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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by wired420, Nov 10, 2010.

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    1. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      First off let me say. Messaging me if you can have a private copy of my CC will do you no good. I'm not going to treat some people better than others or my point being made would turn hypocritical, and people who really know me know that is not me. I attempt to treat everyone in the same fashion until which time you attempt to troll me into getting angry, or you throw fits, and/or insults.

      So where this issue started. I was contracted to make the default rogue CC. It was supposed to just work. No settable options or anything. This is how it was asked to be. So to all of you people who have been messaging me telling me my work sucks. It was done to the T how hawker asked me to do it.

      I finished the CC and turned it over to hawker for testing. Much to my surprise I wake up the next morning and people are already modding it and releasing as if they had made it with all credit removed (Users name omitted as it was not his fault). At this moment I had not been paid for the CC. So no one really had a right to be using it anyways. It was given to hawker for his own look over. In this conversation I was also told I should let people steal my CC and do what ever they want to it as they would eventually get tired of doing so and they would just go away.

      Before you read on realize this isn't a personal attack against Raphus, and I will not say anything ill of him in this post. This is an issue with staff changing rules as they see fit to benefit them not having to deal with things.

      Now to Raphus. He's pulled his work several times he's supposed to be getting paid for, and has been allowed to do so. So why wasn't he told you can accept it or leave like I was? Because he hasn't made them money yet off of something they know will do just that. Make money.

      So how is it fair to treat one person different from the rest. Its not. The rules should remain the same from dev to dev. If not your just going to have confusion over and over as well as angry people over and over.

      Second. Other developers have been made full moderators of the site. While this is not required to let them manage their own threads. I understand that not everyone is fully familiar what vBulletin is capable of. I don't understand why they were made moderators of the full site first off. Second why should I be forced to put up with stupid questions when they aren't? They were made moderators just because they bitched about all the trash in their threads. No offense guys but I normally use the ignore button on peoples profiles for this. The point being tho, one of them showed up after me, and was given this status. How is it fair to the rest of the CC devs that have been here longer? Why should we have to put up with it if they don't.

      Third. I was told if my CC is stolen to just ignore it. No one else is required to do this. Why should I be? I was banned in the past for simply removing something from a CC and then getting mad that I was publicly treated like a heathen because someone whined to hawker about it. Notice once again I've left that users name out.

      Fourth. I was told my CC would not be allowed as a DLL. Now why is it ok for others to have this protection for them but not me? Even though I have a developer willing to do the work so I can do this. He offered to do this for me but since hawker told me CC's aren't allowed as dll's in the recent past instead of going behind his back and doing it, my only recourse is to pull my work.

      I hope you people understand. I have no other option. My other option is to be an ass and get banned.

      This thread is not meant to be offensive, or to put anyone down. This is simply to point out that every user and developer should have to follow the same rules, and be treated the same way. I've previously been banned for cussing at someone for 10 days. Once I was allowed back to the site I showed where this guy had harassed me for days before I went off on him. The ban was removed from my infractions and I was apologized to over it.

      Things need to be looked into a little more. Also I think the moderators should have some sort of training. I've got my own vBulletin and have offered to not only show moderators but also bossland himself how to do some things that would make everyone's life easier including investigating something that happens on the site so the wrong person isn't punished for something they should have never been punished for in the first place.

      Anyways. If the above could be looked into and changed so that everyone follows ALL the rules ALL the time instead of changing the rules to what ever gives you the least headache at that point of time, this site would be much more enjoyable for everyone.

      Notice to all of you. If you turn this into a flame thread, I will PERSONALLY have all the moderators in IRC rush to close it. So if its not something constructive to say just STFU and keep your opinion to yourself.

      This thread is NOT for flaming users or staff.
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
      Angully likes this.
    2. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      I'm going to close this only so that I can reply first. I'll reopen it after that.
    3. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      in the past(and its posted on the forums)
      i have made clear to everyone(developer) that if someone make a release of an edited version of their work(CC/plugin/profile or whatever)without giving credit
      its an instant mute

      and at this point i must/have to say that i didnt have such a report from you wired

      and this is my first and last post here cause drama is not for my taste
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
    4. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      There are no hard and fast rules in place for dealing with this kind of stuff, its all dealt with case by case. Having said that, here's my best replies to everything:

      - The rules are the same from dev to dev, or they are supposed to be. The only people allowed to use DLL's are for plugins/bots/cc's that are owned by or going to soon be owned by HB as part of the core or paid plugins.
      - No one gets special treatment, if someone breaks rules (regardless of if its Me, Tony, or anyone) they get dealt with.
      - The moderators you refer I'm assuming are fpsware and codenameg. They were given full mod so that they can be full mods, not solely for their own threads. They are meant to be like myself and Tony, not just CC devs with rights over their own threads.
      - I don't know who told you this, but its false. As is the case with every CC dev, if you have an issue with something posted without your permission let any of the mods know and they will remove it. Its always been that way. The only exception is for people who create the default CC's. Those are allowed to be edited by users and posted as they are part of HB.
      - No CC dev is allowed to post a DLL unless it is owned by HB (as is the case soon with IB, or eAuction, or Nesox's combat bot). This is the same fight that fpsware fought when the rule was first put into place.

      This really seems like its being blown out of proportion.
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
    5. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      to the people messaging wired on my behalf, STOP IT. i didnt get this position by complaining, or it being ill gotten. i didn't even ask for it. and i know this. he knows it. and now you know you it. so stop sending him PM's with my name in them. life is to short to be fighting. and really i don't care, its not my battle to get into, my job is moderating the forum, and dealing with people who break the rules, and that's all there is to it.

    6. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      What he said.
    7. Angully

      Angully Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      Shouldnt this be locked?
    8. Phazzer99

      Phazzer99 Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      Read the first post, it was only locked so the mods could get their say in. It'll get locked again eventually though. A thread like this, regardless of intentions, is bound to start a flame war.
    9. dphyre

      dphyre New Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      No, to the above poster.

      EDIT: Bah, Phazzer99 beat me to it. Now there's no rogue CC. Where are you FPS :p
    10. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Apoc unlocked it. as long as it doesn't turn into a flame thread, i wont go back and change that.
    11. Angully

      Angully Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      Exactly thats why i believe it should be locked wired420 is a valuable part of the honorbuddy community and i believe that leaving this thread open is going to drive him a way due to idiotic users flaming...
    12. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      im watching it like a hawk, first post where someone tries to be smart. its locked.
    13. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      I'm not a dev of any kind, just an average HB user so i don't understand the political issues you have. But I will say that you produce some amazing stuff Wired so I hope that you manage to get your concerns resolved. It would be a great shame if this community lost you (and not only because of your dev contributions)
      Angully likes this.
    14. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I smell a good mute for mgelabert.

      guys dont flame wired, just let him get his steam off
    15. Signal7

      Signal7 New Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      Crossing my fingers that all parties involved work it out. There are a lot of greatly talented people in this community and it's a shame to lose any of them :)
    16. tia79

      tia79 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey.. First of all i appreciate that you took your time to make a cc for the community. Second i also want to say that instancebuddy is a free plugin for now. If you ask me, coding for this project isnt to make money, its simply to help out people who use this bot. May i say you should consider another project if you code to make money?

      Im not flaming you, i just dont see the point to pay for CC that is needed for honorbuddy to run. What would honorbuddy be without CCs?

      Best Regards,

    17. gehoornde

      gehoornde New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Wired, I don't think I used your rogue cc for too long (I don't like rogues I guess) but I support your views on this whole thing. I hope this gets resolved one way or another, cuz I do think you're a talented guy who brings good stuff to this community.

    18. tristan3103

      tristan3103 New Member

      Sep 18, 2010
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      You have an interesting style of writing btw. Maybe u should change ur direction into linguistics?
      Or writing articles in society tabloids ;)
    19. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nuff said here

      thread closed
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