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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by verythaiguy, Aug 15, 2010.

    1. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Haven't had a lot of support working on HordeQuest, working on it in my spare time. Re-designed/reworked with a rogue, no CC's, no plugins so when it's done it should work fine for any class. Currently completed levels 12-51, pretty much solid questing, 332 quests and counting. Got the majority of the code up to 60 generated, just running through and testing it and adding quest overrides as needed.
    2. spelaben

      spelaben New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      That sounds great! Questing from lvl 12-60 is nearly impossible for me atm as the questing profiles from hordequest are just wip and most of them don't really work.
    3. Spewer

      Spewer Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      Nice work :)
    4. Nuok

      Nuok Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can you commit the changes pretty please :)
    5. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Well, I was trying to hold off on updating until I get it completed and debugged, but whatever. Updates applied. Check the Work In Progress folder of hordequest. Their designed to be run in order. Profiles 1 through 7 have been documented as to what quests need to be removed if you haven't run the earlier profiles. Also, if the zone has a quest chain and your using a character that hasn't run the earlier profiles, it will run and do the prerequisite quests, so you may see it running around doing a bunch of low level pre requisite quests at first. If you like it, +Rep me. This has taken a lot of my time, and I'm not done yet. To you naysayers who think Cataclysm will change all of this, I have a 2nd level 12 rogue waiting on standby to start levelling and updating when Cat comes out. I'm suure some quests will break, but surely not all of them. And besides, doing updates is a lot easier than building it from scratch. If any dev's reading this are working on profile development tools, please consider me for testing. This has been a very tedious process due to the current lack of profile tools.

      I realize the profile is broken up into lots of parts and some people have complained that it's too fragmented. If you agree, don't use it. Once Apoc get's his profile tool up and running I intend to go back and add pre/post grind areas so if it completes all the quests, it will grind until you intervene.
      There are really only 4 places you need to visit when starting these profiles, Ogrimmar/Durotar, Tirisfal/Undercity, Stranglethorn and Thousand Needles. The bot will make it's way from there, blackspots have been added so it doesn't run through aread that will consistently kill your toon. I found it best to bind in Ogrimmar and then hearth as necessary (faster to hearth from Stranglethorn->Ogrimmar and take the zepplin to Tirisfal when needed. Getting to Thousand Needles is a pain because of the lift.
      I set HB to gather flight path automatically to make getting there faster when I have to manually move from Barrens to Thousand Needles, pull distance set to 50, automatically find vendors. If/when flight support is added to HB it will be easy to go back and and add code to get around (<FlyTo> would be a wicked addition.

      This profile pack so far has earned me 150 achievement points, completed around 340 quests and levelled to 51 in 7 days, 6 hours. Keep in mind the play time includes not only questing, grinding where needed, but also stopping, restarting HB, tracking down quest givers, accepting/dropping quests to ensure proper pickup and hand-in, testing/re-testing overrides, everything needed to build a solid profile.
      Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
      spelaben, Nuok and Nab like this.
    6. spelaben

      spelaben New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      Wow, thanks for that :)
      I just started the first profile from lvl 12-30 with my lvl 18 toon and will report any bugs that occur.

      //edit, already found the first issue :D

      <PickUp QuestName="Meats to Orgrimmar" QuestId="6365" GiverName="Zargh" GiverId="3489" />

      My Tauren druid can't pickup that quest, not available.

      //edit second issue: The locations for Hezrul Bloodmark and Besseleth were different for me, the bot kept looking in the wrong areas.

      Another thing I noticed was that the bot runned into buildings when going through OG (mounted). Don't know if this is a mesh problem or the profile.
      Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
    7. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      Yeah. my BE warlock hit that snag too ^
    8. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I built the profile with an orc rogue, so I guess there's a faction requirement for those requests. I'll try to update tonight. Just flew back from Toronto and dealing with a 3 hour time difference and haven't seen my wife and kid in two weeks, so it may have to wait until tomorrow.

      Will check out Hezrul & Besseleth. I seem to recall a quest override was needed. Will check WoWhead to see what other locations they may spawn at.

      As for the building's in OG, that would be a meshing issue
    9. spelaben

      spelaben New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      Your family is more important than this, take care of them :)

      XT:4 and XT:9 are patrolling in this area: Creature: XT:9 - Thottbot: World of Warcraft
      So it would be better to let bot also patrol there, otherwise he just wastes a lot of time or doesn't even get the mobs killed at all.

      /edit, the bot isn't able to enter the house of the questgiver from this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=6462
      This is probably a mesh issue, which won't be fixed in the near future, I would leave this one out.
      Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
    10. Gunmetal

      Gunmetal New Member

      Nov 10, 2010
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      started using your profiles...looks great so far and I like the fact that you did break it up...I did some grinding for wool and boosted him a few levels thru SM so only started at profile #5

      I did find a small error so far in the #5 36-39 profile...."Martek the Exiled" has 2 prerequisites that were covered in your #2 30-33 profile. I added these in after line #73 in mine to make it work...

                      <PickUp QuestName="Hardened Shells" QuestId="1105" GiverId="4453" GiverName="Wizzle Brassbolts" />
                      <PickUp QuestName="Salt Flat Venom" QuestId="1104" GiverId="4454" GiverName="Fizzle Brassbolts" />
                      <Objective QuestName="Hardened Shells" QuestId="1105" Type="CollectItem" Name="Hardened Tortois Shell" ItemId="5795" CollectCount="9" />
                      <Objective QuestName="Salt Flat Venom" QuestId="1104" Type="CollectItem" Name="Salty Scorpid Venom" ItemId="5794" CollectCount="6" />
                      <TurnIn QuestName="Hardened Shells" QuestId="1105" TurnInId="4453" TurnInName="Wizzle Brassbolts" />
                      <TurnIn QuestName="Salt Flat Venom" QuestId="1104" TurnInId="4454" TurnInName="Fizzle Brassbolts" />
      Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
    11. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I've removed the 'Meat to Ogrimmar' quest chain due to faction dependency, Hezrul has a patrol path which I have identified and Besseleth has multiple spawn points. As soon as my server is back up, I'll finish the quest overrides. Same thing with Shredding Machines/XT:4 & XT:9. I actually had a note in the profile that I thought it stuck on the quest giver for troll charm (questid 6462), which has now been removed from the profile.

      Didn't realize Salt Flat Venom & Hardened Shells were prerequisites for Martek the Exiled. Reading the comments on Wowhead, I see they are. Thanks for your code, I've added it to the prerequisite section of the profile.

      Will synchronize with HordeQuest shortly. My server just came back up.

      Updates synchronized with HordeQuest
      Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
    12. UndiluteD

      UndiluteD New Member

      Oct 31, 2010
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      Great prfiles so far guys just been running the undead starting area profile and its great will move on and tell you my experiences with each of them
    13. dblink

      dblink New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I updated the profile to your latest update, and started the 1k needles one at level 30, and all it says is /Grind to lvl 35. I checked the .xml and it has the quests listed, but I don't know why it won't run them.
    14. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Are you running in quest mode or grind mode? Should be quest mode. I've also had issues where HB will either skip right to the end or it will keep going right back to the beginning of the profile even though it's completed some of the quests. Try stopping restarting HB, stop HP, load another profile, start/stop, then reload your desired profile. If that fails, close and restart HB. That usually does the trick for me. Occaisonally I've had to go as far as shut down HB, shut down WoW and then start them both back up or even reboot. It's an HB issue, not a profile issue. Try them in that order, least intrusive to most.
    15. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      So, what you're saying is that with 7 days and 6 hours of playtime, 174 hours all together, you have reached level 51. There is approximately 1.9 mill. experience points from level 1 to 51. That means you have an effective 1900000 exp / 174 hours = 10919 ~ 11k exp/h.

      I appreciate your time spend doing this but is it really, even with the extra quests completed (less bot-like behavior), worth the extremely low exp/h rate?
    16. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Given the current lack of quest development tools, tracking down quest givers, accepting the quests, generating the code for the quest, dropping the quest and running HB to ensure it picks up the quest properly, creating quest overrides, re-creating quest overrides, looking up profile tags in the HB wiki, finding out the quest doesn't turn in properly and dropping it, and ordering the quests so that a rogue can easily complete the quests, thereby ensuring that pretty much every other class can play it effectively, realizing you haven't created enough quests to keep going at the higher levels and backfilling quests that have now gone gray and yield a fraction of their original experience I'd say it's pretty good. I've got a warlock I'm running through behind him, level 46, 2 days 3 hours played. Do the math on that it works out to about 59000 per hour
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
    17. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      Ahh, then thats why! The numbers did seem very low for the amount of work you seem to put in :)

      You can then disregard my last comment, it was simply a question.

      EDIT: Actually, with the provided information on your toon you have had the effective 1,488,300 exp / ((2 days*24 h) + 3 h) = 29.182 ~ 29.000 exp/h very good indeed for the 1-46, much higher than any grinding profiles I use ^^
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
    18. UndiluteD

      UndiluteD New Member

      Oct 31, 2010
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      QUICK BUG FIX: IN "8 - HordeQuest - Eastern Kingdom - Stranglethorn - 43 - 46"
      For quest Mok'thardin's Enchantment it needs to be::

      <Objective QuestName="Mok'thardin's Enchantment" QuestId="572" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="3863" CollectCount="10" />
      <TurnIn QuestName="Mok'thardin's Enchantment" QuestId="572" TurnInName="Far Seer Mok'thardin" TurnInId="2465" />

      Also Pick up code needs to be added:

      <PickUp QuestName="Venture Company Mining" QuestId="600" GiverName="Crank Fizzlebub" GiverId="2498" />
      <PickUp QuestName="Skullsplitter Tusks" QuestId="209" GiverName="Kebok" GiverId="737" />
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
    19. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I thought 60K/hour seemed high. I couldn't remember the formula so I used wikipidia and added up all the xp amounts per level and divided. This was after sitting in front of the computer for the better part of 18 hours working on level 51-54 and reviewing for my Planning & Managing Windows 7 Desktop Deployments & Environments course this week
    20. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Actually it is supposed to be 571 for Mok'thardin's Enchantment, QuestID 572 was completed in profile 6 (the previous stranglethorn profile) and 571 was picked up but not completed. Venture Company Mining and Skullsplitter Tusks were both picked up in that same profile (6 - Stranglethorn) and they get completed in 8 - Stranglethorn. As I mentioned in my first post, these are designed to be run in order. I have gone back and added code to the first 6 profiles to address issues like this, but I have yet to get that done for the later profiles. It's on my To Do list. I'm almost finished to 60, hit 54 in Un'Goro last night. Then I'll go back and deal with issues like the one above, add pre/post grind areas, vendors (find vendors doesn't seem to be working in the later versions), mailboxes, avoidmobs and a few RunTo's to complete zone exploration and get the achievement points.

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