that allows you to force combat, which basically makes you attack something as soon as you target it. That's great for farming, but bad in other situations. Just shoot Millz a pm regarding his premium version. He'll get back to you as soon as he can.
    2. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      PvP question here:

      Been using the bot on dummies and set the unit count for high aoe to 3. Which is how many dummies are next to each other in Stormwind.
      Anyway, my question is why doesn't the routine attempt to soul swap - seed corruption when its AoE Bursting with Mannaroths?

      Yup Combat Routine is 100% going full retard when popping Mannaroths Fury. It needs to spread the seed of corruption after the first cast whilst the buff is up. It's just wasting it so badly otherwise...not impressed at all.
      Last edited: May 8, 2014
    3. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      It needs to do this on Mannoroths Fury:

      Find a target with one dot on it or less (can include pets):

      Seed of Corruption
      Soul Burn
      Seed of Corruption
      Soul Burn
      Soul Swap

      Then Target as many players as possible and soul swap inhale and exhale till Manaroths is down.

      If it does that it'll be perfect for PvP.
    4. jmas2k4

      jmas2k4 New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      something is way wrong with the bot dps is way lower and its not casting cb right
    5. ryshu

      ryshu New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      - Bugs & Problems & Questions -

      - Destruction is has a borken Rota after rev. 305 for example not using Dark Soul at all

      - Spamming Immolate sometimes like -> Immolate, Immolate, Incinerate, Immolate
      or also -> Immolate, Incinerate, Immolate, Chaos Bolt, Immolate.

      - Is the CR using always Havoc on Boss when there is a mob in range to cast Shadowburn on?
      Or at least using Havoc with Shadowburn at all? That would be a huge dps increase

      - Instead of DS:I only on Immerseus could you add on "Tinket Proc" which we have to check on the
      Aura Pocs list may even go advanced and do something like safe embers X seconds before
      the trinket goes off he cooldown so we get the max out of trinket procc + DSI and chaosbolts

      - AoE checking is quite slow like it takes quite a time until he understands how many
      enemies are near the other one so basicly it's quite a dps loss on Bosses with mob spawn.
      (if you place Rain of Fire manually he instantly understands)

      - Shadowburn everyone doesn't seem to work correctly as he often doesn't use Shadowburn on
      add which could easly give me embers (usually on boss fights) with adds - Garrosh fight for example

      - Could you give us a mouseover Rain of Fire and a Target one?

      - May I ask you where you build the bot rotation from, which guide for personal interest.
      (I would really like to know the schedule)

      - Is (AD talent) storing the second charge for Heroism not actually a DPS lose in every moment that
      the raid is not casting heroism for destruction?

      - Is afflic. near as complete as destrucion or still under heavy construction due to it's difficulty?

      - How is Immolate up to 5 target being used? Like I may want to give an add only Immolate as Dot without sitching (garosh weapon).

      It's a really nice and flexible CR I just want to be sure that I get the max. DPS so no legit player can be possible better than me without higher equip.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014
    6. pbthug91

      pbthug91 New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      Glad to see its not just me
    7. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Yo Millz,

      For PvP purposes, esp BG's and Rated BG's add an option that includes Seed of Corruption into the normal Dot line up before it soul swaps.

      Seed of Corruption, Curse of Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction - Then let it start swapping onto people. The benefits of this are:

      Overall higher dmg in BG's and Rated BG's
      Manaroths Fury will be used better because Seed of Corruption will be soul swapped all the time.

      The CR is really nice, just a shame you didn't think about Battlegrounds/Rated Battlegrounds when you were creating it.
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No, not yet. It's still checking both conditions at the moment.

      More than 1 unit in range of the target + aoe enabled will cause RoF to be used.

      That's what it's trying to do, but it'll get hung up with SoC if it can't get the 2x SoCs out. Only just wrote the code a couple of days back, haven't had time to tune it yet.

      What do you mean by not casting CB right?

      1) Dark Soul hasn't changed, sounds like something wrong with your setup. Rotation was working fine for me in LFR last night during testing.

      2) Again, your setup is wrong. Try restarting your PC and loading the default PvE settings.

      3) Yes it is

      4) No, Dark Soul needs to be used as often as possible. It only works with bindings because of the timings on that trinket which often line up with Dark Soul.

      5) It takes about 5-10ms to detect it needs to switch to AoEing, but it'll finish it's current cast before starting the AoE.

      6) Post a log

      7) Why would you want that? It would be a DPS loss.

      8) I didn't follow any guides, I just picked it up from editing other routines (i.e. PureRotation) to make it work, and once I knew what I was doing I made Demonic :)

      9) It started out like that, but it's a bit more advanced now. There's quite a lot of logic behind when it would use the second Dark Soul.

      10) Nah, it's getting there, but because of the nature of the rotation I don't think it'll ever work as good as Destruction. Affliction just isn't a forgiving spec.

      11) No idea what you mean o_O

    9. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Affliction has taken months to get working as good as it is currently. Seed of Corruption was the last of my concerns until the base rotation was working.

      I've only just really added support in for that SoC trick, but I haven't had a great deal of time to test or tune it.

      One small aspect of a rotation isn't perfected - that doesn't mean I haven't taken into account battlegrounds.
    10. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      No offence, but that aspect, the seed rotations during Manaroths is absolutely critical to a warlocks success in battlegrounds. Until its working properly then this CR weakest point will be performing well in Rated Battlegrounds.

      But as you said, you only recently added SoC support so I can't be too harsh.
    11. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Heads-up for anyone who wants to use the Routine for Rated Battlegrounds.

      At the moment this Combat Routine isn't very good in that regards, and I'd recommend playing manually till Millz tunes it up better.
    12. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The logic you're concerned about is only worthwhile when most of the enemy team are standing on top of each other (within 10 yards). That does not mean that the routine is no good for RBGs. It's an incredibly small part of functionality that has very limited use.

      I've just spent the past ~4 hours working on improving this piece of code so that it works very well - lucky for you I hadn't read this post until I'd almost finished working on it. Update from SVN.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014
    13. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Millz, get your head together. Let me break you apart quickly, and hopefully you'll learn to appreciate my feedback. Now I'm saying this as someone who plays Rated Battleground at 2100+ and Arenas at 2200+ in every bracket for multiple seasons and expansions.

      You say its only worthwhile when the team are stood on top of each other (within 10 yard, as that is the explosion radius of Seed) - You're WRONG

      Manoroth's Fury increases that range by 500% and the damage done by 100% - Multiply 10 yards by 500%, yup let it sink in....sink in a little more....yeah its not a measly 10 yards anymore. It's MASSIVE. (Check out the top 10 warlocks for Rated Battleground and you'll see they all take Manoroth's Fury, its that good for a reason)

      You state that it has an incredibly small amount of use, which leads me to believe you don't understand the absolutely absurd sheer power of Manoroth's Fury in Rated Battlegrounds. 10 yards is increased up to a 500% radius, the damage done by each seed is increased by 100%. Let's put it this way, everything gets hit with Seed with Manoroth's Fury is up and they get hit really, really hard. Lining up the double seed + dot soul swap onto 3-4 people in one team fight can decimate them. Here's the kicker they don't have to be within a 10 yard radius!

      Manoroth's Fury + Seed Swapping is what separates good and bad warlocks. From a damage perspective the routine was simply putting dots on people, swapping them and then using a random drain (In BG's anyway). Any player can do that, in fact they can do it better than your routine in most cases, at least I could. That's why I stated anyone who wanted to use this routine for RATED BATTLEGROUNDS was best of waiting till you made it worth it in that regards.

      Now I'll test your new version and I'll let you know how it does.
    14. Drizzt1990

      Drizzt1990 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      Thats not the way it works, th AREA is increased by 500% not the radius
    15. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Whatever, it still hits people in an area larger than 10 yards. So the points Millz made of it being only useful for people in an area of 10 yards is still null and void.
    16. Drizzt1990

      Drizzt1990 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      but it's not within 50 yards, only 22 yards wich isn't that much
    17. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Testing the new SoC Cleave:

      The bot now seems to be able to do the double seed + dots + swap. The only issue it has is that it needs the target to be free of any previous dots, otherwise the seeds blow up before swapping can begin.
      Would be awesome if the bot attempted to find a target like that. A good candidate would be Pets such as Water Elemental, Warlock Pets, Hunter Pets, DK pets etc. because the CR doesn't soul swap dots onto the pets anyway, which means they will always be clean.

      Another recommendation would be to have aoe settings for when Mannoroth's is activated and when it isnt. The Routine currently continues to try and double seed swap even after Mannoroth's is down which isn't that good because the range goes down to 10 yards and the damage isn't amplified by 100% anymore. Would be better for the routine to go back to Soul swapping normal dots etc. instead.
    18. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      You have to remember in Rated Battlegrounds where fights are centered around key objectives, generally everyone is within that range. If it stayed at 10 yards it would indeed have very limited functionality even on clustered team fights cos 10 yards is pretty small. Add in maneuvers that good teams use such as Gorefiends Grasp into a strong aoe cc and aoe dmg. (Gorefiends Grasp into Bladestorm, Ring of Frost, Solar Beam) Seed of Corruption spam also has a huge impact there. Obviously players disperse as soon as they've been gripped together which is why the extra range from Mannoroth's makes it very strong.

      I can't say anymore how powerful it is. Just check the top warlocks in the world for Rated BG's and you'll see I'm not making it up.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014
    19. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      The talent changes between Archimondes Darkness for Arena and Manaroths Fury for Rated Battlegrounds. Watch the same people over the course of one week, you'll see them change.

      And I'm actually grateful to Millz for addressing the SoC issue so quickly. I didn't talk down to him, I simply stood my ground on an issue I believed in. Your opinion on that is completely irrelevant to me.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014
    20. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      The SoC fix is really noticable in Battlegrounds by the way Millz, made the routine much more effective in Rated Battlegrounds. Still some work to be done ofc, but its looking good.

      Thanks for that.
      Last edited: May 9, 2014

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