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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. evolutionadam

      evolutionadam New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      So when I start PB with a fresh install of both HB and PB, I get this after the first fight. Looks like BPS just isn't working. Any help? Framelock is disabled.

      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 3
      [PB] Going to switch slot 1
      [PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,19 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isTradeable == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] 0Injured pets quite high: 3 Making sure its not due to lag
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 3
      [PB] Going to switch slot 1
      [PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,19 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isTradeable == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 3
      [PB] Going to switch slot 1
      [PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,19 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isTradeable == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] 0Injured pets quite high: 3 Making sure its not due to lag
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 3
      [PB] Going to switch slot 1
      [PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,19 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isTradeable == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 3
      [PB] Going to switch slot 1
      [PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,19 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isTradeable == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] 0Injured pets quite high: 3 Making sure its not due to lag
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
    2. evolutionadam

      evolutionadam New Member

      Jun 22, 2013
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      then this happens. Pokehbuddy starts working with BPS, goes through a few fights, then it seems BPS just crashes. Any ideas?

      PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Enough pets injured, trying to heal/rez pets
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
      [PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
      [PB] Pulsing BPS
    3. Nathrezime

      Nathrezime New Member

      Apr 12, 2014
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      When i click on start, my character fly around but don't engage any battle, what can i do ?
    4. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There is a setting for the maximum range for engaging a pet.Maybe the distance is too low
    5. Nathrezime

      Nathrezime New Member

      Apr 12, 2014
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      View attachment 7800 2014-05-12 12.57.txt

      The range is set to 300 when i look to honorbuddy launch and i don't know how to change this. This morning, He engage the fight but try to take flying mount during all the fight
    6. Parlour

      Parlour New Member

      Mar 10, 2014
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      Is anyone else getting crazy memory leaks using this? If I do pet battles for awhile I get major slow down and eventually WoW gives me an error message saying there is not enough memory. Looking at task manager shows WoW using 4GB of memory. Is this related to the plugin, or is it something else?
    7. deejayfowler

      deejayfowler New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      after a lil time running i get a random string error on wow itself causing me to dc

      gonna run it again for a bit and see if i can get the log of the error to upload
    8. JimT

      JimT New Member

      Feb 25, 2012
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      Standing around

      Took a look at my monitor after about 20 minutes this morning and saw my toon in the middle of a battle just standing there. It's a new installation of HB. "You can't do that" continually flashing over his head. It finally stopped on it's own while I wasn't watching but it didn't complete the battle as you can see from the attached log.

      Attached Files:

    9. wardedman

      wardedman New Member

      Sep 9, 2013
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      So don't really know why but the Plugin keeps put my lvl 25 pets first then they sometimes win whole fight not letting me level.
    10. TheUntranslator

      TheUntranslator New Member

      Mar 22, 2014
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      One feature I'd really like to see more than anything else, would be the ability to catch by breed. It would especially be useful when farming for rare pets.

      Overall it's a great plugin and I wouldn't have my BH without my PokéBuddy. Great tool
    11. Axe

      Axe New Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Awesome plugin ! ty
    12. Synth

      Synth New Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      This plugin is just spewing errors for me, I don't think I missed anything though

      [PB] System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Script\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Pokehbuddy\Data\logicmacro.txt.default'.
         at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
         at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
         at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
         at Pokehbuddyplug.Pokehbuddy..ctor() in c:\Users\Script\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\PokeBuddy\Pokehbuddy.cs:line 158
      and the settings button causes a Microsoft .NET Framework error about an unhandled exception.

      It does manage to find/start battles, but won't actually do them. I'm guessing that's because i'm missing "logicmacro.txt.default"?

      Edit: I manually downloaded the RAR file and replaced my PokehBuddy folder, works wonderfully now. I'm not sure why the SVN made a mess of this for me.
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    13. jziff

      jziff New Member

      Jun 19, 2014
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      Is this out of date or just way too complicated to use?
    14. stevends19

      stevends19 New Member

      Sep 28, 2013
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      I'm having the same issue. Sometimes it will attack with the first pet and sometimes it will not. I've found it inconsistent where it will attack with a level 1 against level 25 and times when it's high level it won't attack.
    15. paperc07

      paperc07 Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      I just check the plugin, set GB2 as my base and then load one of the profiles from here (https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...s/76973-pet-battle-pet-training-profiles.html) according to your level and then it should go to that location and start working. Make sure you check your settings in pokebuddy plugin under general whatever you want your "Only attack wild pets" lower and higher and I have mine to capture "when higher than the pet" I have because im trying to get it to work where it also catches pets I dont have so im not sure if I set it to rare or higher than pet yet
    16. midgetonebeta

      midgetonebeta New Member

      Feb 20, 2013
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      i was just using this but the bot says moving to way point and its not moving at all it load the cords does thing when i try to load the pet area plugins. also its also moving hella slow.
    17. Firedrake1

      Firedrake1 Member

      Jun 25, 2013
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      Okay, so I am certainly willing to admit that I am missing something, but i am having problems with the catching pets. When I had my team set to Ringer, or Ringer x2 and had the catch threshold set to Blue only, it would catch blues., However, i changed my pet lineup to "capture, and now it suddenly won't catch blues, it just kills them. I don't want to run it on ringer, because then my level 25s murder low level blues. Any suggestions?
    18. mila4me

      mila4me New Member

      Apr 16, 2012
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      i install your plugin and i don't touch any setting i choose 1st aka ringer mode and press go but nothing happened so i choese profile to 3-6 from pet area press start but bot chose any 3 pets and level them in Don Morogn all the time here is what it does :Mounting: Golden Gryphon
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Owned pets journal count: 90
      [BPS] Pets by level: #2=5 #3=13 #4=10 #7=1 #8=1
      [BPS] Choosing pets for level: 2
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 1 with Tiny Blue Carp [2]
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 2 with Tiny Green Carp [2]
      [BPS] Filling Pet Slot 3 with Ashstone Core [3]
      then swtching all pets and level 1 2 levels then switch to new.How i can stop that is is possible to level 1 pet only? or 3 in same group cause it will take forever to level all,and do i have to fly to every area ? or it will go by it self all plugins on .
      sorry Eng 2nd language really hard to find out what to do_Or maybe some1 know any video link for noobs lol
    19. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      That's normal. The plugin takes control over the bot that is used (when it can).

      That leads to some problems with the bot, and the plugin. It doesn't really matter which bot is used.

      This isn't a large problem, it causes small problems, due to the lack of communication between bot and plugin, and plugin to plugin.

      Gatherbuddy is the most common bot used, profession and quest bots will also work. Though, not as well as gatherbuddy does.

      The [BPS] plugin is switching all the pets in the collection. You can disable this plugin on the settings page for pokehbuddy.

      If you want to use BPS to swap pets, you can also change the way that pets are selected and filtered, and it will only choose pets marked as favourites, other choices and filters are available in the settings.

      There is some travel needed, but gatherbuddy can change the zones as needed when petarea changes the zone profile.

      If petarea is set properly, the zone will change when the pets are ready for the next zone, which is usually not optimal for performance or xp.

      The better way is to switch zones per pet level, petarea could be modified to do this without the GUI. But it would also require a timer to switch zones or something similar to a timer for changing pets when it's time to move to the next area.

      For grind or farming on low level alts, to set up flight path usage, but this would require a different bot to gatherbuddy, perhaps quest or professionbuddy.

      It's been in the works for a while, but I don't have the time or experience to set up the QBs to check current pets could meet certain criteria (is the current pet level 6,is the current pet mechanical, etc) for completion of the quest objectives and to help farm or collect certain pets for the celestial tournament. Etc.

      In the short term, petarea can be changed by setting more difficult zones for petarea when setting new profiles to use.
    20. Blackister

      Blackister New Member

      Jul 13, 2013
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      How can disable the capture pet part?, i only want level my pets but the plugins always try to cap some garbage pets.

      Thanks, and great plugin.

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