Just a problem i'm having with Buddywing its Auto Targeting closest enemy & Attacking everything in its path, its really bad when you run past mobs without it attacking them, how can i stop this from happening? i don't want it to engage when i' am running past mobs. please help with a solution?
If you are running with the PureSWTOR routine you have one of the F-keys to toggle targeting on/off. Also one for combat and one for movement...
If you want the bot to only do the attacking with (Un)Pure then use f-keys. If you want the bot to do everything, change Pulldistance in settingsfolder of BW/Charname/Buddywingsettings.xml
The bot prints out what F-keys do what. I'm at work so I can't load up the game to check. Next time you log in, look for the message that says something like "F7 for AoE, F8 for Menu, F9 for pause... etc"
pure ---hotkyes [Hot Key][F7] aoe load Hot Key][F8] Load UI [Hot Key][F9] Toggle Pause [Hot Key][F10] Toggle Movement [Hot Key][F11] Toggle Targeting [Hot Key][F12] Toggle All has auto res in there I hit f12 turn all off , and use a marco to do both f10 and f11 sometimes , other times I use with noting but f11 on innless a lot of add then turn on f7.