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  • HB ARCHIVES: TheBrodieman's Profile Compendium--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Dec 23, 2012.

    1. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      I have added in the "Check for completion of the follow up quest" to the start of this quest. If you have already done the follow up, this quest is no longer viable. I will need to confirm that by skipping this quest, you still have enough to complete loremaster. That will come later.
    2. ohman47

      ohman47 New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Attached Files:

    3. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Firstly, thank you for the lengthy report. Lots to look at. So here we go:

      1) Issues where the bot flies into things are normally mesh issues, but with flightor it might be that a better XYZ location needs to be added. Can you tell me what quest it was attempting to do or who it was trying to interact with? I know you sent a log, but logs are huge and without somewhere to start from, all I can do is read through the entire log.
      2) Same as 1, just need to know what quest you are doing.
      3) Typo in the while loop syntax. Corrected. Should never do that again.

      Duskwood: I will add some checks to assure when we have completed the area, so as to not need to do too many extra (checks currently exist, but looks like i need more)
      Issue with landing on the tavern roof is a combination of mesh and flightor, not profile related, unless I remove flight support for that section (which may result in long ground mount runs depending on where you start the profile)
      Stopping issue was due to DeleteItems having the wrong call (ItemIds instead of Ids) issue corrected.

      Cape of Stranglethorn:
      Perfectly Pure: I would take a picture of the pool you are stuck in, and send it to the Nav issues page, to show that the bot can not get out of it. The issue is most likely mesh related being there is no ground path out of the pool (best guess) considering once you leave the pool, the profile continues as normal.
      Message in a Bottle: Known issue on flightor: sometimes its too close to the ground to consider flying but too far off the ground to consider landed. Landing the bot or dismounting manually should fix this. Happens about 1 in 50 attempts now (down from 1 in 4 from my experience) but still in there.
      Stranglethorn Fever/Scaring Shaky: According to the log, it started to do these quests, but ran out of inventory space. It proceeded to fly to the vendor, looks like it got stuck on something, then the log ends abruptly before it could sell (from what I can tell).
      A Dish Best Served Huge: Could be the same flightor bug as above.
      Our Mortal Enemies: Item might not have been used that would allow for the continuation of the quest. Reworded the quest syntax. Should now use the item if we lack the aura it gives, and will return to that point and use again if we need to, and should continue to hunt until done the quest. And...it would seem...I have completely neglected the turn in code! Added.
      The Brashtide Crew: Added QuestFrameDisposition Ignore code, just incase. (Pop up isn't a quest frame but HB thought it was?)

      Good point on the quest bit. Had to make sure people had enough space in the log or else it would fail and people will post "PROFILE BORKED DOESN'T PICK UP QUESTS!!1!1" so I will add a note in the description at the front.
    4. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Fix added, incoming in next push.
    5. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Individual mailing of items as you are asking for is a bit of an undertaking. Unfortunately without a mailbox on the isle, automailing is a bit outside this profile's scope. I will not be adding mailbox support as the main focus of the profile is coin and chest collecting. I would recommend (as I do with most of my profiles) not running this AFK for too long. Keep a moderate eye on it, and you can catch it when need be.
    6. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Large patch (r46) added! See patch notes for updates. Issue with Northern Stranglethorn (Alliance) added: If you can not do the kicker quest, you will get 49/50 done. This is because the quest I will need to add in is intricate and will require more testing on my part than I'm willing to do at this moment. Updates will come later. For now, if you need it completed, the final quest needed is in Fort Livingston.
    7. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      You are welcome! i just came home today, and i wanted to keep on going, so i went trough the Redrige ones, they went close to flawlessly, some minor issues here and there, ( i shal give you a log )

      i've gotten to a point where the bot says :
      Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Three Corners
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Lakeshire
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Keeshan Storyline
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Camp Everstill
      Bot stopping! Reason: Bot stop requested by Halt quest behavior.

      and i cant find a way to fix this, so i'm kinda stuck, any solution to this?

      ( PS , When i get this back working, il keep on posting a detailed log, about where, and when it happened, with quest links, and allot of logs ) just need the profile to start working again )
      Restarted HB completly, and it worked after i did that!

      I will make a new topic, and post detailed logs there! and i hope it works out for you mate
      View attachment 10160 2014-05-25 18.16.txt
      Last edited: May 25, 2014
    8. Speechless

      Speechless New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      I am attempting to do dailies in Pandaria.
      Any that have pre reqs are being loaded into the pre req and then the bot shuts down because the NPC or desired quest cannot be found.
      I have searched through this forum and have been unable to find a similar issue.
      How do I tell the bot that pre reqs have already been completed?
    9. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      ok :
      Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Burning Steppes
      Burning steppes !

      Mud Hunter - Quest - World of Warcraft This quest, the bot did it itselfe, but it swam trough lava, so it kept on getting interrupted while trying to loot the soil, but as said, the bot did it , so i see no reason to add a log, unless u want it ?
      Adding more quests as they come
      Quest : A Perfect Costume - Quest - World of Warcraft
      Can not turn in quest A Perfect Costume (ID: 28202) because I don't have it in my quest log!
      Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot

      This quest was infact in the quest log, but he was not able to reward it at the quest giver, so i had to deliver it to the quest giver, and pick up the new quest, before starting the bot again
      Log : View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt

      Quest : General Thorg'izog - Quest - World of Warcraft
      This quest, the bot does the quest, but you might wanna fix it, so its takes the quest ( rewards it ) instantly, as my bot got over there, and was stuck there for a good 2-3 minutes, waiting for people to kill the quest giver, before me actually rewarding it, but if it moved faster, it could have rewarded it instantly )
      Not giving a log on it, as its not a bot error!


      For these x3 quests : A Delivery for Neeralak - Quest - World of Warcraft
      And : A Delivery for Thorg'izog - Quest - World of Warcraft
      And : A Delivery for Xi'lun - Quest - World of Warcraft
      For those, i had to manually walk to each quest giver, as the bot just sat still, doing absolutly nothing while i was on those 3! after doing it manually, the bot started working fine again!

      **Edit** with a closer look, the bot stands still nex to NPC: Dragon-Lord Neeralak - NPC - World of Warcraft and just sits there afk, untill it logs it self out of game :)

      Edit : reason for the bot not beeing able to do this quest, is most likly becouse the bot doesent automaticly use this item : [Blackrock Disguise] Blackrock Disguise - Item - World of Warcraft
      Gonna do these quests manually ( Edit ) After i equipped this item ( Used it ) the bot started working fine again, should look into that!
      Log: View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt

      Quest : [Assault on Dreadmaul Rock] Assault on Dreadmaul Rock - Quest - World of Warcraft Bot just standing still, not stopping or anything, just sits there, not doing anything at all,
      Cant seem to get it working by Stopping / Starting, so im gonna do this quest manually, might wanna check up on that aswell

      After some testing : i'd had to manually walk into the correct place, for the bot to mount on the dragon, but while mounted, it only attacks, and does not move arround, so i have to manually ride the dragon arround, while the bot attacks, to be able to complete it :
      Log : View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt

      Quest complete Log : if this helps you, not sure, but this is the log, while i was manually flying myselfe : View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt

      Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Burning Steppes Complete, so that was all the problems i had in that zone!
      il make a new post, and post what i get in that zone!
      Last edited: May 25, 2014
    10. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Thorium Advance!

      Quest tip : Lunk's Adventure: Spider Rider - Quest - World of Warcraft this quest is impossible to do as level 90 Shaman(ele), or any class that has a spell that attacks back, without dropping theyr self buff, some combat routines makes it tricky to turn that of, but i guess thats kinda hard for you to do anything with :p just a heads up anyhow, not sure if this is something you can do anything with!

      90 Ele shaman - Standard combat routine ( the one that comes with the bot ) made it impossible, i actually turned the bot of, just to do this quest ) just a heads up !

      Quest : Dig-Boss Dinwhisker - Quest - World of Warcraft seems like the bot just stands still in a set place, not willing to move away from that poss, cant seem to find any way else than to turn of that bot, and do the quest manually ! here's the log : View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt
      Update * Manually did the quest, and the bot accepted that, and kept on going!

      Quest : Rasha'krak - Quest - World of Warcraft Bot kept flying back and forth over the guy, but dident target him , or attack him!
      Edit : after some checking, the quest that was bugged out, was Heat That Just Don't Quit - Quest - World of Warcraft not the Rasha'Krak, while on the quest, the bot limited himselfe to 1 set place, where there is 1 fire elemental, instead of walking arround, to diffrent spawn zones! Adding a log :
      View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt

      Lunk's Adventure: Cranky Little Dwarfs - Quest - World of Warcraft
      [Lunk's Adventure: Cranky Little Dwarfs]
      Its like the quest i described above here, with the standard routine, the bot is not able to do it, if you're a ele shaman or anything else with a selfbuff that does dmg to things that attacks you, doing it manually!

      Quest : [Twilight Collars] Twilight Collars - Quest - World of Warcraft That quest, it made the bot fly Above the quest area, not landing, and not attacking the mobs, so i stopped the bot, and did the quest by hand!
      Log : View attachment 7492 2014-05-25 19.29.txt
      Bot or profile? so after a restart of HB, i get this :
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
      [Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
      [Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Scanning for Eastern Kingdoms Memories...
      [Profile Message]: Parsing Eastern Kingdoms Block for unexperienced memories...
      [Profile Message]: Westfall and Duskwood memories detected. Moving to synchronize.
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile 'Eastern Kingdoms\[Animus] Westfall [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Westfall Quests ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Westfall
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Jansen Stead
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Sanders Treasure
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Saldean/Molsen Farm
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Sentinel Hill
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Moonbrook
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Grayson
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Sentinel Hill Attack
      [Profile Message]: Westfall Memory Synchronized, parsing to Duskwood
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[Animus] Duskwood [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Duskwood Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
      [Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
      [Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Scanning for Eastern Kingdoms Memories...
      [Profile Message]: Parsing Eastern Kingdoms Block for unexperienced memories...
      [Profile Message]: Westfall and Duskwood memories detected. Moving to synchronize.
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile 'Eastern Kingdoms\[Animus] Westfall [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Westfall Quests ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Westfall
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Jansen Stead
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Sanders Treasure
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Saldean/Molsen Farm
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Sentinel Hill
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Moonbrook
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Grayson
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Sentinel Hill Attack
      [Profile Message]: Westfall Memory Synchronized, parsing to Duskwood
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[Animus] Duskwood [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Duskwood Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
      [Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
      [Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Scanning for Eastern Kingdoms Memories...
      [Profile Message]: Parsing Eastern Kingdoms Block for unexperienced memories...
      [Profile Message]: Westfall and Duskwood memories detected. Moving to synchronize.
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile 'Eastern Kingdoms\[Animus] Westfall [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Westfall Quests ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Westfall
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Jansen Stead
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Sanders Treasure
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Saldean/Molsen Farm
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Sentinel Hill
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Moonbrook
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Grayson
      [Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Sentinel Hill Attack
      [Profile Message]: Westfall Memory Synchronized, parsing to Duskwood
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[Animus] Duskwood [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Duskwood Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
      [Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
      [Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
      [DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
      [Profile Message]: Scanning for Eastern Kingdoms Memories...
      [Profile Message]: Parsing Eastern Kingdoms Block for unexperienced memories...
      [Profile Message]: Westfall and Duskwood memories detected. Moving to synchronize.
      [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile 'Eastern Kingdoms\[Animus] Westfall [Brodie].xml'
      Changing current profile to Westfall Quests ($Rev$)
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      View attachment 5444 2014-05-25 21.57.txt

      it repeats itselfe, and it wont do anything at all, exept spamming that . gonna leave the bot while i smoke, and try to restart it, see if that works!
      Did not work, seems like the profile is corrupted or something at this point, and it seems like i'd have to complete the remaining 15 quests myselfe, so gonna do that, !

      Well, i've done the zone myselfe, and its still doing the same , so there is nothing more i can do , without you having a looksie at it mate, here is my final log, untill you figure this one out :
      View attachment 6084 2014-05-25 22.48.txt

      Actually, since i really like your work, i deleted my HB, started of fresh, and bom, it works again, so, im gona keep the reports coming trough out the night, just having a break now, to sit down and play some watch dogs
      Last edited: May 25, 2014
    11. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Profile Message]: Compiling Fuselight Kicker Memory
      Starting up with one more, will post, and update!

      Quest : The Warden's Game - Quest - World of Warcraft Bot has a really hard time doing this quest, il turn of the bot, and do this one myselfe. and you should look into all the movement the char is doing, its pretty obv is a bot trying to do it, ALLOT of random walking arround in the room, when its a standstill quest!
      **Edit** Seems like its a fixed order to do it in, as all the vids shows the same order, i just think it needs a update, and thats it!

      Profile ended : im happy to say, this was the only problem the bot faced in this area! well done mate!
      Last edited: May 25, 2014
    12. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      All the objects have the same exact id. If you don't move in and out, bot chooses the wrong one potentially. This is a limitation of the bot unfortunately, without doing it by quest behavior and persistently checking xy cords to every unit.
    13. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Ahh right, owh well, i guess there's nothing to do about that then! hehe, :D
    14. geneziz

      geneziz Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Loch Modan
      Updates coming!

      *Map Update * Silver Stream Mine- Toon lands on top of the mountain , and wont go down, so i manually guided it down, and it started of as it should ! :D
      Last edited: May 25, 2014
    15. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Most likely a cache corruption error. Follow the cache corruption instructions on page 1.
    16. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Accidental Halt command (used for testing purposes and debug on my end) was left in. Removed in next push.
    17. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Running through lava I can't help unfortunately...

      A Perfect Costume -- Missing turn ins for the other possible versions (3, 4, and 5) Added in along with If determination structure.

      Not sure what you meant by Thorg'izog. If he was being attacked by other players that's unfortunate...but according to the profile code, it should head there almost immediately after picking up.

      The 3 delivery quests: it's funny I have checks for that aura and use of that item all over the profile EXCEPT during those quests. Fixed.

      Assault on Dreadmaul Rock -- It should automatically mount the dragon after the cinematic. Is the cinematic being skipped? That would probably cause it to not mount. Profile SHOULD not auto-skip (not programmed to). Unfortunately it isn't programmedd to move during the flight on the dragon. This is from a stock HB QB and I did not do anything to update it. Can be reported as a HB Issue though.
    18. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      I made changes addressing all but one of these quests. The Twilight Collars is a nav issue:

      [19:53:18.349 D] Could not generate path from {-6486.736, -860.7985, 324.0879} to {-6493.822, -873.5944, 0} on map Azeroth (Phase: RedgridgeOrcBomb) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
    19. geospawn

      geospawn New Member

      May 26, 2014
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      the plugin does not load, it doesn't even appear in the plugin selection. Any fixes or that?
    20. Kmica

      Kmica Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      Make sure u installed it correctly, as instructed on 1st page.
      The plugin works as intended.

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