Hello,Today i buy Gatherbuddy.But i dont know how setup it I surf at this forum about 2 hours but cant found anything about it..when i start bot i have some error. Attached to WoW ProcessId: 2408. Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization SESSION LIMIT Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization SESSION LIMIT Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization AUTH OK Recording with 0 path indexes subLoopRecord: Hellfire stored online Recording complete. Loaded 6 Path Names. Running HellFire_4000 in CIRCLE mode. Starting Gatherbuddy running Hellfire. Character is a level 80 Horde c. Character will gather ores and gems. Character has Engineering and will extract from gas clouds. Combat range is 5 yards. Character will repair when gear is at 50% durability. Will exit in 8 hours. Current zone is: Hellfire Peninsula. ZoneId is 3483. Harvest count reset to Zero. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Mount to Maneouver Bar 3 button 1 to mount. Mount sequence complete. Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. Maneuvering towards Fel Iron Deposit: ( -672.3051, 4746.899, 54.07571 ) Moving to node... Maneuvering complete. And this message is again and again until i turn off bot.But my farmer not move. Sry for my bad english.I hope you understand me I have default key bind,click on move. I have .NetFrame work 3.5. Some Idea for me please?
I do not use Gatherbuddy, however try checking this post if you haven't already: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/gatherbuddy-forum/guides/8352-gatherbuddy-guide-manual-faq.html If that doesn't help im sure others will be along shortly to assist.
GB works, but you have to read the guide. read the FAQ posted, or read mine... mine has a lot of detail to it http://www.thebuddyforum.com/gatherbuddy-forum/12277-kicks-guide-gb.html you can also post in your native language (ie: German) and ppl will reply in german
I was read your guide..i setup it like you but dont work ..my mature language is Czech rep . Now i try somethink turn off DirectX.
Do you have a mining pick in your bag ? just wondering edit: nvm, didnt read that it wouldnt move sorry
So.I turn off Direct and it works now.Thanks alot guys.And i have last question,I must overwrite Gatherbuddy.exe to somethink else,or not?I mean that .exe ending.