Hello I've recently found out that its allowed to buy GB lifetime subscription elsewhere, i.e. other forums and such. My question is - if I do that, could the lifetime sessions be transfered to my account (I already own 1x lifetime)? Many thanks
I meant forums where people who already bought GB advertise and sells their own subscription because they dont use it anymore.
GB/HB has no restrictions on who using it... if its a mutual agreement between the owner and the new-owner, it shouldn't be a problem. I heard there is people actually sharing the bot, like 3 real life friends sharing to pay for a GB Lifetime etc etc just dont go crying to Bossland saying "i paid but blablabla..." if anything happens.
bossland dont deal this issue, thats for sure. Try think in Bossland's shoes if your customer crying to you over something like this. So buy at your own risk. But still, dont take my words for it. I'm no mod/admin , this is purely my opinions. No offence intended.
I think you've compleatly missed my point. I didnt buy anything and yet all you were talking about as if I was crying over something. Im not crying, and the purpose of this thread was not to ask if there would be anyone to help me if I was.
i was merely "picturing" what will happen if you buy from someone else not your real life friend. i think i said enough. I'll end here. Good Luck expecting any reply from mod/admin.
Ok well it's not safe and not supported by these forums. Just buy it from our shop. Or then we wont be able to help you if you lose it, if you have max session warnings because the other person is still on it, so forth. If your looking for a cheaper way well then get a job.
Last Time I've checked on this issue people got scammed cause the 'owner' of the old HB can change the account passwords at will seeing they have the original receipt which is what Bosslands asks for if you ever need something fixed in your account. I don't think they have any type of transfer etc to X person I mean u can ask who you're buying it from for a Transaction # or Receipt etc, but to be honest just like accounts, they can always recall it. =x As haukinyau says, do so at your own risk if you're willing to buy from somebody else for cheaper. You can always ask Bossland if they are willing to add some sort of Note to the Account that it has been sold etc or even transfer the sessions to yours, but then again tis up to them, Don't think they have anything official for such a thing. =) (PM Bossland to be short lol, Mods won't be able to help you here or anybody else, basically just him ). good luck
you can buy other subs but you can easily get scammed out of it as just like a blizz acct... you're not the original owner unless you know this person(s) and you can go to their house and beat the hell out of them in case they screw your over, walk away - Kick
in summary, spend that few extra bucks and get the original version from the original shop and receive full admin and community supports.