What can I farm safely to make a good amount of profit? I have been running wotlk dungeons, selling the cloth and drops but it doesn't net that much. Which profiles/zones/dungeons etc drop the most ?
As said above. You can't bot safely. No matter what you do, it's always a chance. Some ways is more riskier and some is somewhat "safe"
You dont need to use a bot to make tons of gold. Get jewelcrafting and enchanting and start doing producing your wares and put them on the AH. You can also get into the transmog market and sell that stuff. Transmog is a long term investement but it is very lucrative. I am only selling transmog stuff now. Buy cheap good looking items and put them up for a higher price. I have around 1200 items up on the AH at any given time and over 1 week around 50 of those get sold. (Makes 10k-25k profit) Sometimes even more. It really depends on the items and on the server.