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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tomten, You will want to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. Thanks for taking the time to post and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53

      Edit: Also added check for trinket buffs mentioned for now. Will add automatic trinket proc recognition in upcoming release
      Last edited: May 12, 2014
    2. Ilja Rogoff

      Ilja Rogoff Well-Known Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      is there a possibilty to forbid resto druids doing damage (just heal and nothing but heal) in dungeons? Goes always oom because of doing too much damage :(
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes. Click 'Class Config' and go to the Group Healing/Support section. If it is going OOM, it is because of either bad gear or the config settings you are running with. Be sure to attach a complete diagnostic log with future posts. -Bobby53
    4. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      I did a quick run of an lfr, just trash, no boss. first with icyveins rotation, it instantly caps and goes into the loop i've described, spending at least 20-30 seconds capped with all procs up casting incinerate, refreshing immolate, casting conflag and forcing itself to spam incinerate.
      Stopped bot and changed to noxxic(Logmark 6+ should be noxxic) and started again, all though it was already capped now, it didnt spend them properly.

      I also noticed the aoe rotation seems odd, i will report back with a much more thorough and detailed log, just wanted to give what i promised, bit stressed this week :(

      I spammed about 10 logmarks while capped, showing when it casts the wrong stuff.
      View attachment 3204 2014-05-15 16.49.txt

      Thanks :)
      Last edited: May 15, 2014
    5. Edsaxe

      Edsaxe New Member

      Jan 29, 2014
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      Not attacking same faction in arena

      I am alliance and in arena the other day the bot did not attack the target yet it performed heals.

      I checked the faction of the enemy after arena finished and it was same faction (Alliance).

      Attached Files:

    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Should be fixed in the release I am about to post. Please advise if not, -Bobby53

      Edit: Also, while I appreciate the log file, it was created with:
      [06:48:46.474 D] LogLevel: Normal
      Unless it is created with a LogLevel of Diagnostic, it typically won't include the information needed to analyze the source of the problem you encountered.
      Last edited: May 16, 2014
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Change History for this release appears below. Complete Change History as always is included in the .ZIP

      See the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.

      Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.

      Don't forget to use the LOGMARK! button. It is located on the Class Config window and will place a mark in the log file making it easy for you to indicate when something happened that you have a question about or problem with. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin. Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.

      Ok, now that's out of the way:

      - Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread

      - .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version

      - HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts

      Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.

      As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      *new* - Detects if the 'DrinkPotions' plug-in and disables. This plugin interferes with Singular's use of potions which can be controlled via Class Config settings.  This includes distinguishing between healing spells and attack spells.  Will use heals on group if Death Knight does not need.  
      fixed - issue with HB .IsFacing returning false when on top of target (distance of 0.0).  Will now randomly choose a strafe and move briefly to get slight distance and enable proper function of Facing APIs again.
      *new* - setting added and logic to control fighting back immediately when attacked by a player and solo. Questing and other BotBases may still override this behavior.  Will also now log when attacked by a player in World PVP only.  Set Target World PVP Regardless to false to disable
      fixed - boundary condition of casting a spell right at its maximum range but failing 
      fixed - targeting issue created by recent change which was attacking the BotPoi for a quest where the profile is not controlling this behavior
      fixed - revised critter targeting prevention logic
      Death Knight
      *new* - All Specs - support for Dark Simulacrum.  Will detect type of spell gained and attempt to use appropriately.  Uses Hand of Protection and Divine Shield when loss of control or Touch of Karma present. Will use Ice Block to clear DoTs.  Hand of Freedom on self only.  Settings allow controlling what type of targets to use Dark Simulacrum on.
      fixed - All Specs - exception sometimes occurring if target clear during a Death Grip 
      *new* - All Specs - during combat will cast Soul Reaper on nearby low max-health targets (like Totems) to gain haste buff
      change- PVP - Necrotic Strike moved to highest priority
      fixed - Frost - Pillar of Frost was being cast as soon as enemy targeted wasting some of the buff since target did not have to be within melee range
      *new* - All Specs - now supports Aquatic Form when swimming.  Setting added which defaults to false (turned off) since it could potentially interfere with some types of Quests.  Recognizes if you have an underwater mount (like Subdued Searhorse) and suppresses
      *new* - Frost - support for pull with Instants.  Automatically determines if needed based upon if there are other players in area competing for mobs or the mobs are trivial
      change- All Specs - will now cast Zen Sphere if talented at 3 chi (down from 4)
      change- All Specs - Ring of Peace now more sophisticated. PVP: will cast on self or nearby healers if needed.  Other: will cast on self when attacked by 2 or more mobs
      fixed - All Specs - *****ling Jade Lightning is no longer interrupted immediately after cast by movement
      *new* - Windwalker - now uses Spinning Fire Blossom for pulling aerial mobs.  Will also cast on enemy that is running away from you 
      fixed - Protection - now correctly range checks mobs that are targeted for taunting when taunts enabled
      *new* - All Specs - will intelligently suppress use of range opener (CLoak and Dagger) when solo with Pick Pocket enabled and targeting a Pick Pocket eligible mob
      fixed - All Specs - should make more frequent use of Cloak and Dagger as SpellManager continued to report spells as being melee range
      fixed - All Specs - problem with Pick Lock on lockboxes
      change- Destruction - now detects Toxic Power and Expanded Mind trinket buffs and will force cast of Shadowburn / Chaos Bolt if available
      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.
    8. WingZeroNL

      WingZeroNL New Member

      May 17, 2014
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      My Resto Druid lvl 85, just entered pandaria, but he doesnt selfheal during combat, only barkskin and my herbalism Lifeblood get used.
      Could u please fix this, it really sucks that i keep getting killed when he pulls more than 2-3 mobs.
      This problem already happened back when i was in my 70s, but during that time thx to my heirlooms i couldnt die that easily.
      now it is a really big problem

      i already tried resetting the settings, redownloading and even readjusting the percentages.
      The Combat routine also doesnt take the new percentages, it keeps working with the basic ones.............. without any healing skills being used, only Lifeblood and BarkSkin

      Nothing seems to work
      Last edited: May 17, 2014
    9. velonici

      velonici Member

      Oct 16, 2011
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      Hey bobby just noticed a problem. My druid will cast cat form while she is flying. Sometimes she will catch it and return to flight form sometimes she wont. You can see it happen at 5:39:12 in the log. She changes form 4 times until I stopped the bot. Seems to happen at random times.

      View attachment 35172 2014-05-17 22.05.txt
    10. ash23

      ash23 New Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      From my experience playing a frost mage it would sometimes evocate 3 or 4 times in a row before casting.. but now as arcane it would sometimes drop rune of power and when it moves it would sometimes drop another... but if i have to move again it will not recast it and i would end up running down my mana... is there a way to make the CR have to stay in the RoP all the time? also how can i go about having it cast a bomb to pull instead of a long cast?
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey Bobby--
      Quick question: Which version of Singular is more current? The one that came out with HB v.733, or the newest release in your thread? I'm leaning towards the one that shipped with 733, but I seem to recall you saying you had a release out that I think came out after the drop of 733. Can you help me out?
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      WingZeroNL, Welcome to HonorBuddy! Thanks for the post. First and foremost, if you encounter a problem or have an idea for improvement you need to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here). I provide this link frequently in response to members and always include it when announcing a new release of Singular is available for download (example of this is the post immediately before yours.)

      Based on what was provided, my advice is:

      1. Avoid emotional content - I am referring to "it really sucks ..." Descriptions focusing on the emotional impact of watching your character dying are a waste of your time and mine. You will want to simply provide the details I request (see the link above) and avoid dramatic language.

      2. Don't wait to post - you mention encountering the issue while in your 70's but are just now reporting it after hitting level 85. If the issue was reported promptly and with full details, it is possible it would already be resolved and you wouldn't have encountered the problem at level 85.

      3. Combat as a Resto Druid - the post implies you are Questing as a Resto Druid? Since you mention heirlooms I imagine you know, but it would be more effective to dual spec and quest as Balance. The gear you receive (for the most part) will be useful to both specs. Despite this, the Resto Druid being able to engage in Combat is important for other reasons so if there is a problem, I will gladly look into it once the details needed are available.

      My apologies that nothing seems to work, but that doesn't match the results of my testing. I will keep an eye out for a follow up post from you that includes the info described in Reporting Bugs (click here) and gladly research the issue for you.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    13. WingZeroNL

      WingZeroNL New Member

      May 17, 2014
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      Thank you for your reply, i guess ill try to Quest as a Balance. i am still new to the entire honorbuddy, so im not completely sure how to make logfiles that contain the correct information.
      But i guess if Balance also has a few problems with it, than it must be my honorbuddy and not the singular routine.
      So i will go try out balance and if it also has problems i will let you guys know
    14. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Please take a look at - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-db-log-file-pictures.html

      And if you are new to HB, it would be better you take a view into - Honorbuddy Guides
    15. WingZeroNL

      WingZeroNL New Member

      May 17, 2014
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      Thank you for the information, i just tried to use my Balance offspec and it works fine..... he uses his rejuvenation during battle now.
      so i guess there aint a problem with my honorbuddy, probably a bug in singular or kicks profiles (which im using).

      Well thx for all the information, if i have the time for it i'll try to upload a logfile for the resto version!
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, You can tell by comparing the Singular version numbers. If they are the same, then just use the one in HonorBuddy. Otherwise use the one with the larger number. -Bobby53
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      WingZeroNL, If you are unsure how to generate log files after reading Reporting Bugs (click here) please let me know and I'll work with you to update that page so it is more clear. It is simple to do, so if the document makes it appear complex then it should be updated. Thanks and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ash23, Thanks for the post. Please see Reporting Bugs (click here) and attach a log file with a LOGMARK at the point where it moved out of the RoP. If the movement is due to the botbase being used (DungeonBuddy, Questing, etc.) the answer is No, the Combat Routine won't be able to prevent the movement. If it is movement performed by Singular then possibly. The diagnostic log with LOGMARK is needed though. Also, a prior revision of Frost was updated to do an Instant Pull with Bombs if warranted (mob has already been aggroed, other players in the area competing for mobs, pulling a trivial mob, etc.) Otherwise, it uses a cast and follows with a Bomb to minimize damage taken. If there is a specific instance you would like me to review to include that case in the circumstances where an Instant is used, please attach the diagnostic log with LOGMARK at the point you would have preferred a Bomb and why. Thanks and good luck with your Mage, Bobby53
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *new* Singular v3.0.0.3494 available for download!

      Change History for this release appears below. Complete Change History as always is included in the .ZIP

      See the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.

      Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.

      Don't forget to use the LOGMARK! button. It is located on the Class Config window and will place a mark in the log file making it easy for you to indicate when something happened that you have a question about or problem with. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin. Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.

      Ok, now that's out of the way:

      - Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread

      - .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version

      - HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts

      Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.

      As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      fixed - Infrequent issue where some classes were not attacking in PVP against same faction
      fixed - All Specs - in some cases was not detecting Swift Flight Form was active and would switch to Travel Form or Cat Form
      fixed - Feral - added additional checks to PreCombatBuff behavior in the event it was called by BotBase or Quest Behavior while flying to avoid casting Cat Form
      fixed - All Specs - fixed target selection for Symbiosis to exclude enemy players in battlegrounds/arena that are same faction
      fixed - All Specs - fixed to allow use of Time Warp when dueling
      fixed - All Specs - fixed issue occurring if target changed during Pick Pocket usage
      fixed - All Specs - issue with Pick Lock and opening unlocked boxes
      fixed - All Specs - spam sometimes occurring due to attempting to pick locks while flying
      *new* - All Specs - setting Post-Pick Pocket Pause.  Controls how many minutes after a successful pick pocket to blacklist the mob from subsequent pick pocket attempts. Default is 3 minutes.
      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.
    20. velonici

      velonici Member

      Oct 16, 2011
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      This is why you rock bobby!!!

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