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  • [ALL] 60%+ win chance all classes.

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Guides' started by CookieThumper87, Jul 20, 2014.

    1. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      [ALL] all classes Deck lists.

      Alright i was already going to post this before so i might as well just begin and then slowly update everything through as i'm still working on this right now.
      Meaning this is still work in progress.

      So why 1 thread with all classes? well now you don't have to search anymore. i will however explain later on in depth how stuff works.

      what is the goal of this?
      Well it is mainly for getting golden portraits, gold, and "wins in Ranked play"*. i wouldn't really say this is the best way to rank up because at some point you will hit a wall where the meta game occurs¹.
      And to give the community a bunch of Proper² decks.


      why does it say...?:
      Since i play ranked matches only and never casual play, you earn ranks.
      these ranks are based on opponents win/loss ratio the more wins the better the deck obviously and with luck also in the factor some games you win and some games you lose.
      now from rank 20 it is easy but as the bot progresses upwards in rank the opponent become harder and harder this will eventually influence your win/loss ratio especially if you do not adjust your deck to the current meta.
      therefore with my own experience i have added extra information which deck gets you to about where in the game.
      And all these winrates are based upon rank 20 start and then let it bot.

      * = wins in ranked play simply is meant for the hidden quest rewards 100~300 gold.
      ¹ = Meta game, where standard decks occur this almost changes every 3~4 days.
      ² = Proper, meaning a balanced format between games-per-hour and wins-per-hour and usable by hearthbuddy with custom API.

      Warlock (Winrate 75% from 20~14) [Set silverfish on rush.] On average 12 games an hour.(stays around rank 10~14)

      2x mortal coil
      2x abusive sergeant
      2x grimscale oracle
      2x leper gnome
      2x murloc raider
      2x murloc tidecaller
      2x voidwalker
      2x young priestess
      2x bluegill warrior
      2x knife juggler
      2x murloc tidehunter
      2x coldlight seer
      2x murloc warleader
      2x raid leader
      1x leeroy jenkins
      1x old Murk-eye

      Notes: Why remove mortal coil and added nerubian egg? simple, you have multiple cards that allow nerubian egg to attack with and nerubian egg out if any class uses their Aoe, they still have to deal with the 4/4's in my opinion it seems a bit better then just mortal coil.

      The idea (Theory): Murlocs! they keep buffing each other with almost every turn,
      How does it work? (in practices): it does exactly that i buff the units while you keep face smashing your opponent.

      Below this point all decks are being tested and will be adjusted correctly over time if some other decks go above this sentence/line that means they had postive feedback and are working correctly.
      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------what might work for me might not always work for everyone so please post feedback!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Druid (Winrate ) [i did not test this with silverfish!] On average games an hour.(stays around rank )

      2x innervate
      2x leper gnome
      1x young priestess
      2x power of the wild
      1x wrath
      2x Acidic swamp ooze
      2x blodfen raptor
      1x Bloodmage thalnos
      1x faerie dragon
      2x knife juggler
      2x loot hoarder
      1x youthful brewmaster
      2x savage roar
      1x bite
      2x poison seeds
      2x soul of the forest
      2x defender of argus
      2x gnomish inventor
      1x leeroy

      The idea (Theory): keep tossing out minions until the board is near full simply use poison seeds in combo with power of the wild and savage roar and beat your enemy.
      How does it work? (in practices) : -not tested-

      Hunter (Winrate ) [Set silverfish on ] On average games an hour.(stays around rank )

      The idea (Theory): x
      How does it work? (in practices) : x

      Warrior (Winrate ) [Set silverfish on] On average x games an hour.(stays around rank )

      The idea (Theory): x
      How does it work? (in practices) : x

      Shaman (Winrate ) [Set silverfish on] On average x games an hour.(stays around rank )

      The idea (Theory): x
      How does it work? (in practices) : x

      Rogue (Winrate "inconclusive") [Set silverfish on Rush] On average 7? games an hour.(stays around rank "will be posted tomorrow." )

      2x backstab
      1x shadowstep
      2x coldblood
      2x deadly poison
      2x leper gnome
      2x blade flurry
      2x shiv
      1x Bloodmage thalnos
      2x defias ringleader
      2x knife juggler
      2x kobold geomancer
      1x nat pagle
      1x perdition's blade
      2x fan of knives
      2x Si:7 Agent
      2x cult master
      1x leeroy jenkins
      1x azure drake

      The idea (Theory): cheap spell minions to clear out boards, fan of knives or even blade flurry both are affected by +spell damage.
      How does it work? (in practices) : lots of ways of drawing cards this helps the bot make the right choices on almost every turn.

      Notes: for some reason this seems to be well balanced to be acceptable but it vary's a lot, at times you'll notice it will lose 10 times in a row at other times it will win 10 times in a row.
      *Also i have noticed that either HB or Silverfish does use shadowstep correctly in combo with either defias ringleader or leeroy, but at other times it also grabs the knive juggler for some reason. So i left it in for the occasional leeroy + shadowstep combo.

      Priest (Winrate ) [Set silverfish on ] On average games an hour.(stays around rank )

      The idea (Theory):
      How does it work? (in practices) :

      Paladin (Winrate ) [Set silverfish on ] On average games an hour.(stays around rank )

      The idea (Theory):
      How does it work? (in practices) :

      If you see room for any improvements please post below with your own experience and why in details.
      any type of feedback is much appreciated, perhaps we as community can work on this together and work stuff out.
      maybe people will create cheaper variant of the deck that will also still work well either way this is for everyone.

      If you think you got better decks please feel free to post them below i'll copy and paste them replace the current one that is posted none of these decks are optimized, and to be honest i am hoping for updates soon for HB that make more combinations viable.

      -Working on new decks! but the Rogue has been posted.

      -Since the release of naxx the game forces to remake all deck with or against the new cards.

      - With the current state of hearthbuddy i think we just have to accept the fact that 60% for all classes is absolutely not possible.
      i have been working on a rogue deck and i keep going under 50% win rate in either casual or ranked both have had 100+ games.
      i will post all new decks overtime hopefully Silverfish will make it a bit more viable use these decks until hearthbuddy gets heavily updated and improved.
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
    2. winbotter

      winbotter New Member

      May 29, 2014
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      Good job!

      Edit: Using Arcane Golem instead of Leeroy on the Druid deck with Silverfish Rush. Will post results later...

      Edit2: It doesn't really play the deathrattle 2/2 tree card well. Misses attacks too sometimes. Overall, it is okay. 40% winrate starting on 20 rank going to 18 rank sometimes. Also, the def of argus doesn't hit two cards ever, just the far right one only. This deck is good for human players, but I think there would be better for the current bot imo. About 7-8 games played an hour at 40% winrate I think, dont' quote me on that though. And I don't have bloodmage either, just the other taunt giving adjacent card instead I think. On silverfish rush.
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    3. Blacksteal

      Blacksteal New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I'm actually leveling a hunter with a murloc deck, getting 50% win ratio so I tried your hunter deck.
      I'm really curious how you manage 65% win ratio with it.
      I'm using silverfish too, I'm getting 1 win / 10 loss with it..! so I'm getting back to my murloc deck ^^

      I can't see how you can use silverfish rush with it, it's a very slow deck (6 traps!/2 deadly/.. are too slow for the 20/15 ranks)
      bloodfen raptor? 2 emperor cobra ? I can't believe you manage 65% with ratio with it, sorry.
    4. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      Odd, well how this deck works is that you the bot starts with minions and over the turns prevents the enemy to use minions and tosses out the traps when ever they think they have your minions the trap kills them or sends them back this way by the time turn 5 or 6 starts your opponent should be already half their health.
      i'm not too sure but i think hearthstone might be region depended, meaning that this deck does succeed where i am located but where as you apparently not.

      Either way i'm going to fix this.

      Edit: i think i might have made the mistake here, i had Silverfish set to control not rush now i think of it.
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2014
    5. Sleat

      Sleat New Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Hey gld you are making use of the link i sent you! I will be leveling my druid after warlock! Thanks for this!
    6. assitoni

      assitoni New Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      cant you use the basic murlock deck with every class ? of course with adjusting class cards
      but the theory behind murloc stays the same
    7. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      true but there are several problems with that.
      1. drawing cards. ; you see Warlocks can always draw 2 cards each turn pretty much... whereas others cannot which will cause problems in turn 4 or 5.
      2. Cards that draw cards, as example tossing out a loot hoarder is basically the same as skipping a turn and this will cost you lots of games

      none the less i can post a murloc variant, but i won't hold for more then 50% win rate for sure, maybe on some like rogue you might get little bit more benefit since spells like backstab are for free. but then you are still sitting with card drawing issues.
    8. fenris

      fenris New Member

      Jun 29, 2012
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      nerubian egg dont seen to be a working for me.
      Even if the bot always buff it when possible, usually it preffers to attack the enemy hero than suicide to get the spider.
    9. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      thanks for saying that i haven't noticed that before currently i don't use zoolock atm.
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
    10. darkdoom21

      darkdoom21 New Member

      Jul 28, 2014
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      Bot is working. I'm using your Warlock deck and I've watched it a few times. I suppose it does what it needs to, but not well. I've seen it skip so many possibilities to attach or summon a card, but it just ends the turn.

      I had 5 cards on the board, the enemy had 1. I could've taken it out and used the other 4 cards to kill the other player, but instead it only used 1 card to hit the enemy player and ended the turn.

      I sat there saying to myself "WTF". But, I guess they're not all perfect and this does play for me while I am away. Any ideas if I am doing something wrong?

    11. Demel

      Demel Member

      Mar 24, 2014
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      Here is a actually screen of 9,5h runtime of the wl/murloc version.
      i doesn't use the update with nerubian eggs instead of mortal coil.
      this was my 496st win - 4 left here we go :)

      i allways stay at rank 20 (with auto conede after a win)

    12. mrjinx

      mrjinx New Member

      Oct 17, 2013
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    13. rachoque

      rachoque New Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Your druid deck is VERY bad. I mean: thalnos for 1xWrath? Leeroy with seeds, defender of argus, soul of the forest and 1 bite? It doesn't even work even in theory. Not a deck, but a bunch of random cards. It could work, if you play it manually (even then it's awful), but with bot you MUST write a custom AI for such a deck.
      Test first, post second. Ok?
    14. drlevesque

      drlevesque New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      The only question I have is where you have actually mentioned the Warlock (Win-rate 75% from 20~14) [Set silverfish on rush.], on the other classes i dont see mention of the control? Is that to be assumed or are you running all Rush with the suggested deck set ups?
    15. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      The other decks aren't build weren't build for the new api (also a reason why i removed most of them), Silverfish opened up a whole new arrange of possibilities and card combo's.

      Right now i'm just waiting until the new naxx cards are all released and i will make for each class new decks that will have a bare minimum of 60% win rate chance @ rank 20.
      meanwhile even with the new silverfish API enhancement for hearthbuddy i still am hoping for huge improvements.

      Mainly i would prefer in this thread rush decks only around 10 games per hour if possible if not then i will toss in some control decks.
    16. drlevesque

      drlevesque New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      One more question, please? I have gone through my decks and I have used crafting to get the additional cards I need to complete some of my decks but I dont have enough cards to create the dust I need to make cards like Leeroy, or Thalnos or Any of the other golden. Would you recommend someone to dust a whole custom deck to get the 1600 to make 1 card and then go back and rebuild what you destroyed to make that card? I am having a hard time trying to determine best case scenario on this. Also i wanted to say thank you for taking the time to answer. you have been a huge help in the decks I have worked on.
    17. CookieThumper87

      CookieThumper87 New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      in my personal opinion i would never disenchant cards in order to finish a deck, perhaps golden cards only in the beginning to get the few essential cards but otherwise no.
      just play and overtime you get more and more gold to buy packs and then to disenchant the extra's.
      this is how i got 19 legendaries all rares/epics/common cards.
      i do disenchant some golden cards from time to time common/rare or epic but never legendary.

      but that is just my opinion.
    18. Neoblaster

      Neoblaster New Member

      Nov 15, 2012
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      target failure...

      calculating stuff... 14:10:50.0259
      calculating ended! 14:10:50.1399
      end turn
      always with the rush behavior
    19. azarielrdm

      azarielrdm Member

      Apr 13, 2014
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      Druid deck has 31 cards

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