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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. smrdlja

      smrdlja New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      Does Demonic free have any key binding capabilities as I can't find themm?
    2. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Yes there is, but since you "downtune" it so much to cater to the needs of the group that you have to do more by yourself
      or let the bot handle less, see it as you want - but therefor dont get the dmg output you need / control that you want
      to pull the group to that higher lvl. So in either case "you" as a player / botter become the bottleneck of your group.

      So in case you push 2.4 i cant believe its the routine, more that it is depending on team mates.

      I know you do and always did, therfor i wasnt to happy to post it without a "valid complaint" but i will try to describe em in the near future. Its hard to explain and in a log it will be a needle in a haystack :)
    3. Twisty

      Twisty New Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      Anyone have any special pvp settings other than the default from the premium flavor of Demonic?

      I ask because in RBGs, I've started using the succubus and want to make sure it's tweaked for it - via destro spec.
    4. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yeah I know where you're coming from. I think the routines are best used as an aid, rather than a 'i win' button. I tend to leave the rotation to do things that it can monitor better itself, and leave the control stuff to me. For instance, keeping twilight ward up, blood horror, using unending resolve/sacrificial pact/healthstone at certain HP etc, and leaving it to do the DPS rotation, then I just need to focus on crowd controlling and 'working the fight'.

      I doubt any routine will get you to 2.4k+ fully automated. Leaving the routine to worry about the basics/dps rotation and controlling everything else yourself is the best method imo.
    5. monkeyjoe

      monkeyjoe Member

      Jan 31, 2013
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      Hey Millz - Dark Apotheosis doesn't work.

      Looking though the thread it seems a couple of others mentioned this but I couldn't find the solution. As soon as DA is activated (or if I start the routine with it active) the routine applies Corruption (fear too if selected in config)... and that's it. It's as if the routine doesn't know the DA spells.
      I can post a full log, but for the sake of brevity here is the relevant section.

      [13:41:10.593 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 200] [Casting: Summon Voidwalker] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
      [13:41:11.612 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 0] [Casting: Create Healthstone] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
      [13:41:14.463 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 44] [Casting: Grimoire of Sacrifice] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
      [13:41:41.622 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] 
      [13:41:41.622 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ====== Demonic Settings ======
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableTargeting: True
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovement: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovementDuration: 3000
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoJump: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoFocus: True
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowRestBehavior: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EatHPPercent: 75
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrinkManaPercent: 50
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CreateHealthstones: True
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthstones: True
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyHealthstoneWithDarkRegen: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthstoneHPPercent: 30
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket1: False
      [13:41:41.623 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket2: False
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1Condition: 2
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2Condition: 3
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowHPValue: 30
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowManaValue: 30
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowHPValue: 30
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowManaValue: 30
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSynapseSprings: False
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SynapseSpringsCond: 1
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseLifeblood: True
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodCond: 0
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodLowHPValue: 80
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + RacialUsage: 1
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ForceOutOfCombatPulse: True
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BreakStealthedUnits: False
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkIntent: True
      [13:41:41.624 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableWowChatText: True
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthFunnel: True
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelMyHPGreaterThan: 50
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelPetHPLessThan: 20
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnWithHealthFunnel: False
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDrainLife: True
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrainLifeHP: 20
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnDrainLife: False
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SoulburnDrainLifeHP: 70
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + TwilightWardCond: 4
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelection: 1
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelectionCond: 2
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseSoulburnWithCurse: False
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolve: True
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveHPValue: 40
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolveTargetLowHP: False
      [13:41:41.625 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveTargetHPValue: 30
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveOnBurst: False
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingBreath: False
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_RootedSnared: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHP: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicCircleTeleportWhenFalling: False
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DemonicCircle_Soulburn: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHPValue: 65
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDemon: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonSelection: 1
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDoomguard: False
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonCombatInstantAbilitiesOnly: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomguardCondition: 1
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonInfernal: False
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + InfernalCondition: 1
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBanish: True
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BanishCondition: 0
      [13:41:41.626 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulshatter: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearTarget: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearFocus: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAny: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAnyUsedCooldowns: True
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearHealer: True
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyFearFullDuration: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowFearHalfDuration: True
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + KillTotems: True
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + InterruptFlagCaptures: False
      [13:41:41.627 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSymbiosisRejuventation: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SymbiosisRejuvenationHealthPercent: 80
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_SpellLockDurationRemaining: 500
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_DisarmHealthPercent: 40
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_CauterizeHealthPercent: 88
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkHealthPercent: 25
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkWithDarkRegen: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ForceAttack: False
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonTarget: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonFocus: False
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonHealer: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseCommandDemonPlayerCds: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkRegeneration: True
      [13:41:41.628 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkRegenerationPercent: 40
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorHPLessThan: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorHPLessThanValue: 30
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorUnitsInRange: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorUnitsInRangeValue: 3
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreath: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreathOnlyWhenTargetNotSlowed: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoil: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + MortalCoilHPValue: 25
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoilHealer: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryUnitsInRange: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ShadowfuryUnitsInRangeValue: 4
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnCooldown: False
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnHealers: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulLink: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSacrificialPact: True
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactMyHPBelowValue: 60
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactPetHPAboveValue: 60
      [13:41:41.629 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactOnlyUseOnLossOfControl: False
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkBargain: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkBargainHPBelowValue: 25
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyDarkBargainOnLossOfControl: False
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BloodHorror: 1
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBurningRush: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyUseBurningRushInCombat: False
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BurningRushCancelHPBelowValue: 80
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnboundWillOnLossOfControl: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnboundWillMinimumHPValue: 40
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceCondition: 2
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceTargetLowHPValue: 60
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseGrimoireOfSacrifice: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Talent_DarkSoulSecondCharge: False
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMannorothsFury: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableAoEAbilities: True
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AoEHighUnitCount: 8
      [13:41:41.630 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseDarkSoulMisery: True
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryCondition: 1
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryLowHPValue: 40
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableCancelCasting: False
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastHPPercent: 5
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastShardCount: 2
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionForceRefresh: 3000
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionPandemicPower: 0
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionAnyPower: 30
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyForceRefresh: 3000
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyPandemicPower: 0
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyAnyPower: 30
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyMinimumHpValue: 0
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionForceRefresh: 4500
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionPandemicPower: 0
      [13:41:41.631 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionAnyPower: 30
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionMinimumHpValue: 0
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_PreventHauntSBSSWhen1Shard: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DrainSoulWhenNoShards: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_SoulSwapExhaleHPValue: 0
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetTogglesWithAoE: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTarget: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetProcs: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingInRange: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingInRangeProcs: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingIncludingNoCombat: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseHavocAuto: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseHavocBurst: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseMortalCoilWithHavoc: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CastHavocOnFocus: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DontCBWithHavoc: False
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FlamesOfXoroth: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseEmberTap: True
      [13:41:41.632 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EmberTapHPValue: 35
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FelFlameInsteadOfIncinerate: True
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FelFlameInsteadOfIncinerateAtHPValue: 25
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseDarkSoulInstability: True
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForDarkSoul: 20
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulCondition: 4
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulLowHPValue: 80
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ChaosBoltValue: 20
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ChaosBoltMinimumHPValue: 0
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseAoEAbilities: True
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_AoEUnitCount: 6
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EnableCancelCasting: True
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelTimeRemaining: 500
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCastHPPercent: 15
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCurrentTarget: False
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelAnyTarget: True
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseRoFToPull: False
      [13:41:41.633 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForHavoc: 10
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateRefresh: 4000
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolatePandemicPower: 0
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateAnyPower: 30
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMaxUnitsToDoT: 3
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMinimumHpValue: 30000
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_4IncineratesInOpener: False
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_EnableAoEAbilities: True
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_AoEUnitCount: 5
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCancelValue: 150
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCastValue: 350
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseDarkSoulKnowledge: True
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeCondition: 5
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeLowHPValue: 40
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseImpSwarm: True
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseImpSwarmOnBurst: False
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseCarrionSwarm: True
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInDemonForm: True
      [13:41:41.634 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInNormalForm: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomForceRefresh: 15000
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomPandemicPower: 0
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomAnyPower: 30
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMaxUnitsToDoT: 5
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMinimumHpValue: 10000
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMaxUnitsToDoT: 5
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + PauseOnNazgrimDefensive: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLag: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLagStage2: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HasGivenRep: 2
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AttackOutOfCombat: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UsePotion: False
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + PotionCondition: 0
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoBurstOnLowHP: True
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoBurstOnLowHPValue: 70
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BurstDuration: 10
      [13:41:41.635 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Movement: 13
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Targeting: 20
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Facing: 6
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_AoE: 1
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Burst: 2
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Cooldowns: 3
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Modifier: 2
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Key: 6
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Modifier: 1
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Key: 6
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.636 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Modifier: 1
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Key: 15
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Havoc_Modifier: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Havoc_Key: 0
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_PauseNonMovementKeyPress: False
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_PauseNonMovementKeyPressDuration: 500
      [13:41:41.637 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HK_Movement_Mod: None
      [13:41:41.638 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HK_Movement_Key: None
      [13:41:41.638 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ==============================
      [13:41:41.638 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] 
      [13:41:41.714 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 200] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:41:41.717 N] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:15214] [SP:26543] [Crit:20.11474] [Haste:0.926875] [Mast:20.87833]
      [13:41:42.069 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
      [13:41:43.126 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 99.3] [Fury: 200] [Casting: Curse of the Elements] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:41:48.476 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Combat ended after 6.4079282 seconds
      [13:41:48.477 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Clearing cached objects.
      [13:41:57.587 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 182] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:41:57.587 N] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:22275] [SP:26543] [Crit:22.90162] [Haste:0.926875] [Mast:20.87833]
      [13:41:58.148 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
      [13:41:59.011 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 99.8] [Fury: 186] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:04.557 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Combat ended after 6.4093154 seconds
      [13:42:04.557 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Clearing cached objects.
      [13:42:07.478 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 202] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:07.774 N] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Corruption] [Int:15214] [SP:26543] [Crit:20.11474] [Haste:0.926875] [Mast:20.87833]
      [13:42:07.774 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
      [13:42:10.242 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 214] [Casting: Howl of Terror] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:22.326 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Switching to Raider's Training Dummy!
      [13:42:23.293 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 262] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:24.695 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 266] [Casting: Fel Flame] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:41.513 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Combat ended after 33.7392034 seconds
      [13:42:41.513 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Clearing cached objects.
      [13:42:41.848 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Fury: 222] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:42.370 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
      [13:42:43.252 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 99.8] [Fury: 226] [Casting: Corruption] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
      [13:42:45.704 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] 
      Last edited: May 15, 2014
    6. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll try and have a look at it tonight. I need another warlock so I can stop respeccing :)
    7. tdw

      tdw Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      The lag seems playable what not, reduced to low when raiding 25, in 10 its even smoother. Millz do you know if I need adjust values of chaos bolt? It keeps embers quite high trough out the fight, or this is for the reason?
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It keeps the embers high so that you can use the chaos bolts with trinket procs. 3.2 - 3.5 embers seems to be the optimum 'force cast' value.
    9. tdw

      tdw Member

      Jan 23, 2014
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      Thanks a lot
    10. vamp

      vamp New Member

      Aug 24, 2011
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      BGFarmer seems to crash when trying to log in. I know my info is right & I've tried a clean install. No idea what's up with it :/

      EDIT: M.B seems to be offline :eek:
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey Millz --
      Regarding the routine: I'm leveling a new toon, and I just hit level 12, and now after getting Immolate as a spell, it's continually spamming it instead of using Immolate, then Incinerate. Before I got Immolate, it was using Corruption and Incinerate. Just FYI I have not restarted HB since I chose my spec. I've been running it continuously from level 1 to my current level of 12. I will try reloading it shortly to see if that solves anything. The only reason I even posted it because I'm not sure of what the lowbie rotation should be, lol.

      Edit: Yeah, it seems as though when you choose a spec HB treats that as a spec change, so it seems that restarting HB fixed the issue. Ah well, live and learn. Things are going well now, so we'll see what happens when things are learned along the way.
      Last edited: May 16, 2014
    12. Mordark

      Mordark Community Developer

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Yeah, it loads your abilities when honorbuddy starts.

      Notice the: "You are a level 12 "Race" (For the "Faction"!)"
      Then notice it says something about you're playing affliction or demo or destro, and so it also says "Using appropriate rotation"

      It notes your level, spec, and makes a rotation for it.
      Pressing start puts the rotation into motion when you enter combat.
      Pushing stop simply stops the bot from executing the rotation.

      Every time you learn a new spell or change specializations, Honorbuddy has to be restarted.
    13. Karold

      Karold New Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      10% hp Life Tap seriously?
      pls ad an option
    14. Acronia

      Acronia New Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Yo Millz, the routine is pretty damn good in Rated BG's now. Easily smashing the meters, really really like the way Seed of Corruption works now.

      One issue though, when I select the option to auto summon a demon in arena it constantly summons an observer. Like even after its summoned one, it'll summoner another one. Means that I cant use the routine to summon my pet if it dies in arena, which is something it did so well before. Not sure what happened.
    15. On1

      On1 New Member

      Nov 5, 2012
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      hi, im using this routine to grind bgs with bgbuddy bot base. the character moves around fine and everything. it just sits there chilling waiting for someone to attack it to start attacked. it usually targets someone and stays there max range till i actually cast one spell then it goes and continues. any thoughts ? i attached my latest bg log

      Attached Files:

    16. enosh

      enosh New Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Hey, I wanted to try out your routine, but after chosing it isntead of Singular, it instantly crashes the bot. Any ideas what might have gone wrong?
    17. Karold

      Karold New Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      a option f soul swap with Seed of Corruption on aoe....... still missing in rbg
      Mannoroths Furor talent not really supported
      rbg is not playable
      Last edited: May 17, 2014
    18. Mordark

      Mordark Community Developer

      Mar 31, 2014
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      You might want to try downloading the rotation again.

      Double check that all the files are in: "....\Honorbuddy\Routines\Demonic"

      You should only have to open the Routines folder, the Demonic folder, and then find all the files there.

      If the files are all in "....\Honorbuddy\Routines\Demonic\Demonic" or "....\Honorbuddy\Routines\Demonic\New Folder" it will crash just like you said it did.
    19. sparkiezz

      sparkiezz Member

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Can anyone tell me what its like for refreshing dots on targets in arena and bgs? its it very fast at refreshing good uptime?
    20. destor@th

      destor@th New Member

      Jun 4, 2013
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      cr never try to get shards back in bg/rbg with drain soul

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