Guy said he reported me for botting Ores and by undercutting every one so much im going to ruin the economy for Jewel crafters. What can i say? im competitive i want people to BUY my stuff so i slash the prices. 120g jewels i sell for 80g and i guess its makin alot of heat... think i should be worried or just another e-rage cuz im takin his profits. (what little my server has)
As for everyone, take it easy with the botting play by hand for a while. It looks good if the GM's take a fast look on you that you're doing something else than just farming ores
To be honest you were dumb for undercutting him by 40g. That's huge and I can understand the other people getting pissed at you because that kind of undercut just screams I botted to get these. Any normal person who spent their own time to acquire things to sell isn't going to sacrifice that kind of their money to just get something sold so it's a dead give away. Stick to undercutting by 1g or so and people won't get pissed.
Honestly, I can see why he'd report you. If I hand played and spent time farming mats for the AH only to be severely undercut by botters then I'd be pissed too. If you want to stay off the radar you need to learn safer practices otherwise you do it yourself. Sorry to be so harsh, but sadly it's the truth. This game mean A LOT to a ton of "hand players" and if you cheat them, which is what we do with these bots, they will do what they can to make it hard for us. Bottom line.....don't be greedy.
This... I bot and I still get pissed when people undercut like that. It is retarded because you will sell the same about if you are 1g cheaper or 40g cheaper. It will ruin the economy.. It'll hurt your sales in the long run also.. because you will have to undercut and go even lower as other auction prices become lower and lower also.
I have no doubt that he did report you because that is a significant undercut and I can understand why he would do it.
usaly i get 2 of thise lvl 1's wisping me a night get a addon called WIM form curse so if you bot while you sleep and get up in the morning you can see who wisped you and what lvl they were
I use two addons for my AH needs, and they are: Auctioneer and Auctionator. I like Auctioneer for the suite it has and the fact that it auto-populates a suggested price for anything that I haven't scanned on the AH yet. Auctionator is great for selling mats that you farm. With Auctionator all you do is alt-left click on an item you want to sell and it will scan the ah and show you the lowest priced match and then undercut that one by whatever you set it to be. I leave mine at 1s so I can get some decent profit. I've sold about 1k worth of light leather so far while I ground my shaman's leveling and skinning. The mining isn't going so well because it won't mine for some unknown reason, but my ore has reached about 200-250. Almost all my items sell almost immediately. I do this with anything I post in the AH. I use Auctionator mostly just for the click and post, but I love both addons.
Do this, and the others are right.. Something like that DRASTICALLY harms the economy depending on what kinda item it is and it takes awhile for the economy to bounce back if people get used to seeing the much lower prices. Maybe it it was one or two items here or there for a quick buck, but to post multiples or stacks, thats just asking to get hit. On the other hand if it was only a half dozen or so someone would have been smart to just buy you out and repost them for a quick tidy profit.
i understand why he's mad but you know what? if you look at my A/H its all Auctioneer doing 10% price cuts on every post. so what if i dont follow the Auctioneer band waggon, not everything i bot. i always go a drastic cut in prices on any MMO i play... then again WoW is more fragile then chinese RPG games where pricecuts dont mean much. i only bot when i go to work so i do alot of hand playing too and good ol forum trolling. anyways ill cut less to make them happy
It's not about undercutting more or less.. People don't care how much cheaper your auction is, it's just a matter of which auction is at the top of the list. You can achieve that by undercutting by 1c to 100g. The result is the same. The profit isn't. Posting something at 60% of it's market value in mass amounts will only cause competitors to : A- Go along with your price and undercut you further in order to sell their materials, which leads to you undercutting them and so on till the item's market crashes till there is no more profit for either you or them. B- Report you for suspecting that you're a stereotypical chinese goldfarmer / bot. C- Buy out your materials and try to stabilize the market until you eventually manage to farm more materials and post them. Which most likely will lead to point (A). D- Give up on that certain market completely since there is no way a normal player can compete with someone like that and still make a profit that is worth the time they spend on farming. So by undercutting by say... One silver, Not only are you making MUCH more profit, But also keeping your most likely future market a healthy yet competitive market Just basic Economics/Auctionhouse knowledge
This guy is right on the money I usually undercut by just 1c so I am on the top and sometimes if I see someone posting to low I put a low as bidding price but a really high buyout price with like 10 stacks though and most of the time they do not bother looking below to see if there is a cheaper buyout price XD
you deserve to be reported for doing that. 40g? lol why even bother botting if you're not smart enough to try and make gold instead of copper. Seriously. you're not competitive you're stupid.
I would consider you pretty stupid since you remove 1/3rd of your profit, and ruins the market for that product for a while. I mean come on, why do you want to make less gold? Makes no sense. Do you pay extra for a candy bar when you go to the market? Maybe you should add a dollar to it every time.
In the real world you dont have to worry about getting your account banned. I'm sure your college econimics class didn't include gold farming on wow