GB was using the same adress as a other bot that was targetted, unfortuante when they changed the code it was too late as blizz scanned the wow's for 3 days straight and people got caught that way.
IMO, i wouldn't be worried about banwaves, i believe in honorbuddy and its history of getting banned it very slim. So i'd say stop within a few weeks of the xpan then start a week or 2 after.
If there is going to be a mass banwave, its going to happen w/ the cheaper bots first, and the easier to track ones
Well it works like this: Warden collects and flags users to be banned. When the day has come Blizzard activates and all bans are triggered at the same time.
No need for sources when this has already happened multiple times with several hacks/bots, LuaNinja was scanned from December 15 and people got banned in January. Their reason for doing this is to get more people banned who use the hacks/bots at the same time.
tbh all you ave to do to get unbanned is act like you got hacked and te "persn" that hacked you used 3rd party software on your account