There is a Problem when PB switch the Continents. Using the 1-600 Fly Herb/Mining PRofile. When my Toon move over to Outland he fly behind the Big Portal down in the Space and get stuck there. I have to close HB, clean Cache and restart HB, after that he go on fine. Same when he Hit Northend. He fly into the open Sea and die nonstop. same here, close HB clean Cache and restart HB and it works. In Deepholm the same, Toon fly near the Wall in the North/East and get stuck there, flying at the Wall left and right, nonstop. And again restarting HB works. Is this a HB Problem or PB?
if you use tortoise, right click the prof buddy folder and go to tortoise svn, and there is an option in there. I did 685 and it worked.
Just tried using Professionbuddy and the profile Mining-Herb (1-600)GB2 in Pandaria. Everything seems to work fine for about 2 minutes. By the time he gathers either his 5th or 6th ore or herb, WOW becomes "NOT RESPONDING". I get no errors from Professionbuddy, its just my game STOPS RESPONDING. I have installed Tortoise and deleted Professionbuddy folder, recreated and updated to make sure I had the newest version. I have used other bots, such as BGBuddy, RaidBuddy and never have a problem. Just seems to be an issue when I use Professionbuddy. Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to fix this?
I'm having a horrible bug where after doing enough farming there are 4 bags fully empty & the main bag with 3 slots left then it ALWAYS does this "Emptying my bags in Org" how can I fix this? the bag slots thing in the options does nothing..
i got the problem on each 1-xxx profile bot dont check if bags are full + dont check if he need a skill trainer . after i restart bot it works again can any1 help ?
New update on SVN. Honorbuddy is now stopped before any profiles are loaded via that ChangeProfile action. This is to ensure that the secondary bot does proper cleanup before the new profile is loaded and should fix a rare issue where either profile states were not reset or elements from the previous profile are used. Fixed a format exception bug - this was fixed several day ago, I just forgot to post it. Please attach a log if you're having problems
New update one SVN: Added a new 'Attach To TreeHook' action. This action will attach a SubRoutine to a Treehook and the Subroutine is automatically detached from the TreeHook when bot is stopped or a new Professionbuddy profile is loaded. Calling this action more than once has no effect, the TreeHook is only attached the first time it is executed. Edit: fixed an issue where 'Attach To TreeHook' would not terminate when it didn't need to run.
Hi. professionbuddy can round to the nearest whole number? i mean 1.25 => 1 . sory for my very bad english
<Settings DefaultValue="200" Type="Int32" Name="Maxim" Summary="macx" Category="trarar" Global="False" Hidden="False" /> <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="2589" MaxBuyout="(int)Settings["Maxim"]g0s0c" Amount="1" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="False" NpcEntry="2576" Location="1515.53, -4657.77, 76.02" /> Highvoltz, answer me plz. buy/sellitemfromahaction not working with MaxBuyout="(int)Settings["Maxim"]g0s0c" ? bot move to ah,interract auctioner and does not want to buy, i try use (Int32)var1 - same. price on ah ItemID="2589" 10g . My English very bad, sory again
There are some major problems in this PB release. First of all you can't nest anything into the while loop. Second - when you copy while or if with nested objects in them after you close editor it doubles everything nested in them.
remove your entire PB folder from bots list. And redownload it via not add in any outside composites or actions.
These glitches have now been fixed. There was a design flaw in the previous versions of PB before this last major framework update where 'While conditions' placed in the root container would execute when their conditions evaluated to 'true' even though execution had dropped below them. This flaw allows random points of execution in the root section, not something I had planned but didn't change the behavior since I didn't realize it until too late. The expected behavior is each node would be executed sequentially and only nodes in a while loop could be executed multiple times, as long as execution stays inside the while condition. Recent version of PB do not contain this flaw because when I updated the framework I forgot about it and left it out but I've now added it back in for now just so profiles will work again but I will probably remove it altogether around the next WoW expansion.
did that, didnt work. same error, i downloaded a fresh Hb into another folder and just copied it over from the folder, auto update causes it not not work again after i close hb, but i guess its 10 seconds of my life
<Settings DefaultValue="200" Type="Int32" Name="Maxim" Summary="macx" Category="trarar" Global="False" Hidden="False" /> <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="2589" MaxBuyout="(int)Settings["Maxim"]g0s0c" Amount="1" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="False" NpcEntry="2576" Location="1515.53, -4657.77, 76.02" /> Highvoltz, answer me plz. buy/sellitemfromahaction not working with MaxBuyout="(int)Settings["Maxim"]g0s0c" ? bot move to ah,interract auctioner and does not want to buy, i try use (Int32)var1 - same. price on ah ItemID="2589" 10g . If i try use sellitemfromahaction bot use auctioneer and sell for price 0.0.0 My English very bad, sory again
well then you did not do what I said. You need to do a fresh install of PB not copy anything HB has nothing to do with it use the SVN from the first page and delete old PB folder checkout from SVN and get a log from it.