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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Yea, sorry.
      The Honorbuddy setting.

      The Lightning Halls profile is coded a bit differently than others.
      Since the closest sell/repair hub doesn't include a mailbox, I decided to code the mailbox execution separately to save time since the bot has to travel further to get to it.

      If the bot has less than 10 bagslots after selling and repairing, it will then mail.
      That way it won't waste time traveling to the mailbox every time.
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
    2. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      Nice idea! But after each repair/sell for me bot falls down a cliff and dies. After that it doesn't find his way back and keeps standing still.
      Is svn down?
    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The SVN is online, it's hosted by Google.
      I was going to setup mirror SVNs - built one on my server but never got around to publicizing it.

      If it's walking off the ledge, it sounds like the bot is ignoring the profile to reach its own goal.
      Usually issues like this happened back when the bot's automatic routines kicked in, which we patched them months ago.
      Our patching methods may of flaked off.

      Can you give me the coordinate it's trying to go to when it starts its little suicide run off the mountain?
    4. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      Here its fallin down:
      <Hotspot X="8822.207" Y="-788.3986" Z="1001.506" />
      attached there is a log file.

      Seems like its blacklisting mailbox.

      Why is it only using ground mount to go to mail?

      Thank you very much for your help :).

      Attached Files:

    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      When interacting with the NPCs/Mailboxes we typically force the bot to dismount so the navigation is more fine-tune.

      And yea, the profile seems to be blacklisting the mailbox for whatever reason.
      That would explain why the bot is killing itself. Its using it's auto-routine to programmatically navigate to an alternative mailbox.
      Perhaps during my absence Blizzard moved the mailbox a few pixels lol.
      I may be able to use a forced mailbox code, but I'm going in-game now to check to make sure the coordinates are correct.

      I may of found a potential issue, and have corrected it.
      Could you test this modification?
      http://enu.li/profiles/[Testing] Lightning Halls - Lvl.85 Gold Farm.xml
      If you have stacks of cloth, you can 'unstack' them to clutter up your inventory if you need to trigger the mailing routine.
      I coded a smaller profile that does the exact routine this one does, and it seemed to work fine. So hopefully this will.
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
    6. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      Tried new profile got same problem than before :(
      After flying to mailbox he is waiting in front of it for 1 sec but doesnt open than flying back to vendor than repeat.
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
    7. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Hmm, that doesn't make sense.
      Try this testing profile I used. This one uses the exact routine as the profile, except there's no other code.
      http://enu.li/profiles/Mail Testing.xml
    8. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      It's working :) Thank your very much :)
    9. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      So that's working, but the actual dungeon farm's mailing routine itself isn't?
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
      Frayman likes this.
    10. cevaps

      cevaps New Member

      Jul 26, 2013
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      Hey! I used to love your [DD] profiles, especially HoL. Looking forward to more [DD] Heavy Gold dungeon profiles with bigger pulls, as our ilvl increased a lot lately. :)

      Keep up the good work bro! Soon I'll test your revised profiles and post results in this thread.
    11. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Lol, thanks.

      There is a [DD] profile for Grim Batol however I don't recall it being as 'successful' as the Halls of Lightning profile due to the lengthy run-time and the Forge boss.

      I was going over other [DD] options earlier today, I was also thinking since the iLvls have increased, to focus more on Cataclysm dungeons or even some Pandaria dungeons.
      I really like making [DD] profiles, they seem to be the most useful and I love calculating optimizations for them. :p

      Anyways, I was visualizing runs of each Cataclysm dungeon in my head earlier which it seems that 'Lost City of Tol'vir' (trash farm) and maybe Stonecore would be good options for a new [DD].
      They both have decent mob-clusters.
      However, Grim Batol still seems to have one of the most clustered packs, I may work on optimizing it some more before I make a new one.
    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey ET, I was going to try your Sethek Halls run for the Raven Lord mount, but I keep getting this when I try to load the profile:

      EchoTiger Profiles\Instance Grinds\Outlands\Sethek halls - Endless Farm.xml
      Cannot load profile!
      The 'While' start tag on line 70 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 199, position 6

      Is there some way you can look over it and patch it up to use? If not, I'll just wait. It's not super important. I just wanted to see how your profiles ran and worked.
    13. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      [Azyul] Optimized Gold Farming (Dungeons, Trash Mobs and More)



      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

      [table="align: center, width:600"]
      [td]Click Here to join the Azyul Skype Group!
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      (what is this?!)

      *scroll to the bottom of this thread to see the list of profiles
      This is a profile pack designed to aggro and kill high-density mob packs or farm any other 'thing' that gives lots of gold!
      Since these profiles are focused on farming gold, the profiles that farm dungeons will skip some mobs or bosses, therefor these profiles cannot be used by completionists looking for achievements.
      This is a profile 'project' pack, so new farms, profiles and features will be added as time progresses.

      This mini-pack is a subcategory of the [Azyul] Transmog Farms, Dungeon Grinds and Item Gathering pack.
      If you have the [Azyul] master-SVN already, then you shouldn't have to SVN this.


      Say hello to the AMS. Or AM for short (Azyul Manager.)
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! Currently the AMS is in Alpha, and is still being improved with new features and designs.
      At the moment, only two profiles use AMS, and that's: [AM - Alpha] Gundrak, [AM-Alpha] The Botanica and [AM - Alpha] Gundrak and Drak'Tharon.​


      • You must copy the Quest Behaviors in order for the profiles to operate properly.
      • All profiles in this pack operate on the 'Questing' botbase.
      • While a profile is running, type /stats or /stats2 to show statistics!
      • Use /reload to cleanly disable the /stats and /stats2 command once you're done with the profiles.
      • All profiles support both Horde and Alliance
      • Profiles in this pack have vendor, repair and mail support for both factions.
      • Since these are farming profiles, they will be ran on Normal difficulty. You can manually set Heroic before it enters the instance if you want.
      • Any of the "Sell All" or "Deposit XX" profiles use Lua to sell items. This means that items on your "ProtectedItems" lists will be ignored.
      • All profiles utilize the 'universal transport script.' Meaning these profiles can be started anywhere throughout the world.
      • If the bot finishes the dungeons faster than 6minutes and 15seconds, the extra time will be waited to avoid overloads given the 10 instance-per-hour cap.
      • Auction the materials you get from the dungeons to double or even triple your profits!


      • Heavy: These profiles are based off of how well a iLvl 430 level 90 Windwalker Monk can handle the dungeon. Pulls are optimized to the character's performance.
      • Medium: These profiles will pull approximately half of the Heavy pulls.
      • Lite: These profiles will pull approximately half of the Medium pulls.
      • Suicide Pulls: Created upon request, these profiles will scale by multiples. (x1, x2, x3, x4 - etc.) At (x1), the Suicide Pull will pull double that of the Heavy Pulls.


      Beside of a profile, you may see a [Tag].
      Here's what they mean!
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!


      Upon typing /stats or /stats2, you will get a in-game message telling you how much gold has been generated while the bot has been running.
      The stats are broken down into three categories: "Total Stats" "Last Dungeon" "Current Dungeon" and "Estimates"

      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!


      • Mobile mailbox support.
      • Reduce the time it takes to vendor/mail from the overload prevention timer.
      • Solution for death-in-instance.


      [​IMG](this section is in the process of being cleaned up - improved)

      *statistics are based off of a level 90 iLvl441 DPS AoE melee Windwalker Monk.
      *farm scores are calculated using (Total Copper Obtained / Run Time in Seconds)/10
      *these stats are merely estimates! your results may vary from mine


      The Azyul Project is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0
      Given this, you are allowed to share these profiles as long as you give credit when you do so.
      However, you may not use these profiles in commercial products.
      You also may not distribute these profiles if they are modified unless you have direct permission from me.


      By visiting this thread or using any of the Azyul products, statistical information is harvested from your visitation activity or profile usage.
      No sensitive information is gathered or stored. Any statistical information harvested is merely traffic data or profile usage. ​
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
      mevip, Soviet, xtrez83 and 26 others like this.
    14. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      We're improving!

      Thoughout the years, Azyul has grown dramatically in user-count and I really appreciate all the support you guys have given me.

      As it stands, the Azyul project has been purely developed and ran on the Questing botbase.
      Unfortunately this has pulled back potential and has created a lot of issues in the execution of the profiles such as lack of death support.

      So what does this mean?

      It means it's time for action!
      Reliability is something the Azyul name represents and as it stands a lot of the Azyul profiles aren't living up to this expectation.

      With this, we're working to create a botbase purely designed for Azyul profiles.
      This botbase will bring us more functionality along with more reliability and will hopefully give a better end-experience for you guys!

      A botbase?

      Yes! A botbase!

      I know the Azyul project has always been about zero setup and has never required any third-party extensions to the bot.

      However, due to some limitations a botbase is required to improve the profile's support and functionality.

      How does it work?

      Instead of having several versions of Gundrak, the goal of this botbase is to simplify the process.

      There will be one snip of dungeon navigation data for Gundrak which will act as a master-copy and will be pulled from a remote server along with the universal navigational data.

      From here extras such as pull densities: Heavy, Lite Medium, Transmog, or functions such as Sell All and Deposit Cloth and death support will be controlled by the botbase itself.

      All of this logic will be remotely supplied so if any changes need to be made, changes are applied instantly to the master copy which in turn affects your bot.


      Does this mean I can't edit the profiles anymore?

      No! You will still be able to edit the profiles and make any change you want.

      However! The profiles will be structured completely different from what you're used to and will hopefully be easier!

      An example of how the profiles will look cannot be shown at the moment given how much the botbase is being modified.

      Making our lives easier!

      Aside from improving functionality, the ultimate goal of this will be to make it simple for anyone to make a dungeon profile at will.

      Instead of having several hundred lines of code, you'll be able to make profiles with just a few lines!

      Given that the code is pulled remotely, you will be able to building-block your own dungeon farming profile using the existing Azyul code.

      This will allow you to create simple dungeon farming profiles with ease!

      An example of this will be shown soon. At the moment the botbase is being changed too drastically to show a reliable example.

      So how do I get the botbase?

      At the moment the botbase is in a draft, it will be a while before anything is official.

      No release date information or anything is set-and-stone as of yet.

      Quick Summary

      The goal of this botbase is to bring us
      • Proper Death Support
      • Streamed profiles allowing for instant updates.
      • Ease of dungeon profile development for both the Azyul developers and users.
      • Persistency and reliability.

      Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    15. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nice one man
      except i am not sure about the future as you are ;)
      whereas the Lvl.95

    16. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Sure, I'll look into it.
      Most of the Outlands profiles were coded by FrostFever so I'm not entirely sure of the integrity of the profile.
      I thought we had a dedicated profile for farming the mount, but I suppose not.
      I should get on that.

      Should be fixed in latest SVN update or ZIP download.
      There may be more issues within the profile itself, just report them and I'll fix them.​
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
    17. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Haha, I noticed that too. I've made a few forum edits since then. :3
    18. BrPlxGimmeGold

      BrPlxGimmeGold New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      thx for contribute it!
    19. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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    20. FadetoGrey

      FadetoGrey New Member

      Aug 3, 2013
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      Nice to see work from u again friend:)

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