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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by hankerspace, Apr 17, 2014.

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    1. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You also understand what BETA stands for? beta is the final stage of testing before the product is released, and the road from the current version to the final release version won't happen most likely on the next 5 months looking the state the bot is. And I do understand it isnt a small hello world or a stupid calculator I am a programmer myself.

      I also understand that it is easier to develop a bot for this type of games than it is for the other buddy products.
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      - Hearthbuddy supports all kind of Hearthstone game modes and can therefore be described as feature complete: check
      - Hearthbuddy runs without crashes: check
      - Hearthbuddy doesn't have performance (technically wise) issues: check
      - Hearthbuddy still has some bugs (card playing logic): check

      Therefore, for my understanding, the status "beta" fits absolutely fine.

      What you are talking about is a "release candidate" (RC) version, which we haven't achieved yet.
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
    3. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Card playing logic is 90% of a TCG Bot , if it fails there, it fails in general. With the current state of the bot I can blatantly say that it does no iterations or permutations about all the possible plays that you can do per turn, instead it just sees what cards you can play with the mana you have and has like a predefined way of playing those cards, it rarely plays the odds with things like 50%/50% chances to try to always get the best outcome.

      It is too binary, there is no preparation for future turns, no preparation against AoE, some hero powers just think about the current turn and not the current turn and the next one, for example Fireblast, if it doesn't kill anything it just uses it to attack face, thats the fireblast logic, 1 line of code. This bot wins half of the games that I win by playing myself

      As I said on the ExileBuddy forum, even though I love pushedx work since I follow it since SRO times, Buddy at the moment is living from the HonorBuddy fame, nothing else. If it wasn't the profit that Diablo3 generated to botters, community would never fix the broken bot that DemonBuddy was, it had to be created a plugin that would take full control of the bot to fix the stop and go issues, navigation was horrible, that is why I say, compared to that, a bot for Hearthstone should be way easier to develop, the hard part is the Logic it takes a good player to develop that not just a good coder and it takes a lot of work thinking towards the strategy and tactic.

      I am using another HS bot that was released near HearthBuddy release and it performs wonders, I've reached legendary 2 seasons ago and haven't played much last season and the bot makes 90% of the same decisions that I would do, sometimes it even plays better than me making decisions that I would never consider but agree after I see it. And it costs as much as HearthBuddy which makes me disappointed with the path Buddy chose, because I always loved how community-devs relationship and how the HB was community driven and the quality standards, the new features, the performance improvements always minmaxing. Because after all thats what you want in a (ro)bot, you want it to play when you aren't playing it, and you want it to perform as good or BETTER than humans. After all thats why robots replaced humans on inumerous functions, because they would do it better than humans on the decision making or repetitive tasks.
    4. The Fifth

      The Fifth New Member

      Apr 11, 2014
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      It's been doing it for about the passed 3 days. Now I've had the bot running all day today and it's been doing fine. I've left the mouse in different positions and had other programs running in front of the game. It hasn't done this any more and seems to be working fine now
    5. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      that is weird evrytime i use buddy with evryend turn i get in error in the client and many times it bugs out i dont have those issue with crawler:) and smartcc
    6. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Not sure if its hearthbuddy or your Silverfish AI but the placement of like Dire wold and Defender of Argus and cards like that seems like its not working. it 90% of the time places the card to the right and not in the middle or to the left.
    7. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      It's both (although HB's fault). The bot always places cards to the left (or is it right?) of whatever card is on the field. It doesn't have smart placement (it doesn't know where to throw a card down at).
    8. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      I don't know is it just me or more people but since I updated to .82 i get lots of weird bugs - crashes, graphical bugs, cards flying around, etc. Also some of this happened:

      Bot miscalculated lethal and tried to use hero power twice:

      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Animal companion has a normal priority
      Grabbing card: Animal companion
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Steady shot has a very low priority
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Another miscalculated lethal - he wanted to drop pyroblast nad leeory in the same turn:

      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Pyroblast
      Targeting card: Jaina Proudmoore
      Grabbing card: Leeroy Jenkins
      Dropping currently held card!
      Attacking Jaina Proudmoore with Sheep
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      Ending turn.
      We've lost. Too bad!
      He had lethal with hero power but instead of using hero power he equipped bow (and didn't had mana for hero power) that he couldn't use because of two taunts:

      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Kill command
      Targeting card: Thrall
      Grabbing card: Eaglehorn Bow
      Dropping currently held card!
      BTW why amani berserker has low priority?
      Going back to .81 to check if it really is .82 fault.
    9. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude, we all know it.
      If you don't like hb well, no problem. But what you are doing isn't fair at all. Imaging you are a shop owner and there is a guy standing in front of it, advertising another shop. Would you think it's nice?
    10. ericb

      ericb New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      Minions w/ battlecry targeted heals don't work when multiple minions are in play.. Voodoo Doctor and Earthen Ring Farseer. I think the bot determines the position of the minion to heal then the healing minion comes into play changing the positions of our other minions in play, resulting in a (usually) undamaged minion, adjacent to a damaged minion, being targeted... doing nothing and leaving the damaged minion unhealed. I will attach a log here if I see it again.
    11. neoric

      neoric New Member

      Jun 13, 2014
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      The guy is being a prick on the internet, no surprise there.

      i am really just hoping HB people can find something similar to the card behavior editor

      maybe a simple list of check/check boxes of how the bot should act.

      I realize that it may be more complicated, but i am willing to wait. Hearthstone was just released and i think the hb
    12. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      its even worse now it keeps spamming things in the hb client and it does nothing keeps spamming over and over
      Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
    13. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      I've seen bot miscalculating lethal because he wanted to use hunters hero power twice in one turn.
      It looks like this:

      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Houndmaster must be ignored
      	Card Pewny strzaƂ has a very low priority
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Houndmaster must be ignored
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Houndmaster must be ignored
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Card Houndmaster must be ignored
      If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      Grabbing card: Steady shot
      Dropping currently held card!
      I've seen it happen few times already.
    14. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It isn't fair either when devs/community use excuses like "it's beta don't complain" when other companies actually use their Beta for the correct purpose.

    15. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      This video has valid points but from what i heard is his definition of Alpha / Beta is where Hearthbuddy was and is now.

      Early access Use to mean everything hes saying. Untill that one company Who was about to go under Did it made Enough to stay afloat Said to them self This was great we go much needed feed back we got ideas we got money for other ideas Who don't we do this all the time.
      So they did. And other company's got smart., Oh more testing Feedback And We can take peoples money now So that helps us. We will have a fine print No returns Product supplied as is Because its going to change.
      Pre order now to get 3 day early access Get a head start on your friends.

      Even he said It " steam " Almost Every new game to be released on steam Has this offer.

      This does help inde Company's tho A lot It helps them get the Needed funding that they want to produce the game they want.
      Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    16. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      Turn 1 bot had coin and knife juggler, loot hoarder and lepper gnome. He could've played any of them but instead he coined hero power.

      Checking hand cards priorities :
      	Should we play coin ? There will be 3 cards avaible once coin played
      		Priority of card Knife juggler is : Normal
      		Priority is at least normal & we dont have other cards with this priority => play coin to use it
      	Card Coin has an ULTRA priority!
      Grabbing card: Coin
      Dropping currently held card!
      	Card Armor up! has a very low priority
      Grabbing card: Armor up!
      Dropping currently held card!
      Checking hand cards priorities :
      Ending turn.
    17. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Sweet thanks for the update.
      Does API add: TritonHS.SetCardPos fix where card placement is?
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
    18. Robsao

      Robsao Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      Auto concede is just awesome! Thanks for the feature!

      1 hour, 5 wins 0 losses :)

      Since it's keeping same rank/mmr, I think 80-90%+ Win rate is very possible now, easy golden hero farming.
    19. Sleat

      Sleat New Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      ^^^ yup, i was 11-1 at 1 hour in earlier. This really speed it up
    20. Robsao

      Robsao Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      That's a lot of games for an hour, nice! What deck are you using?
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