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  • About to start running 2-3 Bots at once. Need some help

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Howia1, May 24, 2014.

    1. Howia1

      Howia1 New Member

      Feb 5, 2012
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      Hey guys, Been here for awhile and always loved using HonorBuddy, I have been botting for about 2 years now with only 1 ban on my account which I ended up actually getting out of. But now that account is probably flagged and being watched, which is why I want to start botting 2-3 Accounts under different names and paying with gamecards. But I have a few questions.

      First, If I were to bot theese 3 accounts on the same computer as my main how much of a risk am I at? Do they ban IP's or Mac Addresses?

      Secondly, If it is risky to bot everything on one computer would changing my Ip every week or so keep me a bit better protected?

      Third, How would I safely transfer this money from the bot accounts to my main account? I don't plan on moving much as I would like to sell some of the gold

      And fourth, Which is not much of a question, I would love to hear how some of you manage to bot more than a few accounts while keeping your main safe.

      Quick Edit, I am planning on buying 3 level 90 accounts off of Vbarrack and botting them, is this the best route? I can get 3 for about $120, Which is still cheaper than buying 3 accounts with all the game keys

      Thank you in advance!
      Last edited: May 24, 2014
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1. they dont care, people multibox so they can ban people for running multiple copys of wow on the same machine. on top of that they really dont care if they are all on the same battle.net Hawker and myself both have battle.net accounts with multiple wow accounts, they only ban the wow account effected not ALL the wow accounts on the battle.net

      2. its probably better if you dont keep changing the ip, not like blizzard really cares anyway. its not like your running a chineses bot farm.

      3. i use a guild bank, but its probably best if you use an actual running guild with other people, so not all your bot characters are in it, and theres some other randomness from other people taking funds or items to and from it.

      dont buy accounts, you dont have the secret questions and answers and you dont have the original keys that where used. so if you have to recover those accounts your screwed. you already have the bot, its not that hard to run them though questing.
    3. Howia1

      Howia1 New Member

      Feb 5, 2012
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      Fair enough, thanks for the info...

      Quick little statement, My Main account and bot account were both banned today. My main account was appealed and it was taken off, the ban was because I was talking about sell a 60day card in my guild chat (Retarded, I know) But then my bot account also got a ban, with the same reason:

      Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy

      I appealed it asking what I did wrong and they just removed it without saying anything, no Email about botting and that it was just a mistake... Is it possible they banned both my account (Which are under different names) because of IP? Or was I just insanely unlucky.

      Both accounts are unlocked but it was strange

      Checked both emails, They were banned about an hour apart.. weird
    4. Madcatz

      Madcatz Member

      May 17, 2011
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      Agree my 2 accounts are both linked an both my accounts where band just hours before Mop release Lol an my friends account also banned all 3 at the same time so cant belive all the of what people say some get lucky some don't
    5. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      when they ban you for "Exploiting the Economy" its basicly "we dont know what your doing but you pissed off enough players its not worth having you around anymore" if it was from the bot, it would say 3rd party hacks or whatever. as far as "they where banned hours apart" if you send tons of mail and gold between accounts its still bad, and chances are you ran the same kind of public profiles or did the same style of botting on both accounts.

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