Our experiment went now quite a while, and a lot of users used it to have an alternative on how to buy buddyproducts. However we decided that we will only support Bitcoin and Litecoin payments in the future and for now. You are still free to mine EXN and convert them to other currencies as BTC or LTC on the excanges. And for everyone missed this, there are still around 2 weeks to get a buddy key with EXN.
Good thing I cashed out before this, whew. Thanks for doing the experiment Bossland. I myself very much appreciate it.
if the buddyproducts cannot be bought anymore, where's the sense in exilecoin? just a view from some distance, no criticism.
how about putting price back since time is limited now? i saved some exn from before expecting i could get a 2x 3packs of keys at some point, now i can't even afford 1 key!
I must agree, if you are doing away with it for good, whats the point in trippling the prices before you do?
You already cashed out a lot I guess to ask that stop being that greedy. You are one of the reasons the price went up and casual miners were not able to purchase anything.
Yay, bring on the kiddie flame fest. I was FAR from near the largest miner of EXN, perhaps you should check your sources.
Well if your going to start calling people out and flaming I'll have to stop you right there. I'm in a better position then anyone to know who did what and how much Hush now People needed to have traded the coin to have kept it worth while for Bossland. It also does not mean it's the end of EXN we just need to fine other ways to get other dev's and Bossland to accept it again
The problem is, that if i put it back, it would be market price, and the market price is 0.0000007 BTC per EXN, a Honorbuddy Lifetime 1 Sessions would be - 98 571 EXN when we oppened EXN it was a project to see what an altcoin is and how it works, also gived the chance to ppl to buy our Bots with EXN for a price 20 times lower than when they would have used money instead of electricity. The project is over, it was announced 2 weeks before we closed the shop, there was plenty time to use your EXN before that, we ran EXN since December, that was nearly half an year. Hoerver it could never come out of of the yust another altcoin thing.