there is no "rule" for any card (only "hints" and moves that are bad (like healing the enemy)) and no, charge works 100% im sure thats a HrtB issue. added an Update with some fixes. (but no placing jet)
Mr bot gamer. Hankerspace released an update recently that may fix card position. - API add: TritonHS.SetCardPos(int cardIndex) Is this What im thinking it is or no. And if it is does it work with the latest release of silverfish? Not home yet to test <3
Bot sometimes skips several of my minions turns after it spawns a minion. Attaching a log in a few minutes
I deleted the bot folder, redownloaded it. Then I deleted the fix.cs file like botmaker said, ran it, deleted silverfish, reloaded, dleted fix.cs again. I still get the quoted error... any ideas? Thanks!
jeah it is what you are thinking but its not in uai yet. @winbotter cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message) cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message) these messages are ok (because these two files are not necessary (i will explain them whether hb allows mulligan)
do you have a pay pal donation link? CANT WAIT. till it can achieve legendary *hopes Thanks for helping us out over here. as to i trust and be leave in the buddy team al ot more.
Silent I doubt a bot will ever get legendary lol, it would be awesome though Imagine a smart arena custom ai, drafting and farming gold for you 24/7
I'm a dumbass. Works fine now. Thanks! Awesome API! Running that druid deck from the [ALL] thread in guides. With Arcane Golem instead of Leeroy. Will post results. Thanks again. Has a donation link been posted yet?
Hey obtkamer, Is it possible for you or the bot to state what version of Silverfish is running, I keep forgetting which version I'm using ^^ I know it's just to delete the files and put the new ones in, but would still be nice. Thanks for your awesome work!
new update v87: -supports all (30) naxx-cards (only need to update the carddb.txt file, whether i can update hrtstone) - other fixes -shows current versionnumber in HrtB log while starting the ai.
Downloaded this. First game: bot hits face with daggers (I'm rogue), then uses no-combo eviscerate on 4/3 ooze (leaving it at 4/1) and THEN summons argent squire. Logic just isn't there yet. At least for rogue combo cards. Rogue winrate dropped from ~45% to ~20% on 17-19 ranks. I recommend you to make a standalone log uploader, which will, you know, upload game logs. Because PEOPLE ARE LAZY and uploading logs manually feels clumsy and taking alot of time. I can help you with uploader, if you don't have enough time for all this stuff. Just PM me and we'll discuss it. As a member of buddy-community I really want to help, because I feel your custom AI is awesome (something like trinity for demonbuddy, which started as a small project and turned into must-have and default plugin), but it lacks so much of important features and isn't really usable yet.
@rachoque if you readed the thread, then you would know that (atm) hrtbuddy is a little bit buggy (giving my ai wrong data), but if you want to make sure: send me your log and i will look over it. and if you want to write a log uploader, it would be very nice (because i will not write one, because im lazy too ).
[Compiler Error] c:\Hearthbuddy 0.2.411.82n\CustomDecks\Silverfish\Silverfish\silverfish_controlHB.cs(64,74) : error CS0122: 'SilverfishControl.Silverfish.versionnumber' is inaccessible due to its protection level [Compiler Error] c:\Hearthbuddy 0.2.411.82n\CustomDecks\Silverfish\Silverfish\silverfish_controlHB_fix.cs(64,74) : error CS0122: 'SilverfishControlFix.Silverfish.versionnumber' is inaccessible due to its protection level [Compiler Error] c:\Hearthbuddy 0.2.411.82n\CustomDecks\Silverfish\Silverfish\silverfish_rushHB.cs(64,74) : error CS0122: 'SilverfishRush.Silverfish.versionnumber' is inaccessible due to its protection level Any ideea how to fix this issue?Thx!
Hey Obtkamer! Loving the custom API, mate! There are some major bugs though, such as the bot not attacking with all the cards, really makes the difference between a loss and win. Are you aware of this bug? + I've noticed it doesn't place the Defender of Argus so that it buffs 2 creatues, would be nice to fix that.
Hi, thanks for the good work ! There is still some BIG miss plays to correct though It happens very often that minions are not attacking at all while the ennemy has no taunt on the board. if you could fix this it would be awesome