Checking hand cards priorities : Should we play coin ? There will be 1 cards avaible once coin played Priority of card Flare is : Normal Priority is at least normal & we dont have other cards with this priority => play coin to use it Card Coin has an ULTRA priority! Grabbing card: Coin Dropping currently held card! Checking hand cards priorities : Card Flare be ignored Ending turn. ))))))))))))))))))))) Also i have no idea why bot use Hunter's Mark on card with taunt and next use Leeroy to kill it...
Guess what happens if everyone creates his own thread, for already known things and especially with precious titles like "lolwtf" ... -_- Search the forums and use, what is already well managed and existing:
Coin has already been reported as an issue with bot seeing it as a priority to play and then forgetting its original card to play for.
Hearthbuddy is in beta mode atm. d.h. there are bugs. Please help us fixing them by attaching a logfile to each report you create here!