Odd, I managed to kill 4 monsters attacking me at once using concecration, seal of wisdom and justice of light. :S
I guess its the CC that makes it hard then. With a better CC it should handle such situations smother... What I find happends alot of the time botting is that my toon "faces the wrong way" and it usaly only heals if its such a class im botting. It does this without jumping, turning or even strifing to fix it. Now if there is a way to fix this this please share it with me
just hit 60 with my shaman! all I played were the totem quests and training. from 1-60 in under 8 days.
Trouble with bot I seem to be having trouble with the bot, it runs fine for about 10 - 15 minutes then i usually die due to undergeared or to many mobs pulled but when trying to run back to my body the bot always seems to bug out. "Try to strafe to unstuck. Jump. Try to strafe to unstuck. Jump. Try to strafe to unstuck" State: moving to corpse: Distance 591 after about 15minutes of this I get disconnected from the server and there for wasting time. is there anything I'm missing or could someone please help me out lol.
Um... Having trouble at Thunder Axe Fortress, my level 32 keeps attacking level 37s! How do I stop this?
Hi, i seem to be having the same issue here... so do you.... 1. Stop HB then start mapping and run to copse then save over the mesh/profile 2. keep HB going start mapping and save over the mesh/profile or do you save as a seperate profile/mesh altogether... lol its kinda confusing i know.
I specifically thought of the Nelf 5/4-man *elite* squad patrolling the southern barrens, that one you can't survive
Someone is using the same profile as I am and I have it runing using a mount so I get to the mobs quicker, poor fello going to stay the same level for a while
Im level 22.. played time is 20 hours.. did two dungeons bc the new patch made it easy now.. so far Bramblescar has been the worst of it died a few times but change my setup a bit and now everything is fine.. had no problems with rez and getting back to body.. only twice hast HB got stuck.. PS.. HB is way better then Glider and I used glider for years..
wo muss ich starten? kanns mir einer auf deutsch sagen ?ich bin in der unterstadt am besten bitte noch wo ich in der unterstadt hinmuss das ich an den start ort komme .. danke
played time 1day 10hour level 30.. been going almost non stop and lovin it.. i leave it alone for hours and it just does it all..
Startin to test it out right now, excited to have shaman added to my ranks =) One question, does etrain work properly?
Du muss von Undercity (Unterstadt) raus zum Zeppelin! Von dort aus fliegst du nach Orgrimmar, und l?ufts dann zum Wegekreuz (Crossroads) So wie sich das anh?rt, solltest du aber erstmal von Hand Spielen, und die Welt etwas kennen lernen, bevor du mit dem botten anf?ngst! ------------------------- Aktually i used this Profile for my Undeath Priest It works very nice ^^ Good word..... BUT: My Char had a lot of problems in the Un'Goro Crater..... He needed 15h to get one level from 53 - 54 -.- Is it normal? May it waould be able to find another path to grind there! Thank +
This mesh kicks ass! Practicly perfect in every way! All you need is to update your toon's gear and learn spells and that's it!