It latest release it's SAID to support other Hb releases than the latest. Wasn't the case though. As of the latest release the start&stop as soon as there's a change in terrain (ground elevates. a wall corners) is back. was perfect in 3120. This is the latest HB, even though it says plugin it is actually an HB release.
*CHANGE* IB will not force you to use the latest version anymore. It will only notify. However its highly recommended to keep it up-to-date. Not working as intended i guess.
ok guys my instancebuddy is in hb/bots/instancebuddy and its showing up were the bot selection is help please
i meant its not showing up and it says Could not construct instance of IBLoader! Exception was thrown. Exception: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
is it on an external drive ? cuz I had the exact same issue and it went away after I moved hb + ib to my c: drive
Having issues as a BM hunter atm. Seems to have no clue what counts as an upgrade. This isn't a one off, as it DE/Greeded 3 items now that are far better than what I was wearing. I have edited the stat weights so I'm not sure why this is happening? Any ideas?
This has been addressed many times before. The devs are busy reversing the item stats formats. Right now it's bugged and autoequip isn't working properly. This isn't a problem with IB in particular. Any ideas?
Okay I have to figure this out. When I run IB and the whole party dies, it will release, target the angel get resurrect sickness and /leavegroup. This is getting very annoying. Anyone know why?
Why doesnt my Instancebuddy killing any mobs? It just target a mob for 1 second and then untarget and keeps doing that.. why?
May i ask what class are you playing and what CC are you using. And why do you ask why your toon wont attack when you don't even attach a log. We are not mind readers you know.
Here's my problem, probably not a huge one - When you requeue with the group and they select random dungeon you often get stuck in a dungeon that's not supported, like the Oculus or Gun'Drak. Then you get stuck, the bot stops, and nobody's happy. Wish there was an option to 100% turn off re-queue.
Wow Seriously i never thought it would get this good its so fuckin clean and runs so smoothe + rep this shit is the best thing ive seen in botting so far hands down
This is one of the best addons available for Honorbuddy. I strongly suggest it to all! Sure beats the pants off of anything Pirox or any other bot can offer. Thanks raphus!
ey friend , when something for buddies accounts? i have 2 buddy acounts i put a paladin in leader , and use de lfg , but anytimes , the leader expulse my other account .... can u put anyoption , for auto group whit a specific pj??? because , maybe just play 2 instances the 2 accounts... later they are in other diferent groups i dont know if u know what i want .... sorrry for my english crap ..