its disabled till Cata but if someone buy Hb and dont like it we have a 30days refund policy and in my opinion is fair enough
Im not gunna say whoooo reported this guy at first (directly after his post) but I do know who did it. me
I just had to LOL! 1) Why would you want to share your account, which you bought with your REALLIFE money with someone, other then maybe your friends? 2) Supporting Maleware/Spyware is a big point involving this! 3) You wont get fame by sharing your HB Account with some kid... 4) Everyone who uses more then the 3 sessions probably has enough money to buy a second lifetime... Just my thoughts on this!
pewpew I don't mind if people use a cracked verion for testing purposes but the others are really pissing me
But you would drive a car without seat belt? i hope you get your cracked version...and straight after the banhammer right into your face! Like this at 1:07 YouTube - Bruce Lee Bam B?M! XD
i am an idiot Schade das Bossland keine Kritik vertragen kann, aber selber DDosen. YouTube - Bossland finds out!