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  • [Official] Honorbuddy Update Status - Patch 5.4.8 (Build # 18273)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pascal, Aug 29, 2013.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      As you many of you have learned by now, World of Warcraft has been updated to patch 5.4.8 Build #18273.
      This means that Honorbuddy will be down until our team can investigate the information in the patch, make sure everything safe, and make a release.

      If this is your first experience with Honorbuddy after a WoWclient patch, you can find more information about the situation here:
      Please note that all threads pertaining to the accelerated release of an update, "honorbuddy lite," complaints about the bot being down, and general trolling will be closed/deleted and warnings/mutes/bans will be handed out as deemed necessary.

      I as well as other staff members will update this thread only when there is information to be given.
      If this thread is not updated every 30 minutes, it is because there is nothing to share.

      Please be patient while we get everything working again.

      Thank you for your understanding.
    2. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Status update as of 20 May 2014 23:18 UTC

      Sorry for the late update (I was afk most of the day). We already have a working internal build for Patch and was planning to do a release. However, we just learned that there will be a hotfix patch rev 18291 for US servers and started updating Honorbuddy for it. EU servers will possibly be patched to that build directly in the morning.

      Therefore we will hold the release till EU servers come back up and some extra hours for internal testing.
      y2krazy likes this.
    3. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Status update as of 21 May 2014 11:43 UTC

      We have a working internal build for patch 18291. We are making sure everything works as expected before a release. It shouldn't take long for a public test release.
    4. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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    5. musher

      musher New Member

      May 23, 2014
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      Can it collect Black Ice.

      How this keys work, I try but they do nothing but use potions or powers

      <!-- Shortcut keys:
      Alt+1 Dump Entities
      Alt+2 Dump Dialog Options
      Alt+3 Dump Active Missions
      Alt+4 Dump Position
      Alt+5 Dump Interact Options
      Alt+6 Dump Powers
      Alt+7 Dump Inventory
      Alt+8 Dump Map
      Alt+9 Dump PowerTree
      Ctrl+1 Dump Buffs
      Alt+F4 Stop Bot

    6. Sandalius

      Sandalius New Member

      May 18, 2014
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      Hey, I just started using this and I'd first off like to say thank you so much for putting work into this. It's really great. ^-^ I started a new character and there's something I've noticed. Something that makes leveling A LOT slower is if I have auto equip turned on in your plugin, it will stop every few seconds and equip items that aren't recommended. Then a few seconds later it will re-equip the recommended items. The character maybe walks 10 meters at a time and then stops to equip. It even equips during combat. So, if possible, could you refine or 'fix' this problem or suggest something I can do to fix this. Also, def adding something that stops equipping while in combat would be excellent.
      Last edited: May 23, 2014
    7. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      View attachment 5736 2014-05-28 23.37.txt Nope, it's still not working.. It's only doing the Golden Lotus dailies and nothing else even when I have all the various reputations selected within the plugin.. It also struggles a lot on some of the Golden Lotus dailies.

      The first one where you have to "duel" 20 monks where they all get around you in a circle the bot has a really hard time as its targeting one mob and when the mob gets knocked out of the circle (which is normal, that is what happen when you "defeat" one) it will keep it as a target, run out of the circle rendering all mobs friendly as you have to be inside the circle for mobs to get aggressive and it will just stand there with the one mob that just got knocked out which has now turned friendly targeting without being able to do nothing. I have to manually force the bot to get back into the circle in order to get more mobs getting aggressive for the bot to start targeting those.

      And even after getting 20 / 20 completed it will still keep the last mob targeted, even after it has turned friendly and just stand by it doing nothing at all.. I have to manually stop the bot at this point and restart it in order for the plugin to recognize the quest as completed and go ahead and deliver it.

      Then it will run perfectly for a while until it get to the wall where you have to mount the cannon in order to shoot down 30 mobs from the sky. It doesn't really have any trouble with getting this completed but it will just keep spamming shots at specific direction hitting nobody 90% of the time. I can't remember this quest taking this long and the targeting being this random when I did it on my Monk a few months back. Something seems to be off.

      And of course, when it's done with Golden Lotus it will hearthstone and claim there is nothing more to do, even though it has yet to touch any of the other daily quests. No Dominance Offensive, no The Angler, no Tiller, no nothing. There is clearly something really wrong going on here, but as I'm using a fresh folder of Honorbuddy with a fresh copy of the plugin as well as I'm clearly out all the various World of Warcraft / Battle.NET cache folders before starting I can't wrap my head around what might be wrong.

      Could you please take a look at the log files that I've uploaded and see if you can get anything out of this?
    8. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Funny thing.. Upon trying The free version of the plugin instead of the paid premium one it seems to be working. So obviously the premium version appears to not be up-to-date or something? Or perhaps the one I got from bothaven is old?
    9. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      The dueling one that's been going on since WoW added in this quest. It takes HB a few seconds (more in some instances) to determine that "Oh this mob is no longer viable". Mine in particular determines it in about 1-2 seconds. Not determining that it has changed at all could be an issue with your CC? The profile itself will not make the determination of "hostile or not" mid combat.

      The cannon quest has been buggy for some time, as cannon behaviors have changed, some for the better, and some for the worse. I'll need a day to just sit in the cannon and work on it, but lately I haven't had more than a few minutes at a time to do much of anything.

      At the end of the profile I see this:

      [21:54:46.935 D] Goal: RunLua-v1085: In Progress (no associated quest)
      [Ref: "Golden Lotus ($Rev$)" @line 313]
      [21:54:46.935 D] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(6948) 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
      [21:54:47.090 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [21:54:47.143 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
      [21:54:47.143 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
      [21:54:47.174 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped

      This says to me that the plugin has either been deactivated or has stopped running. It was running at the start of the log, but then there is no sign of it running after it makes the first swap.
      Can you confirm that the plugin is running/activated in HB's Plugins window?
    10. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      The one from Bothaven is updated in the same way as the one from HB. Neither is out-of-date, as all changes to one are made to the other simultaneously, and are not released until such time. The specific code that monitors for use of Hearthstones is identical in both versions.
    11. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      The plugin is indeed running. I can't give any real answer to why its behaving like this. Like I said, I'm using a fresh copy of Honorbuddy, with a fresh copy of the plugin with all cache cleared beforehand. I have even tried to test in on three different systems, each with its own installation and copy of World of Warcraft and it's the same with all of them.

      It might be that TuanHA CC is to blame in terms of fuzzy targeting, but I'm still having the same issue whereas the premium version of the plugin will only do Golden Lotus dailies and stop right after. The plugin is indeed loaded and running, all the reputation factions are selected but it wont swap from Golden Lotus into anything else afterwards.

      Might be some issue with profileswapper or something, but I have no clue about how I should tackle this issue. Like I said, simply replacing the premium version of the plugin with the free one in the exact same Honorbuddy installation and configuration seems to fix it all. With the free version it's successfully switching and doing all dailies without issues, but as soon as I try with the premium version I'm right back at it only doing Golden Lotus and nothing else.
    12. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Just loaded up both public and premium. Both are working with swapping between profiles. I do not know why it isn't checking for it...unless its casting and stopping the bot too fast...going to try adding in a wait timer on the cast of the hearthstone, see if that makes any difference.
    13. IPreferHappy

      IPreferHappy New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      Hey man... Your profiles are AWESOME and come payday, I'm going to for sure be subscribing for premium. But just some constructive feedback...

      The reputation tab is a tad bit confusing. I figured out that Blue = checked and red = unchecked, but why not just have a simple set of boxes to check/uncheck for choosing which faction dailies to do?

      Also, is it still necessary to start the profile from the TBM interface menu the first time each HB session now? And then I should start from HB from then on right?
    14. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      It is necessary to start from the plugin's UI because this will enable the ProfileSwapper section. Anytime after, so long as you don't go back into the Plugin's UI and make changes, you can start/stop from HB itself.
    15. Digipimp

      Digipimp New Member

      Apr 19, 2014
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      Hey Brodie!! /SALUTE SALUTE!!! TY for all of your hard work and effort! I started using this plugin last night and almost fking died irl cause i had been struggling with all of the things your plugins do ( i take care of my terminally ill mother full time
      ) why havent i found this sooner? lol anyway i am trying to run the black prince rep on thunder isle on T1 - TOON 1 and want t2 on a laptop with hb with NO PLUGIN to follow and assist. I know how to set up party bot but.. When i say im having trouble its due to lack of knowledge on how to set up 2 bots as in t2 what bot base to use , blank profile , gb, qb etc... In my mind i think i can manage but.. i am simply not sure any info would help as i have searched and read a few good articles but no direct guide for what im trying to do. If i need to get plugin on laptop for t2 thats fine but the $$ question is will they sync up?
      Last edited: May 28, 2014
    16. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Running the plugin or profile for that matter on two bots won't cause them to sync up. What you want to do is maybe run a botbase like PartyBot...LazyRaider, Tyrael, something that you would use in a dungeon. Designate T1 as the "tank" or "leader" and have T2 follow and assist. That would probably be the best bit. As a side note, have the plugin installed on T2 and active, but don't run the profile. Just have it checked on while running. This will activate spell avoidances so T2 will dance like T1 if something wicked gets cast your way.
    17. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Just wanted to let you know that profileswapper seems to be working again using the premium version, I have no idea why it wouldn't work earlier but now it's doing all the various dailies with both the free and premium version.
    18. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      My theory is it was casting hearthstone then ending at the same time, or fast enough that it snuck through between pulses. Were you using framelock? Either way this fix should prevent issues like this from happening again.
    19. IPreferHappy

      IPreferHappy New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      Hey man, sorry to bug ya again. I haven't noticed this happening before, but I went to do my Klaxxi dailies today, and it's having trouble on the quest Rampage Against the Machine. It's not throwing me any errors via the log, it just enters Kovok and then does nothing. I'll try a fresh install of everything real quick to see if that helps but atm I'm a little stumped. Should I post a log file?

      This is after doing the daily fresh install.

      EDIT: Could this be caused by using a CR other than Singular? I'm using TuanHAs for a Ret Pally.

      EDIT2: Decided to switch to Singular for testing purposes and when I swap to that I get the dialogue telling me I need to progress further in the Dread Wastes quests before I can do Klaxxi dailies... That's impossible I believe as I have the Dread Wastes achievement and have been using this profile to do Klaxxi dailies the last two days in a row. When I get home, I'll post some log files to this post...

      EDIT3: Upon switching back to TuanHAs it no longer gives me the Dread Wastes quest line error dialogue, but has returned to entering Kovok and then sitting still. Attached below are the logs. the one at 17:00 is the log produced from EDIT2 and the one at 18:38 is from this EDIT3.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: May 29, 2014
    20. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      I'm always using framelock, shouldn't I? It comes pre-enabled in the settings and looking at various recommendations it seems like most people claim Honorbuddy should preform better with framelock activated with as high TPS as your hardware is capable of handling without your game and systems performance going down the drain.

      As I'm using it on a system featuring Intel Core i7-3960X @ 4.0GHz I've cranked it all the way up to 100 TPS and have never looked back? I'm still getting 40-80 FPS in-game depending on the amount of players around me at the time so I'd figured I would just leave it on? Botbases like Tyrael is enabling framelock with 90 TPS if you choose it's Max Performance preset.

      But you never know.. Some people recommend having vsync on of all things in-order for Honorbuddy to behave the best, personally I can't really see any reason what so ever as to why Honorbuddy should benefit from having vsync activated in-game as it might cause some added input latency just in order to try avoid some screen-tearing. Why would Honorbuddy benefit from something that is trying to avoid screen-tearing with the chance of added input latency, I wonder.

      Same goes for framelock. Some people claim it to be quite essential for Honorbuddy to preform the best, especially in preformance related scenarios like battlegrounds, arenas, raids etc.. Others seems to believe it might cause more harm than good. Its also said that some Combat Routines don't support framelock, unfortunately I have no clue what this feature actually does and what impact it might have the moment you start using features "not support framelock" and what that might end up resulting into.

      Perhaps you could enlighten a confused souls on this matter and topic? Is framelock something that should be avoided and only activated when need be like when doing RAIDs? Should I perhaps keep it deactivated at all times for compatibility and stability reasons? Or should it be left on at 100 TPS? You tell me, I have no idea.

      When it comes to the fuzzy targeting its working way better using Singular instead of TuanHA, so I'll just keep using Singular for my dailies from now on and use TuanHA for everything else.
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