Yes. Bot basically everything except farming. Do bot gathering if it's for leveling a toon's profession. Only close call I had was botting and forgetting I'd opened a ticket. Was there when they responded thankfully. Actually, it's happened twice, now I think of it. The other time the bot had got stuck loading tiles or something and went afk. GM just said 'I guess you're busy' and did whatever the ticket was about.
I don't know if there is a specific tool just for that, but I can say with basic data analysis it is easily possible to tell if someone is botting by looking for certain patterns and consistent behavior that's indicative of automation. Give me a raid with 16 human DPS'ers and one botter DPS and I can very easily point him out. This is so so false. There are premium CR's (and even a few free ones) that are as good or superior to anything a human can do (consistently). I'm not saying that a human can't possibly beat a CR, I am saying that overall the well made CR will out perform a human in the long run, every time, all gear being equal.
I bot all the time on my main. Both raiding and farming. However, you simply have to be smart about how you sell your farmed materials. I only have one account, however, I have a "bank guild" on my account. I store all the farmed and sell-able materials in the guild bank, and then distribute them evenly, if I even sell the raw materials at all. I also try to never sell straight ore/herbs/leather. I always try to convert it into something else, whether it be smelting ore into ghost iron bars, and then transmuting them into trillium bars. Or prospecting ore for gems, then cutting gems with the highest profit margin. Using herbs to make potions and flasks, or milling the herbs to make glyphs/shoulder inscriptions. It always feels safer to convert the raw materials into a finished good before selling. It takes a little more time and effort, but I feel considerable safer about making gold that way.
on main : raiding with tyrael + cc , 1 day at week farm for 1 hour Bot account: 10 hours farming , questing and so on
How could you tell someone bots just by looking at logs? Not to doubt you or anything, I just didn't think it was obvious. Take me for example, when I raid I pause and unpause, switch from aoe to single target, pop big cooldowns, use pots all manually. What in a log would make me look like a bot to you?
1) Kinda doubt it really. But we cannot check) Unless we have some anonymous logs. 2) I have premium CRs too. And in serious guild you won't be best. You need to pop up cooldown and potions yourself in right moment. And place yourself fast to be top dps. No Premium CR can do it. And serious people will do more dps.
got to remember bots don't have the joys of human error i recall a while back world of logs been covered in pqr users and before them days in cata most of top 100 was all lazybot users etc ps sorry off post but yeah always botted on main since start of wotlk and lost that account during a mop ban wave got careless in bgs
I have been through a few accounts, lost them because I forgot the PW and names. So I dont have a main account, I enjoy them equally.
i use fury unleashed which is a free CR .. and i rape every warrior on my realm easily i wrote how i did that aswell on fury unleashed thread a while guide on how i did it might be helpful ^^
Sure, My current main account has 22 90s on it, and I have no worries of botting with it. This account also happens to be an account that was used during the alpha test pre-vanilla - so the gametime is free on it. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be creating profiles anymore.
I've been botting on my main for about 3 years now. Mostly questing, leveling up twinks, archaelogy or fishing, sometimes PvP. I only once got a whisper, back then with the Pirox Bot. I stopped for about 4 weeks and never heard anything again about it.
Lose the account? how so~ HonorBuddy truly is doing nothing illegal. Everything the buddy is doing is fair, not giving you any kind of hacked powers. I have been botting for many years on WoW since I hate leveling alts =p Be smart where you bot, be smart who you let on your friends list. never auction massive amounts of one thing~ and you can avoid any reports. Oh I use Kickazz's questing profiles~ so most people just think I am some rude Bit** who doesn't talk ^^ and I am ok with this~