so i could make a second account then challging each other and concede with both of them? ye ur right you have quest to win with a shaman or lock then just leave the game with the other account i wil do this at my own then it doesend matther when you concede you can do it in a second once the game starts?
Yep, This is being done by non bot users aswell Also being discussed in the official forums with a responded blue post, Quote " Playing of multiple accounts to gain experience in anyway will result in a suspended or closed account depended on the severity of the exploitation, " End Quote, Not official - " It is VERY easy for us to detect accounts that instant concede multiple times against the same player, and even easier when they are on the same IP" Don't get me wrong mate, i love you idea and input to the community, However "IF" blizzard decide to take action again botting in HS (no confirmed cases yet i believe) doing this will be the quickest way to get your account banned.
i never thinked this way its easy to farm gold aswel XD hearthbuddy should make an option to invite friends to do this
you can not connect anymore to 2 hearthstone it gives you an error? nevermind i wil instal hearthstone on another pc here so i can get my quest done evrytime
One of them is inside a virtual machine. It is somehow like another computer, that's why. Don't do it unless you do not care about your account. Beside that, i think it is against the rules to post exploits. (As a lot of people without any clue will for sure lose their accounts cause of such things).
i use a v p n but i wil instal hearthstone on another pc so i can do my quest evryday why would they lose their account it could be a friend to who just concede for you to get the quest gold it isnt really an exploit you just can let you friend concede for you that isnt an exploit? its in the game
Um no, doing this is the definition of exploiting a game... Quote: 2. make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand. synonyms: take advantage of, make use of, abuse, impose on, prey on, play on, misuse, ill-treat, bleed, suck dry, squeeze, wring, enslave, treat unfairly, withhold rights from; More antonyms: treat fairly
exploiting is exploiting and botting is botting, 2 different things. If you bot - as long as the bot is undetected - there won't happen anything as they can't see any difference to a real player. This is not like WoW where your character eventually runs into walls or something and another player reports you. If you win trade, this is of course recognizable as they for sure monitor/log who you play against. If they see you win every 20 seconds, something is obviously not running as intended.
If you want Gold Portraits it's safer to just continue botting since you have to have Ranked Wins for that anyway (I just hit 60 on one of my classes and haven't even hit 500 wins yet, really close though).
Of-cause Botting is exploitation- In its finest. How ever as Dasoul as pointed out - The exploit of botting is imitating human input through different ways (such a memory injection with DB). This in itself is very hard for blizzard to detect ( of cause botting like behavior is generally how they detect you- Particularly with the WOW Bot HB) The exploit listed by the OP however is about as easy to detected as possible. You don't even need a bot do it. as i stated before, a Blueposter has responded directly to doing things and will result is action against your accounts (not the botting side of things - the playing a "friend" and instant conceal"