I'm looking for something my bot can do that doesn't draw much attention. Herbs and ore are dead on my server. You could put up 100 auctions for 1g a stack and i bet they would sit for at least 12 hours before someone even noticed. Is Arch still safe and profitable ? Need some idea's. I basically just want to stock up on gold till expac comes out little but a day for personal use on my main.
Just from reading the forums on a daily basis the two things I've seen people get banned for the most are gathering (GB2 for ore and herbs) and pickpocketing. Some of the pickpocket areas have even been nerfed. One of them being Unga Ingoo. Just an FYI. You could try grinding with a treasure finding potion maybe, but I wouldn't grind for a long time because it becomes noticeable. You can also try soloing some older dungeons with EchoTiger's dungeon shuffle profiles. But, again, don't do it for a very long time.