just came back from watching an episode of bleach and as i check my toon's progressing some guys comes up and says wtf BOT!!! i responded Bot where?? lol Might take a quick break from botting though since he may have reported me :/
Me: What do you mean bot. what is a bot some sort of wow robot i have a pet robot you can get them in dalaran!! Random Toon: No dont worry Me: Serious there is a shop in dalaran i think i just managed to get away with it.. annoying though cause my pathing messes up quite often since i run at like 7fps i always do stupid things like go back on myself.
Hi Angully, I have this problem too on an underpowered laptop. Give this a shot, and see if it helps--maybe even a little. It works great for me on this older machine. cheers, CJ
I tried this then hb hangs since my system is giving too much to wow :/ just looks like i gotta deal with sh*t fps for now then when cata hits no wow
"What do you mean bot. what is a bot some sort of wow robot i have a pet robot you can get them in dalaran!!" Simply EPIC
i got in conversation with a fellow HB user on this forum somewhere around hehe, played a little mean trick on him, i told him that i recorded him botting for 5 hours straigt, and that i ws gonna report him iff he wouldn't admitt that he was botting, then he gave up and i practicly scared the hell out of him haha , was funny though, because we kinda started botting with same profile @ same place
Pentium 4 3ghz 2.25gb ram onboard intel graphics <<<< Useless GFX and my pc only takes pci slots not pci-e or agp
The rep bot thing is good but this happened to me today in AV: in BG channel: Report *** afk he's a bot as this is my main account i read the channels while watching a movie, so i wrote: Wtf? just because i play with 340 ping (cuz of crappy connection) and on a 1,3ghz pentium 3 doesn't mean i'm a bot *apology* done ^^