Hi guys, Unsure as to where these topics are belonging though took the best thought of where they may be. I had two questions and wondered if someone could direct me to the answer. 1. With my hunter pet with bot on, it always selects the bottom pet on my list. This gets annoying if i wish to switch pets. Is there a setting to turn this off so it doesn't matter which pet?? 2. How can i set it and also download raid and dungeon profiles so that i can do LFR AFK or even semi afk? I tried searching but could not find. Thanks in advance =)
1) Not sure about singular but have you check around to see if there is a place where you can change it to select the pet number you want to use? like 1, 2 or 3 I know you can do that with Tuan's Hunter community routine. 2) You can use DungeonBuddy on the drop down menu at the same place you select it to quest, once you click "bot config" after selecting it you will be given options which you can select it to queue for.
I also tried the bot config and it said it is not setup and no scenarios, raids, ect show up in the list.
I am sorry I haven't use singular for a long time now if there is no option to set which pet to use on the class config then you will have to either use another combat routine or request that on the singular thread. To request it, you can go here: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...-all-one-cc-just-plain-works-version-3-a.html Or to use a different combat routine, you can select a different one here: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/combat-routines/hunter/ Start the bot once then the list should update if its not doing automatically when you go do one of the tabs and wait a bit.
So to do LFR is still dungeon buddy? The loaded up however when you click start on the bot it says "no valid dungeons are selected as i selected a LFR.
Tried clicking on Bot Config after u select Dungeonbuddy, and selecting which LFR u want to do ? Also is your ilvl high enough for the selected LFR ?
Okay that seems to have got it thanks =) Do you know if there's a way to follow a little closer to the tank? I stop a fair bit, then move. Makes it look obvious.
Just one more question (i hope). Once doing a LFR it requeues for the same one as well as the others you selected. Is there a way of not doing the same one again option?
There is "do raids I havent completed" or something like that, I forgot how it is written on the bot but its there and its easy to find. That will run an LFR until all bosses are killed and then it will not to that one again.
Go to "Class Specific" then at the bottom you have "Pet" and then you have Solo Pet Number and Pvp Pet number and Instance pet number that is the pet slot number you want the bot to use while using Singular.