After a week of using this I must say that this is indeed a very nice plugin that gives me a great overwatch of my botting. Well done buddy!
i cant start App get crashed immediately on my phone Alcatel onetouch pixi android 2.3.6? how i can fix it? pay for nothing u.u
You mailed me earlier, right? Did you send in a error report? Could you try again now. (sometimes the server stucks for a few minutes -.- )
Hmm seems to be a problem with the play store service. You need the play service to use it. Are you using the newest Play Store? If its not helping... the new app SHOULD work wit androdi 2.3 too, but i dont have a device to test. Maybe you could beta test? (There is a option in the play store... doenst tried it yet but theres a first time for everything)
This plugin look awsome, and I want to buy it, but atm im in Serbia, and I here are paid apps disabled in the google play store.. do you know a way we could solve this ?
it isn't send replies on whispers and more. i just can read incoming messages but cannot write outgoing
I think I crashed your site when I requested a screenshot from my bot. Sorry about that and please debug kthx
Freaking great it....i really recomend this shit! best thing ever great man great you just made my boting much chill dont have to be so paranoid no more with this thanks man thanks dont now what i can say more so greatfull thanks...germans are awesome and my dad is german to....thanks man thanks.....
bekomme immer: wenn ich auf Request Picture gehe. Internet Verbindung stabil / 100k Leitung / Passwort und Nutzername sind richtig / 60 FPS konstant also auch kein "Lag" & zu verschiedenen Zeiten probiert. (Das einzige was ich aus der Log verstanden habe woran es an mir liegen könnte) P.S: Request sowohl am Handy (Google Chrome) & am Rechner über Firefox/Google Chrome angefordert. Jeweils der oben genannte Fehler. Win 8.1 / 64bit (Spiel läuft auf 32bit - x86) / HB aktuell & neu draufgezogen - selber Fehler / HB als Admin ausgeführt EDIT: scheinbar mochte mich dein Server nur nicht besonders. Ohne Änderungen funktioniert es heute auf ein mal. Danke für dieses wundervolle Plugin! Spende kommt bald.. Schreibe dich dann an.
Are all of the images private if we just use Or do we need to do /console screenshotQuality 10 Also, is there a way to get it so that screenshots are only taken when you are whispered and not say? I have the settings set to false for all of them except whisper, but it is still taking screenshots whenever there is a /say. Lastly, if you delete the images can you upload more? I reached my upload limit of 50 quickly and I'm now getting this error: Code: [/COLOR]Fehler: {"error":{"message":"API limits exceeded","request":"\/\/2\/upload.json","method":"post","format":"json","parameters":"image = \/9j\/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD\/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwc..."}}[COLOR=#333333] [/COLOR] [bC]: Fehler: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.[COLOR=#333333] Is there a way for me to continue to upload?
I purchased the app today, and everything is working perfectly, including both receiving and sending messages via whisper and guild. To ensure that this feature works, log in to BuddyCon - Site copy the "ANDROID" key bellow your API key (note that the android key will only appear after having logged in from the andoid device). Now in Honorbuddy, click plugins, highlight "BuddyCon2" and click setting in the lower left corner of the plugins menu. The very first option in the list is "ANDROID DEVICE KEY", paste your android key from the website into this field. While you are in the settings menu, scroll down to 2 lists of "Notifications on Mobile", and ensure that all of the notifications you wish to have sent to your phone are set to "true". Finally, if the bot was running while you were changing these settings, click stop for a brief second and then you are free to start it back up. These are the steps I went through to enable to app to work perfectly.