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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by Developer, Jun 17, 2014.

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    1. tataros

      tataros New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Will it ever be possible to use the bot in warzones? Not complete afk, we manage the movement while bot do the rotation...is this on plans for future or is it abandoned and not possible?
    2. philosopherking

      philosopherking New Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Of coarse it is possible, regardless of their excuses about SWTORs spaghetti coding. There are people running around with very simple Auto Hot Key scripts or macros with their mouses and keyboards and they are able to do pvp just fine. Its not about whether it can be done; its about whether they care about giving us a quality product that will function with one of the two primary aspects of the game.

      I dont see why they dont just charge more money. Also, after reading these comments and making requests previously about pvp with no reply - I dont think its worth purchasing their product. Clearly, the customer service sucks. We have to wait several days for an update. We receive no responses about pvp other than excuses and just all around bad customer service.

      I was patient, but after 1 week of asking; I am pretty fed up. Nope, unless they add a simple pvp rotation script then I will not be purchasing their program. I was going to pay for an annual one, but not if its going to be like this.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
    3. tataros

      tataros New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Well I am not a programmer but I doubt that bot is so simple as a autohotkey script...the autohotkey does not read memory and react...it just pushes buttons in order...sure people might run it but I doubt is effective at all...If they are gonna add it I prefer to do it right :)
    4. philosopherking

      philosopherking New Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      The point is that if a simple script can do it - then its not about Biowares programming - its about something that is happening with the BOT when interacting with the game client. There is no reason why they cannot simplify the routine / profile to function in a Warzone. I am not asking for a self controlling bot - just a simple rotation script that will function in pvp.
    5. tataros

      tataros New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      What that script does is not "rotation" as you think of it. It can not track procs, debuffs, enemy casting, e.t.c. It just pushing buttons in order. So for example it push 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with a delay between if you like. Then you put spells on these buttons with cooldowns and the last button an ability with no cooldown. So it will just use random abilities that are off cooldown, doing a very mediocre if bad rotation and 8/10 times using the wrong spell in pvp. Anyway, I am not say is impossible for buddywing to work on it but I suppose they don't want to put in more resources cause maybe the customers of Buddywing are not even the 1/30 of customers of wow and diablo..

      Or maybe the slowly working on it and if so I would like to know :)
    6. philosopherking

      philosopherking New Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      I dont care if it tracks stuff - I just want a simple rotation script. Anything is better than it not working at all man. Right now it is completely useless in pvp; it doesnt work at all! So if they cant give us a pvp bot then at least a simple rotation script.
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
    7. silentfu72

      silentfu72 Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Having serious BW withdrawals over here. Plz post the update soon!! :cool:
    8. luthebear

      luthebear New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      okay hope it will be fixed :9
    9. cmdrspock

      cmdrspock Member

      May 5, 2014
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      A flame war will solve nothing. I am sure the developers are working as fast as they can to get this out to us. Who knows what issue the new patch may have caused? Give them a chance to get their job done. Impatience will solve nothing.

      As far as PVP goes...they never guaranteed that it would be usable for this function. We will simply have to muddle though as best we can.
    10. alltrueist

      alltrueist Active Member

      Dec 10, 2012
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      But that's the thing: you don't know what you're talking about. An AHK script is nowhere near as powerful as what BW can do. Is your AHK script able to interrupt a target only when it's a boss? Is your AHK script able to multi-dot? Can it switch to AoE mode automatically? Can it activate your Medpac when you reach certain thresholds? Do you understand the difference now?

      You're not claiming to be a programer, but you're making a bunch of wild claims about what's doable and what's not. You don't understand how BW works, so stop making assumptions about what's possible. Just go play with your AHK script, since it works so well.
    11. philosopherking

      philosopherking New Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Agreed, but it doesnt matter that they never promised it - if they want me to spend money on their product then they need to provide us with something, even a simplified version of the pve bot - so that we can pvp. Just a simple rotation script. People have been asking for this for over 2 years after looking at the forums, and it 100% can be done. They just dont want to do it. There is absolutely no reason they cannot provide us an AHK script which merely does a rotation; to supplement our service. They could even charge us extra, and I am certain that people would pay for it.

      And on a side note more related to this thread - there is no reason why people should have to wait several days to receive an update. Nor should people have to be cussed out and treated like crap when they ask for additional functionality. Anyway, Ill give it a few more days, but if this is how it is going to be then adios - Ill just figure out how to create one myself or pay someone else to assist me - and forget about buddy wing. Ill also remind all my friends that this bot sucks and the customer service sucks ass even worse.
    12. silentfu72

      silentfu72 Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Dude, for PVE, this bot works pretty well and yes it is buggy and needs work but in all honesty, from what I have read, it appears they have just recently started to look into this bot program again because of recent increased desire for it. Maybe if more people throw some support their way, they'll be more intrigued to work on it (this isn't the only program they have). Also, you could try to create your own profile for PVP, if you could figure out what to name a RL opponent instead of a NPC under "mob" in the code, you could maybe pull off just creating a simple grind profile for warzones. However, I am fairly new to this and have just begun exploring this so I don't know yet but I'll probably be trying to figure it out soon instead of griping to the world about it. :D
    13. alltrueist

      alltrueist Active Member

      Dec 10, 2012
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      A neurologist wouldn't determine mental capacity, only proper brain function. Good job not stooping to a low level and hurling insults though. You don't understand how the bot works, and that's okay. You want to use AHK scripts, so just use those.
    14. philosopherking

      philosopherking New Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      You made some valid points, but I am not paying for a product that is unfinished after over 2 years; with little to no customer service; or to be forced to create my own profile. Do you buy the material for a pair of shoes and then stitch it together yourself? No, at least not if you have a life; serious career/job which has nothing to do with shoemaking/tailoring, etc.

      Also, dont tell me the bot works good - I have read numerous posts stating that they have to constantly babysit the bot. If you have to babysit the bot, then you might as well be playing it. Therefore, if they cant provide us with a decent rotational bot which we control, that works well in both pve as well as pvp - then what is the point. I dont believe for a second that their autonomous bot actually works well. It might be better than the rest, but spraying perfume on a pile of crap; still makes it crap.

      Finally, who in their right mind is going to support a product that when you ask for increased functionality after 2 year, you are provided with no real answers or updates on their attempts to come up with a pvp viable routine/profile. That would be like donating money for cancer research only to be told - cancer research is too complicated - however, donate to our neurological research program and eventually we may get around to investing our time into the research of cancer.
    15. alltrueist

      alltrueist Active Member

      Dec 10, 2012
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      I managed to code a bot rotation that works extremely well despite no coding experience or education; you are arguing on the internet about a product you've never tried.
    16. Aevitas

      Aevitas Well-Known Member Staff Member Buddy Core Dev

      Mar 2, 2010
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      Right, you guys cussing at each other helps absolutely nobody. Closing this thread, the update will be out within 30 minutes of this post.

      Take a chill pill.
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