Hi guys, i was running honorbuddy and was switching characters with HB running, trying to run IB plugin with HB and realised the queue for my dps toon was 15 minutes, decided to switch to my shaman, however just as i was on the character select screen a pop up appeared It was the format of an official in-game popup ( definitely no foul play ), and was in red color text, bolded. It consisted of a code but the word that catched my attention was 'hax' ^i forgot to take a screenshot. damn Should i cease all botting RIGHT NOW?
It means no harm to you, its just the bot tried to fire something when it simply couldn't. Ignore it. Use searcb bar next time!
It is related with the bot You have to pass a lua file name as parameter to one of the functions in WoW.
I've had the same error with other things before without the bot running, so in a sense it isn't but in this case I guess it is related but not in a "ohh crap" sense. =P
yes, blizzard is hax'ing you. beware! ... xD don't worry. the only thing u have to worry about is if you can't log into the game (says pw is wrong) then you're screwed -Kick