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  • Permanent Ban - Got it reduced to 72 hours

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Andrewd431, Jun 27, 2014.

    1. Andrewd431

      Andrewd431 New Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

      3)If so, when was the last time?:

      4)What profile were you using?:
      I used multiple profiles, I pretty much changed profile every 3-4 hours to make my activity seem less of a pattern. I was mining/herbing in outland, northrend and pandaria.

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
      Defaut- Shadow Priest

      6)What plugins are you using?:

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
      A lot, around 300-400

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      12)EU or US realm?

      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
      Paid, it's the account I started back in 2007.

      So basically I bought honorbuddy about 2 day ago and have been botting 12 hours a day since then. I read up a bit about how to avoid being detected etc but I figured since I was doing this on a low population realm (Literally 30-50 people online on the entire server at the time of day I botted) that it would be relatively safe. I also changed profile very frequently to avoid being too repetitive and looking like a bot. I also created a messages tab so that I could see any whispers I got during the bot sessions and I didn't receive a single one.

      Okay so here is my question. How does blizzard know exactly when an account is botting? I am 99.9% sure I didn't receive a single report in these 2 days that I was using honorbuddy. I realise my method was pretty aggressive, but as I said I know for sure that nobody was in the entire zone in which I was farming during the time I using the bot. Do they just see a large number of auctions and assume I was a bot?

      My final question is, if I was to create a new account on a different battle.net and make the gold on that account are their any relatively fool-proof methods of transferring gold that won't get me banned on my main account? Sorry for the long read.
    2. -M_M-

      -M_M- New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      This is standard. You overfarmed and tripped something server-side (research LCP detection). Use profile randomizing plugins like randombuddy and your chances are better, but the risk is always there.

      Try not botting for so long... only a small handful of hours per day.
    3. Andrewd431

      Andrewd431 New Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Thanks for your reply. I read a long article on lcp detection and learnt a lot, hopefully I won't be caught again lol.
    4. wn2142

      wn2142 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What did you do to get the ban reduced?
    5. -M_M-

      -M_M- New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      First time bans (especially farming) are almost always reduced to 72 hours unless a GM explicitly saw you botting (or you were banned for something else). You can even admit to botting and they'll likely reduce it seeing as it's a first offense.

      BTW, check out the "rndbuddy" gathering plugin here on the forums. It's a lifesaver for anyone who has been slapped for running the same profile for too long, as it automatically creates profiles on the fly and changes them after a certain amount of time, ensuring you're never farming in the same area for too long.

      As far as transferring gold between accounts, there's nothing against doing so in Blizz's ToS. It's selling gold that they have an issue with. Personally I routinely give away a few thousand gold to new players on my server just to show charity, and cite it in case Blizz ever comes knocking and asks why I trade large amounts of gold to people.

      My best advice is to only trade gold using toons higher than level 1, and don't do it in grandiose amounts (like some people have been known to do).
    6. Andrewd431

      Andrewd431 New Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      Thanks man, Ill definitely go check that out. Also for the guy who asked how I got it reduced to 72 hours, I just straight up admitted to botting and said I won't do it again, lesson learned etc etc.

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