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  • Having second thoughts about botting

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by cheesepasta, Jun 11, 2014.

    1. cheesepasta

      cheesepasta New Member

      Jun 11, 2014
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      Hey guys.

      I'm new to the Honorbuddy/botting scene.

      One day I just randomly thought.. "You know what? There's nothing to do in WoW right now, I can barely get past 15k gold without busting my balls everyday.. Why not get a Cata account for 5$ , buy Honorbuddy, and bott another account to 85, then make a bunch of gold, and somehow launder it over to my main! Simple, why didn't I think about this years ago!?"

      Well, I feel as if I've gotten myself into a mess that I'm not sure I fully want to commit to. Here's my main problem..

      I have had my main WoW account for years, and I wouldn't dare do anything on it like botting, or buying gold, ect. Going into this, for some reason I assumed that if I had a separate battle.net account, with different information, then I have zero chance of my main account getting in trouble..

      Well, I was wrong apparently..

      I've been reading all these stories, about people botting with completely seprate battle.net accounts, but have had there main AND botting account both banned, because they were on the same IP address.

      EDIT: unallowed topic removed.

      So I guess my question is..

      TL;DR - What is the best way to bot a separate Battle.net account, with out getting your main account getting banned ? Is there even a "safe" way to bot, without potentially compromising your main account?
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
    2. namednoob

      namednoob Community Developer

      Apr 25, 2014
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    3. MrB

      MrB Member

      Jun 29, 2010
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      There's always a risk of being banned. Even if you bot on one account and not on the main, if you end up with the gold on the main account then there's a risk not from botting on it but for abuse of the economy. With only having one bot and probably making small change compared to a lot of people, it's more than likely you'll not be noticed. But there's always a small chance. I'd even go as far as to say for 1 botting account making a bit extra gold, then it's 99% chance you'll be OK but wouldn't want to offer you a guarantee of being fine just in case.

      Bottom line is if you don't want to lose it, don't do it, but botting is fun and strangely mildly addictive.
    4. cheesepasta

      cheesepasta New Member

      Jun 11, 2014
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      Sorry, I'm only looking for advice/information, my apologizes.

      I only want to be able to bot my account anonymously from my main account, and was not aware that discussion was forbidden. :(
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      The addiction comes from the thrill of knowing you could get caught, lol. It's the adrenaline. At least, for me it is.
    6. treeflash

      treeflash New Member

      Mar 18, 2013
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      There are plenty of ways to launder the money somewhat. A single bot account only going to 85 is not going to get a lot of attention sent to your main. The amount of gold is small potatoes. If I was as nervous as you about it, I would trade the gold via the AH and make sure that the 85 is under a different name. My wife would never believe how many wow accounts she has!!!
    7. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      treeflash likes this.
    8. LowKey

      LowKey New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      It's the apathy in me that doesn't care if I lose the account.
    9. monkeyjoe

      monkeyjoe Member

      Jan 31, 2013
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      #1 A Prepaid credit card or prepaid time card.
      #2 A different computer.
      #3 Connecting to the internet (on your botting computer) via your cell phone or borrowing your neighbors wifi.

      Do all of those things from day 1 and there will never be a connection between your bottling account and your main. I cant imagine many casual botters do all (or any) of this stuff... I know I dont.... but this would be the simplest way of removing all association risk.

      Search / read the forums for ways you can most safely use the proceeds of your botting on your main account. Certainly this will introduce to a way to associate your two accounts.
    10. IPreferHappy

      IPreferHappy New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      EDIT: I just read the forums rules again, more thoroughly. I feel like I've not broken any rules here according to the posts there but if I have feel free to delete/edit the content that's infringing and let me know what I did wrong... No disrespect but some of those rules are a little confusing.

      On Botting Safety

      You're better off worrying about keeping your botting activity under the radar in the first place. If you're never caught botting your main account is 100% safe. With Honorbuddy that's made extraordinarily easy even if you're a beginner. Just follow a few core rules of stealth and the chances of even your botting account being detected are relatively low. Some of these will slow down your gold per hour, that's OK as long because your bottom line is keeping your main safe, not productivity, so I offer these as valid rules to follow.

      First and foremost: READ, READ, READ on the forums. There is so much good information to be found here!
      Don't bot for 10+ hrs a day, and try to avoid botting in high traffic spots. The community isn't very friendly towards bots and they watch for them.
      Take human-like breaks. Seriously it's not at all common for people to play for 5+ hours without a single stop. I don't care what anybody SAYS about it, in reality that's a red flag and even hardcore gamers tend to take small breaks here and there.
      Never, ever, ever talk or even speak about botting in Bnet or WoW chat. Ever.
      Don't be completely unresponsive to everyone on your botting account.
      Don't grind to 85, there are reasons the Questing Bot is now the preferred bot, and there are tons of profiles to use in conjunction with it.
      Be careful with 5$ accounts, they're supposedly watched rather closely.
      DO NOT SKIMP on taking precautions (read: setup plugins) to avoid botlike behavior. I'll bet a gigantic portion of incoming bans are a result of players witnessing and reporting bot-like behavior.
      Don't BG/Dungeon/Raid bot unsupervised.
      Try to avoid afk botting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, "but what's the point of botting if I have to be at the computer?" That mentality is for people who don't care about their accounts.
      Don't abuse the economy by cornering entire markets of items.
      Don't post 1,000s of auctions a day

      On Bans and Keeping Accounts Separate
      Most bans stem from poor botting habits, or at the very least unsafe ones. If your botting account IS banned, it's highly unlikely your main account will be banned along with it. It's usually cases of severe economy abuse that garner an entire account-wide ban. Especially if they're separated. Hell, there are plenty of people who have multiple licenses tied to one account, have one license banned for botting and not others, it's not even uncommon. It's really rare for an account to be banned if it hasn't actually participated in anything illegal. I really doubt that your main account, if tied somehow to receiving the gold generated from botting, would receive anything harsher than a final warning 72 hr ban. That being said, there are numerous options for keeping your accounts separate.

      Gold laundering techniques to get the gold to your main. Forum searches and google are your best friends for info on that.
      Running the account from a (removed to avoid breaking rules, srsly wth is with that rule?) is an option but it's a money sink too. This, along with gold laundering, is probably your best bet if you're really paranoid.
      -- I had a section here about a useful technique, but for some unfathomable reason it's against the rules to post about. No idea why... --
      Different account information is essential, and an obvious precaution.
      Following advice from fellow members, lot's of these guys have botted for years.

      These are all steps you can take, with minimal effort, to keep your main account untied to your botting account.
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
    11. biller72

      biller72 Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      then when you do get caught seeing if you are smooth enough to win the GM's heart, who picked your ticket, over :>

      there is no way in hell i could play this game without botting..... who has the time other than a 15 year old.

      people get ban on all accounts because they are stupid not because same ip (unless you run 15+ accounts on same ip, then again still stupid)
      the way the main gets ban is laundering the gold to the main incorrectly (mail/gb ect)
    12. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      lol, this is quite a simple answer. Guild banks, as long as you add your other alts in there they'll most likely leave it alone. Most of the guild banks are untouched, I've been using this method to pass gold to other accounts and items to friends for years. But who knows maybe Blizzard grew some balls and found out about it.
    13. Phyxios

      Phyxios Member

      Jul 18, 2012
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      Don't bot like an idiot and you will be fine.

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