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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Dommir, Jul 22, 2014.

    1. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      To me this post by Hawker says enough....

      On July 22, Blizzard pushed a change to WoW's version of their anti cheat system, Warden. This is the first change that concerns us in over 3 years. The risks associated with botting have risen and it will be at least 30 days before we can report on the changes.

      If this increased risk makes you uncomfortable, now would be the time to stop botting. We are re-opening our auth servers right now.

      In the wise words of Sergeant Esterhaus, "Lets be careful out there." Happy botting.

      If you cannot read between lines you really need stop botting altogether. Hawker would not reopen servers if it was detection. We would be down for atleast a week or two. He has shown he is not afraid of making us wait.
    2. centrino

      centrino Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      The way I look at it, the official announcement is simply to state, if you aren't willing to run the further risk of the unknown that MAY result in losing your account, don't bot until they have fully checked everything out. To be honest, the software detections that Warden does will probably not instant ban anyway so for those people saying "it seems to be okay for me at the moment" fair enough but if it does get detected by Warden... it will end up being something like May a few years ago when Glider got hit in the mass banwave.

      Not suggesting in the slighest that HB will be detected but Warden has been changed for a reason, perhaps HB's security is better than Warden, but we don't know, don't risk it if you can't take it if you get banned.

      Personally I'm going to go all out and bot all I want because I've got nothing to lose, I have a friend with the bot that I can RAF with, party on!
    3. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      Centrino my issue is simply this. Tripwire activated and we all got shut down. We are semi-protected while servers are down from a massive banwave. Why re-open servers if the devs were not able to ascertain that out and out detection was not achieved by Bliz? Bossland has shown in the past a willingness to keep servers down for a week to two weeks while they did repairs. Is it not reasonable to believe this would be the case again if they did not know what was actually happening with Warden?

      Also my opinion is this. If detection was achieved and Bossland knows this then he would be killing his client base literally and knowingly. Do you honestly believe with detection he would re-open knowing all his members would in time all get banned and he basically allowed it to happen?
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
    4. centrino

      centrino Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      I agree with your point to some extent in actual fact, until they are 100% certain that it's undetected they should really just cut off anyones access, but then nobody would be able to test it other than themselves and people that pretty much play the game due to HonorBuddy would be out of action for so long and probably get frustrated somewhat.

      Sadly with the amount of time it could take for a delayed ban to kick in, it could be 3 months before we see any bans (other than player reports and GM spots) simply for software detection. Realistically they can't cut the bot off for 3 months, or I would hope they wouldn't...so offering the service to those that are willing to risk and essentially be beta testers of the ability of HB to stay undetected is probably the most suitable in this case whilst they try and investigate everything they can about this latest update to Warden.

      I feel what they have done is a happy medium, please the people that are willing to risk it and advise the rest of the potential risk in case they aren't willing to.
    5. Xarian

      Xarian Member

      Aug 31, 2013
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      If they had a full and complete understanding of the updates, it would not take them 30 days to report on it, they are insecure, they are a business, 30 days of COMPLETE downtime would result in a huge loss of business. Dont be arrogant, its a tradeoff of loosing a lot of business, and taking a chance based on a gut feeling. They are taking a chance based on a gut feeling, its super obvious. If they were confident, they would not say there is an increased risk, if they are confident, they would not need 30 days to report on the changes
    6. Bishop007

      Bishop007 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      ^^ This...
    7. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      First off, a bot owner doesn't allow anyone to get banned. That's like saying a gun seller is responsible for someone shooting someone else with a gun they purchased from the seller. All the Buddy team does is allows you to use their product. If you get banned for using it, that's your fault, not theirs. You assume certain risks by using a product. It just so happens that this product can very easily lead to you losing your account. That again isn't their fault, that's yours for using something that you knew could lead to losing the account in the first place.

      Second off, the Buddy team hasn't kept a bot down for more than a week in the past. It's quite possible that they realize that 30 days of downtime would be detrimental to their bot sales and decided to open it back up for that purpose. This is a business afterall, do you know a lot of businesses that can go 30 days without making a single sale of their main product and not be hurting for money?

      If Blizzard did a complete re-write of Warden, it's quite possible that they have no clue what's happening with Warden. 30 days of research kinda leads me to believe that that is the case. There has been instances in the past where game security has completely baffled the Buddy team. The Buddy team ended up dropping that product completely because they never could figure out how to protect their clientele. I hope that's not the case, but keep in mind that it has happened in the past.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
    8. Xarian

      Xarian Member

      Aug 31, 2013
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      To build off this comment,

      If anyone remember the RIFT days, their bot was software detected once a week for almost a month concurrently. They NEVER said it was "Detected" they said they believed they fixed it, then the rebuilt the hook and said the same thing, it never was.

      Many of you guys here are putting too much faith in the words of people around here, and you really should not. You should be asking questions, and you should be asking for confirmation of information provided by moderators. I am not saying they are lying, i am saying there is a communications issue that needs to be addressed. Speak up, your accounts are still in the hands of the people that build that rift bot.
    9. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      If all you conspiracy people think so negatively about the team and the bot why the @#$# are you still here?

      Mods....this thread is going nowhere...please close.
    10. Xarian

      Xarian Member

      Aug 31, 2013
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      It's feedback dude. Voicing an opinion to Help better this place. Why are you hating on that?
    11. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I think you're confused about what a conspiracy is. What's been presented here are several very well known facts about what has happened in the past.

      You seem to believe that the Buddy team does this as a hobby. They are a business with business expenses. If the Buddy team can survive 30 days of down time with no ill side effects to their overall business dynamic, good for them. I have a strong feeling that that isn't the case though.

      What's happening in this thread is a discussion about past events, with mixed in conjecture. There's a lot more threads open on these forums that contain a lot less useful information than what's been provided here.
    12. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Perhaps the Warden update had something to do with the release of the new Hearthstone expansion (Curse of Naxxramas)? They practically released at the same time, maybe they're looking for bots in Hearthstone? Or is it confirmed not to be so?
    13. Thejaru

      Thejaru New Member

      Aug 21, 2011
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      You are the most autistic, and administrator loving little retard I have ever met. HB loses almost no sales if they went down for 1 month as all keys and sessions keys they sell are lifetime-yearly keys and nobody purchases monthly keys. The only keys that make them any money at all, that aren't elite keys, are the daily keys which someone would obviously hold off on buying by reading the forums for a little bit. Stop talking out of your ass and trying to suckup to the moderating team with your idiotic mumbo jumbo. Hawker reopened the auth system because if people want to bot, they want to bot. Certain people have absolutely no problem risking the ban because they simply don't care. I'm not saying it's detected, as I have no proof to believe something of the sort. However, what I am saying is, stop getting your panties in a bunch when someone suggests that Tony isn't as well informed as he could be. Just because he's a super moderator does not mean he's entirely aware of EVERYTHING that's happening. It's also hilarious how you try and state that you've been here since day one yet you registered in 2013? Your'e fucking ridiculous. I've reported every single one of your posts for spam; as, let's be real, that's all you're doing at this point.
    14. krillin

      krillin New Member

      Jan 6, 2013
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      I would like to point out. Tony Being a superMod im sure he more informed the we are he has to be its only logical. So if he says its safe i trust him. Besides if it was not safe the auth servers would still be down so that in it self shows Buddy teams knows whats going on more so then us.
    15. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Are you kidding me? Do you really believe that they don't sell 10's to 100's of keys a month? Even if those keys are lifetime keys, they still have to sell to new users, or even to people that want to start botting with multiple accounts. Most people I know have between 2-10 accounts they bot on. If those users can't buy additional keys, they lose sales. I can't even believe that anyone in their right minds would make a statement like this. Do you really think that they would continue doing business if they weren't making sales? They sure as hell aren't doing this just to support all the people that have already bought keys.

      And do you really believe that people buying 1 day keys do a lot of research before buying a 1 day key? That's very unlikely. I bet most people hear about their friend's botting success and want to try it themselves. A 1 day key is a very small investment.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
    16. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Krillin, you need to go read the rest of this thread. Moderators are in no way informed as you're assuming. They prove it time and time again. Your trust is falsely placed if you believe that simple statement.

      And once again, they are running a business. They may know more than the rest of us, but they obviously know very little. The fact that they need 30 days to research this matter simply proves that.

      For every day that the bot is down, they lose money. That is a fact of business. They have to pay employees. They have to pay business expenses. These expenses simply don't disappear because their auth servers get turned off.

      I've said it before in this thread, but my guess is 30 days of down time will have a very serious impact on their business model. Hell, it may very well cripple their business. Not many companies can have their main income source disappear for 30 days and still be alright.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
    17. tomcruise

      tomcruise Banned

      Jan 15, 2011
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      The way the HB team has handled this is bordering on a farce. The lack of information means there is going to be constants infighting, wars, arguments unless they clarify the position. The contradictory information from moderators doesn't help either.
    18. Snazzyjdawg

      Snazzyjdawg New Member

      Mar 30, 2010
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      If Warden has changed to anything like Rift's anti cheat may god have mercy on us all as that would basically spell the end for any bot or program that executes .dll's within WoW. The guys at Trion are literately fucking genius's for the way how they have setup their anti cheat and if blizzard had half a brain which I believe they do, they should take a page out of Trion's book and setup Warden in a similar manor. However, I am under the impression that this will take a lot of manpower and time to execute. I am scarred for the future of honorbuddy... seriously. But for as of right now? Without knowing any further information fuck it I'm continuing to bot :D
    19. losthymns

      losthymns New Member

      Jul 18, 2014
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      Is this a fact or if are they in a month or two going to send out a banwave? How do you know that HB is not detected. You are a super mod so please if you can give a little bit more info into this because I don't feel like losing all my accounts.
    20. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I agree with what you've said, but also keep in mind that it's been 3 years since any major update to Warden. That's a lot of time, and they very well may have been throwing a lot of manpower at an update as well.

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