i told u problem with dispell frog before in leaves now i see stars does not dispell frog too that sucks do damn hard ^^ i have to press dispell keys so fast and need to have luck to cast it manually couse bot is to fast so please make that cr dispell frog maybe ask tuanha all his cr dispell nearly pefect
IMPORTANT You can run revision 312, which is Leaves 2.1 with some api fixes for the new botbase. This will most likely be more stable then the current v2.2 Duo lack of time this is the best solution I could come up with, untill I'm able to resolve all issues on v2.2 with my testers.
Can u trace it to the mushrooms ? Disabling it fixes it ? Removing sprouting fixes it? The code used, was removed by hb. I got the cod from them, but the reason it was removed is cuz it's laggy and slow.
Running great for me no lag, unlike previous version this is cc'ing and using defensive cd's (I have mushroom placement unticked but blooming and charging ticked).
Can u add me on Skype: Miraveux, have a test build for u, helps me pinpoint the issue. it is actually a previous version xD, before rewrite.. just merged a few fixes.
hey mirabis just a quick question will ur paid routine work when the new honorbudy update gets here ?? and if it doesnt how do u get older versions of ur cr??
Ok the last few Just done a few arenas the only major issue I noticed, was it tried to cyclone a mage who had blocked lol. But the heals were great, I'm only 519 ivl with grevious weapons, and i was with a 543 rogue, won 15/17 and 1 loss was down to dampening against a hunter equal gear to my rogue and a druid who was full prideful. =]
What do u mean exactly ? Why wouldn't it ? Oh nvm .. Us patch.. Idunno have to see the build first, but highly likely if nothing for cr changes
logged in to skype and ready for you, doing a pinnacle of storms at the moment to see the performance with the new honorbuddy but no change, lag spikes all over the place
To add to this. Not sure if anyone is reading but feedback was asked for and I'm trying to give it constructively . - played lots of arena. Rejuv is seriously broken. I'm at 50% health have regrowth and 3 LBs on me and no Rejuv. It like never casts the thing. This should be up in 2s 100% of the time on both toons if at all possible. I dont know how to make it more of a priority i have it at 95%, min mana 1% and 5 max targets. Can we look into this please? - i'm literally being trainged by a rogue and it sits in stag form to get out of slows while i'm at 50% health with just 3 LBs up and nothing else. I have to manually fight the bot to hot myself. - The stack process is also a bit weird as I kind of mentioned but will elaborate more on. It seems like 3 LBs is always the priorty, but in arenas this doesn't work. An example is I'm pre-hotting my partner, I've got ahim going good. Now they swap to me and in a stun.silence I go to 60% or so. Well it starts stacking LBs, then tries a regrowth. This is flawed logic. I need a rejuv then a Swiftmend in that cast, not 3 lifeblooms and a regrowth thats going to be interrupted. It even seems like it tries to get 3 LBs up before hitting barksin(i had this on auto for testing). LB shouldn't trump all, there should be logic that understands the best use of global CDs when at a certain % is 2 GCDs - rejev and swiftmend. or better yet, NS>regrowth>swiftmend NOT 3 Lifeblooms. - Has anyone else had an issue in prowl? I'll start a match in prowl and it will immediately start to pre-hot. Is this by design or is there a way I can stay in prowl? I've literally had to stop the bot prowl, open with cyclone and then start the bot. That makes no sense. There should be a way to have prowl and then something else trigger a break, like prowl until 80% or something. I just feel like a lot of the times i'm fighting the bot. I'm fighting it to use Soul of the Forest to get quick cyclones, I'm fighting it to stay in prowl for opener, I'm having to spam rejuv cast manually and then Swiftmend. I have to manually shift poly 50% of the time because it doesnt do it. I'm pretty scared to play 3s with this because I dont think it can handle swaps well at all. I'm afraid my 2nd DPS is going to get swapped to and the bot will go like this - Move mushroom > lifebloom > lifebloom > lifebloom > regrowth........ > swiftmend......... and if he lives that long he's dead. You die before the LBs even bloom. When in reality it should be Rejuv > Swiftmend > LB > regrowth? wildgrowth? or LB? depends on % > LB > rejuv > swiftmend or something much burstier. This bot is doing fantastic on mana and I have no issues with moving the mushrooms while glyph'd. Its just priorty based % healing and understanding that Rejuv needs to be up at all times.
test 3, Wild Mushroom: Automatic Placement = ON, but no Sprouting Mushroom Glyph = NO lag spikes but now i do not like the working of the mush no more witch you can fix by making the mushroom on mouseover hotkey behave like the mouseover macro in this mode without the glyph.
last test, new HB .734 and old Leaves .305n Glyph restored, Wild Mushroom: Automatic Placement = ON, wait, no lag spikes, but but but, no healing as wel guess we allready knew that to sum it up, leaves works well for me with Wild Mushroom: Automatic Placement = OFF, when i do heroics i have it off anyway, so no biggy for me here i use my own presets in the latest version of leaves so healing output must be of the same level as v.305 i guess, ill see that when i get in my heroic tomorrow wel, gotta go for to now
Done a few more arenas, my partner got low a few times and I knew I couldn't recover so I tried to cyclone, and other times Ns clone. But the routine would fight with me even though I have cyclone hotkey in the settings, so needs to be some kind of pause from user key press? The other thing I'm not too sure the reason behind it I know I had SOTF up and it was spamming Regrowth but would stop casting right at the end for no reason, (this happened 2 or 3 times) I dunno if it was down to expecting an interrupt or not, but looked a bit bottish. I'll pm the log because it has names enabled so obviously don't want people seeing Also don't know if its just me but it don't seem to be automatic bloom charging. (maybe be down to the rejuv issue a person above mentioned)? Edit: Looking through a bit of the log, it looks like it stopped my cast due to the DR tracker. But at 1 point from the first cyclone to my 3rd was a 29 second gap yet the third one was stopped by the bot. By then it should of been off DR, but seems to only let us cyclone twice anyway? I know it may not always be beneficial to cyclone the 3rd but may help in some. Edit 2: Done some bgs, and even just standing in shrine, if a friendly person casts polly/hex I shapeshift, and in bgs, even though the enemy mage was in the other base I still ended up shape shifting. Also, when mounted I get dismounted to keep Lifebloom up so I use pause to stop it, but for some reason it used it because of a smoke bomb when I was know where near one, I was between farm and lm and no rogue in either places.