Hi Guys, Is there anyway to make the bot go hunting for fates. ie, If we could make a database of Known fate levels, Insert them into the Fatebot- and let the bot go looking for the correct area's based on your level ?
You just have to manually go to the area and set a home location. Put the bot around +3 max level and set your min level depending on how low you want to grind I usually set mine around 5 levels lower then what I am. Search google for a Fate grinding guide there are a few out there most tell you to grind the same places. Every 5 levels I switch my class so I level them all evenly.
As the other users have said, just manually place your character in the zone corresponding with your level and edit the settings in FATE bot. A good guide for where to level with FATE grinding is here. Be sure to set your home point in the area you plan on grinding in, in case your character dies.
I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, the OP is asking for something more "afk-able". Where he can set a profile, and when the bot reaches a certain level it will know to go to the next zone on the list. I'm not a coder or profile maker but that's just something you can do with: "IF" between this level, "Then" go here. I never checked if Fate Bot even lets you load profiles. hmmm, will have to check that out.
On Honorbuddy, there was one legendary set of profiles that went on and on. I can't imagine how long it took to put it all together. There was a main file, which referenced the different zones. It'd require someone to go from each starting city with each class. That would be time consuming, but right now there isn't a way to do main story quests. I suppose if someone wanted to go on without that, ok.... but a lot happens in main story and class quests. Once that has been integrated, I think there might a point to a collaborative project ^_^