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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Haxxtastic, Jul 23, 2014.

    1. Haxxtastic

      Haxxtastic New Member

      Jan 31, 2012
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      So...I decided I wanna make a bot farm, which I've done to some extent before, but for my own gold pouch.

      This time I wanna sell gold, f*ck it. I decided WoW would be my best option because gold value is somewhat steady, WildStar and FFXIV aren't really all that popular (probably a HUGE income cap there), and RuneScape has some kind of terminator-type technology bot detection that is just unbeatable.

      Any tips? Not sure what I'll farm on but I'll probably figure that out, tips on that would be a billion different answers anyway.

      Mostly what I want to know is infrastructure.

      Like 1 level 1 (should it be max level?) bank character that I don't farm on (but can probably use the bot to mail this and that, collect mail, put in guild bank, on AH or whatever)

      Maybe 1 selling character that I mail gold to specifically to mail to clients (this character level 1, expendable, battle chest only)

      A number of farming characters that mail all their stuff to the bank character.

      Should they all be in a guild? Should only my bank character be in the guild? Should I register the accounts under different names and addresses? Should I RAF them? Should I do LFR on the farming characters every week (dungeonbuddy) to lower chances of detection? Should/can I use a proxy? Should/can I do this on VPS to keep costs low? Is my infrastructure the best way to go? Should I use a different proxy for each bot?

      Anything would be greatly appreciated
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
    2. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      If you want to build a gold farm, learn to build a gold farm.
      All professional botters paid for their lessons. Don't expect to get the secrets for free.
      Much is written here in the forum. Much is written in other boards.
      Study it, do it slowly. If you rush it with your gold farm, you will loose a probably huge investment, and all was for nothing.
      Do your homework.

      edit: Nobody will tell you how to set up a bot farm to earn 100$ per day. Why? Cos it means competition. And the market is tough already.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
      mellome likes this.
    3. Haxxtastic

      Haxxtastic New Member

      Jan 31, 2012
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      I know that, I just don't know exactly how much paranoia is necessary. Different proxies for each bot is huge overhead for such a low profit business.

      Not asking for secrets of the trade, just a good frame to start on. With runescape you needed a proxy for every account and still got detected, and the gold was worthless too
    4. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      common knowledge:
      if you bot for profit, your bots need to run 24/7.
      it is same as a truck. a truck in the gerage does not earn money.
      common knowledge 2:
      if you bot 24/7 you will get banned within days. proxy or not.
      common knowledge 3:
      if you get back more than you invested, than you are in profit.

      now it's up to you to do the calculations.
      1 bot 20$ (5$ accounts are dead)
      1 day per bot 10k gold = 4$
      5 days farming to get your investment back. + leveling.
      after 6 days you are in profit, if you can level 1-85 in 1 day.
      getting banned before day 7 = lost your investment.

      if you farm for profit, you will be on blizzards most wanted list sooner or later. proxys wont help you. every link between accounts is saved. payment method, raf link, gold or item transfers, even it is to guild bank.
      getting from the list: start fom the scratch. new id's, new payment methods,...,...,...
      for a daily income you need approximately 12 bots. if you run a bot farm, you simply dont have to time to take care of auctions, do the shuffle,...
      you start bots, and they have to run. you have to monitor them 24/7, every stuck is lost money.
      it isn't easy as people believe. just buy 10 HB licenses, create 10 accounts, and start to earn money.

      It is same as every other job. learning the basics takes time. an internship in the country i lived was 3 years, until i could call myself a professional. botting is similar.

      to your explicit question: proxies are worthless in wow gold farms. you will be linked in a dozen other ways.
      Haxxtastic likes this.
    5. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      If you found runescape banrate to be bad then you won't like wow....
    6. Haxxtastic

      Haxxtastic New Member

      Jan 31, 2012
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      thank you
    7. Rogue Demon

      Rogue Demon New Member

      Apr 6, 2014
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      how does a shuffler play into this? are you advocating using AH bot?
    8. Bioern

      Bioern Member

      May 2, 2010
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      You can make a good profit without running 24/7 suicide accounts, it is just a matter of your strategy.
      You can either run your accounts 24/7 and try to make as much money as you can until they ban you and if you're good at avoiding any connections between your old and new accounts then it will make you money.
      You can also try the apporach where you try to keep your accounts alive as long as possible and invest more time per account to get more gold per account in return. This means your bots will not run 24/7 and they will do the accoasinal dungeon or bg while they farm. They will go questing for rep and such things to make them more human like. Whatever they farm (ore,herbs,cloth,low level greens...the possibilities are endless) will be shuffeled and used for crafting by dedicated crafting accounts that never bot themselves. With this approach I can usually make the accounts last much much longer and the crafting accounts almost never get banned for me. Sure you have to invest more time per account but for me this also returns a lot more g per account than the 24/7 suicide accounts do. However for this to work effectively you need to know how to use AHbudddy, Professionbuddy and some other things.
      It is really up to you which way you want to bot, but either way will take a lot of learning and you will pay for some lessons on the way.

      €:YAY post nr. 700! :D
      Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
    9. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      i can tell you now, if you're running a serious number of bots a AH bot is pretty much required.
    10. Bioern

      Bioern Member

      May 2, 2010
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      Not nesessarily. When I used to farm for herbs/ore only I always CoD'ed them to people that I had made a set price with. There is people looking for mass quantities of ore/herb on any server you just have to find them. It is way easier and faster and I think it is also a lot safer.
    11. Rogue Demon

      Rogue Demon New Member

      Apr 6, 2014
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      I stopped using the AH for bot farm i was pulling 13-15k a week on each account a day just running dungeons 24/7
    12. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      explain me how to do this with 30 bots. i have 2 minutes per bot per hour. are you able to manage 30 bots questing, shuffeling, AHing, whatevering? i dont believe so.
      if we are talking about a bot farm, we are talking about more than 3 accounts i think.
    13. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      thats why i said pretty much. i didn't say anything definitive.

      additionally. ore / herb is pretty much the lowest level of profit, very easy to manage. when you are shuffling ore, leather and cloth while selling transmog items and reposting 1000s of auctions a day an AH bot is /pretty much/ required.

      ps my ah bot has never been banned(6+ months) and runs for 12-20 hours a day with occasional breaks.
    14. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      absolutely not. AH is just 1 more reason to catch a player report. best botting is 0 interaction with other players in any way. and as mentioned before... how do you manage the time?
      avoid AH as much as possible. even as casual botter. there are so many other botters out, who report you within seconds, if you undercut their auctions with huge amounts of items.
    15. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      thats why you use an account with nothing but a level 1 char on it so if it gets banned, oh well no loss. man this isnt rocket science lol.... and as ive said before, have never lost a AH bot.
    16. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      thats just and not real. if you run 1 account for all your farmers, all these farmers are linked thrue this 1 account. and there will be a nice wipe, if you get caught.
      example: 3 farmers server A, 3 server Bm 3 server C abd so on until J.
      1 farmer on server H was identified as bot, GM is a hard one. checks what the farmer did... well, send everything to AH char. lets see the AH char. oh. getting mats from 2 other accounts too. well... lets check this account. yay. 10 servers all lvl 1 chars, all getting mats from 3 other accounts. ..."boss, i just found 31 fraudulent accounts. what do we do?"
      probably doable with 3-5 accounts. but impossible with more.

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