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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Was in target of "Thok the Bloodthirsty" where you have to run away. After the Target on me fade my toon just run around crazy. My Toon got "Thok the Bloodthirsty" in Target but dont fire anything, just run left and right nonstop till he died.

      i think it starts at : [10:10:27.058 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Running from Thok the Bloodthirsty
      but im not 100% sure.


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    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tumbum, I'll see if I can find your post in the Ban Reports, but I only monitor the Singular thread. There is no known issue regarding "endless use" of a healing spell as posted and I have not seen that behavior in my testing and have not received a report of it here. In response to the question "What happen to Singular?" the answer is nothing -- it is still performing extremely well overall but you unfortunately ran into a previously unseen spell cast failure. The issue encountered with the attempt to use Cat abilities while not in Cat Form was unique and has not been seen before even although the code responsible has been in place for a very long time. The entries:
      [18:25:07.637 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Clash#122242 failure: 'You are in shapeshift form'
      [18:25:07.637 N] [Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Shapeshift Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT' on cast, suppress form until 20:25:37.637!
      indicate that your Feral had cast Symbiosis on a Monk and was attempting to use the "Clash" spell that was gained. This failed with a reason of 'You are in shapeshift form' which is odd because Clash should be usable in all forms. Anyway, that message triggered some handling in Singular present for Questing and DungeonBuddy only which monitors these messages and if a spell failure occurs due to being in shapeshift form, it cancels shapeshift and suspends its use for 30 seconds. This was a workaround put in a long time ago for Questing and DungeonBuddy to allow quest and dungeon profiles to use items and cast special abilities that fail if used while in shapeshift form. This allowed certain actions within dungeons and quests to succeed if retried at a point where there was not as much control within HonorBuddy Core to disable use or hook into the behaviors of Combat Routines. An example would be the quest At The Yak Wash #30491 where an attempt to mount a Yak will fail if in shapeshift form.

      So that is how that occurred and why it was done, so now next steps....

      1. Disable the use of Symbiosis in Dungeons - For now, if you want to be certain this does not occur it would be your only choice. This code has been around for a very long time (almost since Symbiosis was introduced) and this is the first occurrence seen so it is unlikely to happen again, but disabling would guarrantee it prior to a fix being made.

      2. Change in next release of Singular - Removal of the code suspending use of Shapeshift. This was a good work at the time around in support of Questing and DungeonBuddy due to insufficient control available from HonorBuddy (they weren't able to temporarily disable the Combat Routine in use which is needed to prevent them from simply casting Cat Form immediately after the BotBase cancels it.) The need is now obsolete however since they can both hook into the Combat Routine behaviors as needed or simply disable them temporarily as needed. I will need to let the Questing devs know however as this will likely break some things which currently working only when Singular is used.

      Thanks for the detailed log file and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      bunjiboys, Thanks for the post and nice catch! The evils of copy/paste. Look for an update in the next release, -Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tomten, The response is a couple items you won't want to hear, so take another deep cleansing breath before starting....

      1. Singular doesn't move out of fire, etc. That behavior is in DungeonBuddy and it prioritizes movement out of stuff over finishing casts in progress (meaning a cast in progress is ignored - if you are standing in aoe it moves.) This is why fights with a large amount of movement in their strategy (whether it is moving out of stuff or to specific mobs, etc) result in lower DPS / HPS with DungeonBuddy than when playing via LazyRaider or other manual assist bot. If a change to this is needed it will have to be made in the component performing the movement.

      2. The default log level is enough, unless you want me to research the issue. To avoid the situation of having to recreate the issue, my recommendation is to set Log Level to Diagnostic and leave it. The only time the overhead associated with the increased logging is an issue is end game raiding (not LFR) or doing Arena / Rated BGs. My preference is for the default log level to be Diagnostic and then people would only have to turn it off when wanting the extra performance rather than having to enable it in case a problem occurs, but I lost that argument a few years ago.

    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tumbum, That is a DungeonBuddy issue. It is interrupting the cast in progress to run away from Thok the Bloodthirst, but is still allowing calls to Singular while running. So while DungeonBuddy is trying to run away from Thok, it is still calling Singular telling it to fight (which means it will try to face Thok and move into range if needed.) I'll forward to the DungeonBuddy devs. -Bobby53
    6. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Great to hear dungeonbuddy breaks singular, as if DB wasnt horrible beyond belief already.
      It wasn't even standing in anything, DB just have absurdly large hitboxes for shit and i've tried to cast it anytime and it doesn't work 99% of the time, it just randomly moves.

      I'm happy to hear it isnt you Bobby, sadly, my issues still persists and DB team doesn't seem to care.

      Just outta curiosity, how come DB handles movement and stuff, i was under the assumption botbase calls singular which performs movement (same like questing for example). Why would you split it like that ?
      Cause now DB basically needs to make a sub combat routine to handle cooldowns etc, no ?

      I wish i never found out about honorbuddy, it causes more headaches then enjoyment for sure...
    7. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Here is the Thread https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...-ban-reports/166275-72h-ban-last-warning.html

      Here the Unlimited Cast before i got a 72h tempban.

    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tumbum, My apologies that you had an issue, but after reviewing the log file I not sure why you thought Singular was responsible or an Unlimited Cast was occurring. Here is what I see:
      [18:39:25.845 N] [Singular] *Cat Form on Me @[COLOR=#ff0000]100.0%[/COLOR]
      [18:39:26.252 D] PB 1.665: Pulsing Tradeskills from OnSpellsChanged
      [18:39:27.351 N] (Singular) error parsing Guid ''
      [18:39:27.427 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Green Tea Leaf" at X="1143.906" Y="-2113.304" Z="93.52506"
      [18:39:27.427 D] Activity: Moving to node
      [18:39:27.435 N] Mounting: Swift Flight Form
      [18:39:28.118 D] PB 1.665: Pulsing Tradeskills from OnSpellsChanged
      [18:39:28.389 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Green Tea Leaf" at X="1143.906" Y="-2113.304" Z="93.52506"
      [18:39:32.388 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:2.6% predict:2.6% and moving:False in form:EpicFlightForm
      [18:39:32.390 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 2.6% 
      [18:39:34.888 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Healing Touch"): cast has ended
      [18:39:34.958 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:4.6% predict:4.6% and moving:False in form:Normal
      [18:39:34.958 N] [Singular] We have no food/drink. Waiting to recover our health/mana back
      [18:39:35.022 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:4.6% predict:4.6% and moving:False in form:Normal
      [18:39:35.376 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:16.0% predict:16.0% and moving:False in form:Normal
      [18:39:35.378 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 16.0% 
      [18:39:38.042 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Healing Touch"): cast has ended
      [18:39:38.115 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:28.0% predict:28.0% and moving:False in form:Normal
      [18:39:38.502 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 28.0%
      [18:39:41.176 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Healing Touch"): cast has ended
      [18:39:41.238 D] (Singular) CanCast[Rejuvenation]: insufficient power (need 8700, have 4101 Mana)
      [18:39:41.239 D] (Singular) CanCast[Healing Touch]: insufficient power (need 17340, have 4101 Mana)
      [18:39:41.303 D] (Singular) CanCast[Rejuvenation]: insufficient power (need 8700, have 4101 Mana)
      [18:39:41.304 D] (Singular) CanCast[Healing Touch]: insufficient power (need 17340, have 4101 Mana)
      [18:39:41.367 D] (Singular) CanCast[Rejuvenation]: insufficient power (need 8700, have 4101 Mana)
      1. The botbase calls Singular Rest behavior (Health @ 100.0%) which casts Cat Form
      2. The botbase then casts Swift Flight Form in preparation for moving to the next node.
      3. At 18:39:28.388 Singular asks HonorBuddy what your Druids health % is and HonorBuddy reports 2.6%
      4. Singular casts a Healing Touch to quickly regain health
      5. At 18:39:34.958 Singular asks for health % again and HonorBuddy reports 4.6%
      6. Singular wants to cast another Healing Touch but detects you have insufficient mana
      7. Singular wants to eat and drink but detects your character has no food and no drink equipped
      8. At this point Singular waits for mana/health to regen to values configured for MinHealth/MinMana
      9. As soon as enough mana regens, it casts Healing Touch
      .... and so on ....

      I have no idea from the log what happened to your character that caused HonorBuddy to report your Health @ %100 and then 6 seconds later drop to %2.6 without entering Combat. Singular has no control over that, it can only respond to the values returned from HonorBuddy and act using the behaviors called by the BotBase.

      The primary issue in this case is due to how it has been configured. The key config settings causing this are:
      [B]HonorBuddy Settings
      [/B][18:03:59.234 D] FoodAmount: 0
      [18:03:59.234 D] DrinkAmount: 0
      [B]Singular Settings[/B]
      [18:04:32.783 D] (Singular)   MinHealth: 60
      [18:04:32.783 D] (Singular)   MinMana: 50
      MinHealth and MinMana are values you set to indicate the minimum levels which your character no longer needs to continue resting (the Rest Behavior.) For a Feral Druid, it will drink if available and mana % is below MinMana, but it won't force waiting for that to regen since your primary resource is Energy.

      Typically for any class with a self-heal that uses Mana for power (and Feral Druids), you should be running with FoodAmount 0 and DrinkAmount 20 (minimum.) That allows the character to drink if needed so self-healing is possible. When either of those amounts are non-zero the BotBase will handle navigating to a vendor to purchase more when the amount in bags is exhausted.

      If you want to run with FoodAmount 0 and DrinkAmount 0 for some reason, you should set MinHealth 0 and MinMana 0 so that it does not wait for these to regen, although this is less than ideal also since it causes you to continue harvesting and potentially entering combat with both low health and low mana.

      As for the reference to Unlimited Cast occurring which you referenced in the following lines:
      that is not what happened. None of those lines indicate a cast attempt, only Singular watching your mana to see if it could cast. More specifically, here is what occurred overall. Looking at these excerpted lines from the period of time in question:
      [18:39:32.390 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 2.6% 
      [I][COLOR=#A9A9A9]... lines cut for space ...[/COLOR]
      [/I][18:39:35.378 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 16.0% 
      [COLOR=#A9A9A9][I]... lines cut for space ...[/I][/COLOR]
      [18:39:38.502 N] [Singular] *Healing Touch on Me @ 28.0%
      [COLOR=#A9A9A9][I]... lines cut for space ...[/I][/COLOR]
      [18:40:19.255 N] (Singular) Rest Heal @ actual:60.7% predict:60.7% and moving:False in form:Normal
      when the health dropped to 2.6% it was below the MinHealth setting of %60, so Singular attempted to heal. Singular was able to cast three (3) Healing Touch spells but then detected that mana was exhausted. Singular then attempted to eat and drink, but did not because it found no food or drink in your bags due to the user config settings. With no food or drink available, it waits in place until mana regens sufficiently to cast a heal. During this waiting period, both health and mana regen passively (slowly, but they do.) From an initial health of %2.6 your Druid eventually reaches 60% through a combination of three (3) Healing Touch casts and your Druids passive health regeneration in about 40 seconds. During this period the majority of the log file entries are CanCast messages as you had quoted. These lines indicate that CanCast checked if the named spell can be cast, and if it cannot log the reason why it cannot. In all cases, it identified that your character was unable to cast Healing Touch due to 'insufficient power' since your Druid did not have enough mana to meet that spells minimum requirements. These do not represent actual attempts to cast Healing Touch, but merely Singular asking the question "Can I cast Healing Touch?" So not a cast but a point in Singular Rest Behavior logic where it wanted to cast Healing Touch and did not because of a lack of mana.

      From what I am seeing Singular reacted correctly based upon the Health %/Mana % levels observed and the configuration settings in place. Am happy to discuss further as needed, but the assertion that Singular was the cause of any warning/ban you received in this case is incorrect.

      Best of luck with your Druid, -Bobby53

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      Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tomten, I'll leave it to you decide what is most helpful or harmful for your usage. With regards to DB team not caring, that is incorrect. Changes providing improved coordination between Combat Routine and BotBases are being added and will be incorporated into Singular shortly which were driven by the DB team. This will allow improvements such as enabling casting on the run during avoidance and encounter specific strategies which is not available in the current model, etc. It will not solve the interrupted cast in progress immediately but will in upcoming iterations.

      As for the question about movement, the Combat Routine is responsible only for movement specific to moving within Combat range of the target. All other movement is the responsibility of the botbase. The point is to encapsulate the encounter or objective specific movement within the BotBase which are designed for completing certain tasks, while leaving the Combat Routine focused on implementing specific behaviors ( Rest, Non-Combat Buffs, Pull, and Combat) that are specific to the class/specialization being played. Maintaining those roles and responsibilities are key to allowing BotBases to correctly work with the Combat Routine of your choice rather than just Singular.

      Thanksfor your post and good luck with your Singular toon, Bobby53
    10. wmoser

      wmoser New Member

      Dec 13, 2011
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      I guess my concern isn't a "bug" but more something I think would help the Mistweaver profile out quite a bit. I think it is a problem that when the knockback happens while channeling CJL, the bot must get within melee range again and recast CJL. Make CJL cast from distance like any other spell from a mage or warlock.
    11. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      HB-930 ("Siege of Orgrimmar, The Underhold (wing3): Dancing for Thok the Bloodthirsty") has been opened to have this issue investigated.

    12. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      That's a matter of perspective, they suffer from the same syndrome every dev i've ever worked with has, professional or otherwise. (You are the exception bobby, a truly rare one at that).
      They live in a code bubble and once they've solved and coded their solution, nothing else matters. "it works", and just dare to question the logic behind their implementations.

      I'm the first to admit my mouth holds me back, but if you take pride in your work, you tend to look at it objectively and make adjustments where necessary.
      DB team does not, they have to much pride to admit fault, they've ignored majority of what i've said and managed to create bgbuddy v2, you now see bot trains in lfr with retarded stop and pause movement cause they are to lazy to code it properly.

      Add that its breaking combat routines, having bad movement, does spinning pirouettes around ground objects that isnt even close, bad/wrong target priority's and a heap of other problems its just not safe to use anymore. Its become blatantly easy to spot DB in lfr.

      ffs, i was around when the DB devs was openly asking users for accounts to test scripts with and using that as an excuse for taking months to give later wings of lfr, only after i pointed out how absurdly retarded it was to even post that, it was removed and every post associated with it, deleted. Same as every other posts that talks negatively about DB. I know what the db team goes for.... Wouldn't be surprised to see this post deleted shortly...

      Are you done fixing singular soon ? Can't you take over DB after ? ;p <3
      Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      wmoser, Thanks for taking the time to post. Whether you call it a bug or improvement, you are referring to existing behavior you are watching that you would like changed. For that to occur, I'll need you to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here) so that I have the specifics necessary to understand the specific circumstances and context of the behavior. Thanks again for the post and I'll keep an eye out for your follow up a diagnostic log, Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks Ruinit. There were several Chaos Bolt casts in the log, but there should have been a lot more. I am currently working on a refinement to the spell priorities for this specialization that should address this. Keep an eye out for it in the next release or so. -Bobby53
    15. wmoser

      wmoser New Member

      Dec 13, 2011
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Monk - Mistweaver
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing (kickz)
      What level are you?: 68
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: 1 change to the Mistweaver CC but then reverted my change back to original.
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? Every time a mob is attacked
      What happened (be specific)? Not a bug but a suggestion for improvement. The profile has a NEED to always be in melee range causing *****ling Jade Lightning to stop casting and look VERY bottish. No human would stop casting CJL when the knockback happens just to get back within melee range. My rotation suggestion would be CJL from range, then once within melee range, THEN stop CJL to cast Tiger Palm (melee > 5) then CJL with no NEEDING to be within melee range.
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) YES

      Attached Files:

    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      wmoser, Thanks for taking the time to post. I am revising the attack spell priority and movement coordination. Some key points:

      1. Post mentions CJL being interrupted by need to be in melee range. That should never happen and is a bug if it does. It is Singulars responsibility to move within range of the target being attacked and it should never interrupt a spell in progress when doing this. However, some movement is controlled by the BotBase and is outside of Singulars control. If you see an occurrence where movement has interrupted CJL in progress and it isn't something done by the BotBase (like moving out of AOE, etc) please let me know.

      2. Phrases such as 'every time a mob is attacked' do a good job of describing the frequency something occurs, but what I need more importantly is to view the logfile associated with the specific occurrence you observed. That requires either a LOGMARK or the computer time in HH:MM:SS, whichever you prefer. Otherwise I may be drawing conclusions from an occurrence which is not directly relative to what you saw happen.

      3. The recommendation to stay at range will not work until reaching Level 54 when CJL is learned. I am revising priority so that Mistweavers prior to learning CJL will move into melee range. Once CJL is learned, the behavior will be similar to what was described with the exception it will throw in a Blackout Kick and other abilities as needed.

      Thank you for taking the time to post the details about your usage and the suggestion for improvement.

      Best of luck with your Monk, Bobby53

      Edit: Please disregard the mention for need in write-up of Singular movement interrupting CJL. I did encounter this while testing the other changes described so am resolving this issue for next release. Thanks for the post and the awareness.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
    17. skuwlol

      skuwlol Member

      Aug 17, 2010
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      Why is there no option to turn off pick lock on rogue singular? It makes heavy junkbox farming almost pointless with this combat routine.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ummm..... Click Class Config and then the Class Specific tab. You will find a 'Use Pick Lock' option which defaults to True. Change to False and hopefully your public assessment of this combat routine being almost pointless for heavy junkbox farming changes. Image below. -Bobby53
      Rogue Class Specific Settings with Use Pick Lock highlighted.png
    19. skuwlol

      skuwlol Member

      Aug 17, 2010
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      One of those moments when you stare at something for so long but still can't see it. Apologize, and thanks! :)
    20. muztek

      muztek New Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Looking for an option to turn Death Grip on. would make leveling alot easier for my DK.. it might be there i just cannot see it

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